I just knocked my new Avenge X with Athlon Argos 10-40 X scope off a 36” high bench onto a concrete floor. Hit on the windage and elevation knobs. Also twisted the shroud/air tube around. I was sick. The scope knobs were nicked around the edge but no apparent damage to the shroud/air tube. I had just sighted things in and I fixed the shroud twist and ran outside and it as still dead on. And it has stayed dead on since the event.
I emailed Athlon with the story and wanted the price for new knobs. They sent the new knobs out free of charge and even included an Athlon pull on cap! I was very lucky in this instance.
I emailed Athlon with the story and wanted the price for new knobs. They sent the new knobs out free of charge and even included an Athlon pull on cap! I was very lucky in this instance.
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