FX Dreamline valve won't seal - mystery solved

I'm helping my friend with his dreamline, the valve pin snapped. FX sent replacement valve pin and valve seat, install was easy and done in no time. HOWEVER, I could not get the valve to seal. Every time I put air in the air just rush out the TP. Talked to FX tech and tried a full 250 bar bottle with reg closed and open quickly. Dry fired a bunch of time but still not able to get the valve to seal. Check valve seat orientation and everything looks good, anyone has any tips to get the valve to seal?

Thanks in advance
On the outside of the valve seat, it has a wide side, the o-ring, and a narrow side. The wide side needs to be facing out. What cfs916 said. Fat side in that picture is to the right.

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Also, one sad fact that I have learned is that you do not want to dry fire a Dreamline with no pressure in the gun. It can damage the block, and you can end up with a $1K balloon inflator.

FX tech suggested to dry fire a couple of times so I assume it's ok if not over doing it. I also made sure the power wheel is on minimum setting.

I have reinstalled the valve seat a few times already, the new version has chamfer only on 1 side. I even installed it backwards just in case and obviously didn't work. I'll try again tomorrow with extra extra silicon grease.
Stuff like this makes a man scratch his head
Edit: Really there’s only three components... Valve pin, seat and body.. Got to be 1, two or all three.. I'd try new valve pin and seat..
Did you lube the O-ring / seat prior to install? What lube? just trying to learn on this one..
No one replied on my request thread about my Dreamlite cocking issue..
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Dear mate, I had a similar issue and consequent trouble last year in my Dreamlite 2019 model.. What I realized was that while I made the valve pin seated inside its slot, it moved very very minutely while I was trying to fasten the valve screw. And, it leaked same way as you mentioned when I tried fill up the gun. Subsequently, while I was about two turns before full tightening the screw, I ensured that the valve pin, as visible from valve screw hole, is in exact centre. That worked for me.
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Помагам на приятеля си с мечтаната му линия, щифтът на клапана щракна. FX изпрати резервен щифт и седло на клапана, инсталирането беше лесно и направено за нула време. ОБАЧЕ не можах да накарам клапана да се запечата. Всеки път, когато пусна въздух във въздуха, просто изстрелвам TP. Говорих с FX tech и опитах пълна бутилка от 250 бара с reg затворена и отворена бързо. Dry стреля много време, но все още не успя да накара клапана да се запечата. Проверете ориентацията на леглото на клапана и всичко изглежда добре, някой има ли съвети как да накарате клапана да се уплътни?

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Hi, did you manage to solve the air leak problem? I have a fx dreamline with the same problem, new valve also leaking, apparently not sealing in the saddle cone.
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