Double Moisture Filtering

I have total confidence that the filtration system I use (double filters) when filling my CF tanks is efficient enough to keep moisture from getting into the tank(s). I've inspected inside my tanks & have been into my guns enough to not see any water build up or damage. Imho having another filter between my tank and gun would just waste the volume of air it takes to pressurize the filter housing. My air is already dry enough. But, that's me, your mileage may vary.
I know we all use moisture filters between our compressors and either guns or tanks. I was wondering if anyone also uses a filter between their tank and gun? Once your tank air cools down any moisture formed from that, the secondary filtering should keep that out of the guns. I can't recall anyone discussing this.
What type of drier does your compressor have?
Also, if you’re referring to a molecular sieve drier you would need a pressure maintaining valve, PMV, because for a sieve to work properly it requires a dwell time, which the PMV creates.
If you want to do it go ahead. I have more invested in my guns than my tank but I don't want to damage either. So I dry the air going into the tank. When that is accomplished there is no need to dry the air coming out. I see you have ideas on how to dry the air going into the tank too. Most of my guns require me to open the air chamber to change the regulator. So I have had them open several times. No signs of moisture. Regardless of what you or I think of what I do, it works.
I think that if you charge your gun from a tank that it’s probably unnecessary. You might get moisture in the tank, but that should condense and pool within the tank and not get passed on to the reservoir.

What I considered doing with my tanks was removing the valves and eliminating the dip tubes so that I could upend them and drain any water that had condensed. I tried it with one of them though and the valve was just stuck on there like death and I feared I would end up damaging it in the process of removing it.