Dropped gun?

I just knocked my new Avenge X with Athlon Argos 10-40 X scope off a 36” high bench onto a concrete floor. Hit on the windage and elevation knobs. Also twisted the shroud/air tube around. I was sick. The scope knobs were nicked around the edge but no apparent damage to the shroud/air tube. I had just sighted things in and I fixed the shroud twist and ran outside and it as still dead on. And it has stayed dead on since the event.

I emailed Athlon with the story and wanted the price for new knobs. They sent the new knobs out free of charge and even included an Athlon pull on cap! I was very lucky in this instance.

I tipped my NOTOS over on the concrete floor in the basement. The Tango Sierra moderator snapped cleanly off right were the pins insert to hold it in the shroud. I removed the TS piece in the shroud, got my JB Plastic Weld epoxy, applied the epoxy, clamped the pieces off and waited 24hrs. I reamed the pin holes on the moderator out, reattached to the NOTOS. I did shoot it to see where the scope was pointing and if I got the moderator glued straight.
Back in mid 80's we've just got married. One day after work I wanted to listen my favorite record, I placed the arm and just ran down on that record. I find out quickly the needle was broken. Asked my wife "what happened" with my pretty expensive record player = plattenspieler ? She was vacuuming in a room and just tossed over a HiFi cabinet a bit to clean the spot !!!!
Since then in over tree decades she is not coming close to my toys and tools. If she needs something from my drawers I will bring it to her...today or tomorrow...
Me personally verry picky and taking well care of my stuff, thinking ahead where and how to place them safely.
Never say never, but I was thinking about that nightmare knocking down my toys - I bet even with my 65 I would run and jump lay below :)
I was coming down a steep slope with a 60 lb. pack and my rifle. A rock slipped and I came down hard on a brand new Leupold VX4. Broke the ocular bell right off the tube. It broke my heart. I'd spent a months pay on it about a month before I broke it.

I sent it to leupold and they replaced it! So the story has a happy ending. It isn't the only scope I've broken or bent up in a fall but it was by far the most memorable.
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I’ve had every pcp I own (5 of them) drop or fall over onto concrete or a concrete-like gravel road from 4 or 5 five feet. Minor scratches and dings on the guns and scopes, but all items worked just fine after re-zeroing. These things are tougher than you think.

Mental note - don't EVER lend darylm a pcp! 😁
I let my niece's boyfriend shoot my hatsan hydra a few years back. I was hesitant, but didn't want to look like an ass by saying no. He was 21 at the time so not a baby either.

This moron rested the floating barrel/shroud on the deck rail and then set back into position, pushing his weight onto the gun.

The barrel was flexing up a good 1/2" and he missed way high on the target. He got one shot off and I said that's enough.
I hate when people put their weight on to the barrel, I see that even from people who hunt with PB I can't imagine doing so and ever hitting anything
Dropped an AR-15 that landed scope first on the ground. It visibly bent the scope with no damage to the rifle. Now that I had a paper weight, there was only two things left to do. One was put the scope for sale on this site
Ducking behind wall.gif
and the second was to mount it in a V block and unbend it ------ with a rubber mallet. I chose to try the second choice and abandon the first.

So I found the high spot and started whacking it with the mallet. As it began to straighten, I turned it with a dial gauge on it until I was within a thousandth or so from straight. I remounted it on the AR and took it to the range. Two to three clicks later the gun was dead on target. I used that scope for a few more years before upgrading it. I then took it apart and used the lenses as magnifier loops.

Happy new year everyone.
I also let a friend shoot a Brocock Sniper i had (still have a different one),he rested the grip on a very rough cinder block wall, while i was busy doing something else. When he left, i noticed he must have put his full weight on it and chewed the grip bottom up really bad. I was pretty mirred, but it didn't really hurt it. People can be such dorks.
If you let me shoot your gun, my first goal is to return it to you in the same condition you gave it to me.