Can someone explain why dry firing a springer damages it? Every since I got back into airguns everyone seems to agree that it's bad for a springer but can someone explain why?
Piston bounce is normal. From the excellent Cardew book on airguns; "A graph of typical piston travel against time is shown in fig. 5.1 It can be seen that the velocity is approximately constant after the initial acceleration, until it nears the end of the cylinder, when it slows down abruptly and stops for an instant at about 1/10 inch away from the cylinder end. From this position it bounces back to a point nearly 1/2 inch away from the cylinder end, it then returns and comes to rest against the end of the cylinder. If there had been no pellet in the breech that piston would have carried on at the same velocity until it crashed into the end of the cylinder, doing no good to anything!""SendinSlugs"That's also why they say light Lead free pellets are bad for spring guns, because the lighter the pellet the less resistance the Piston has when firing and slams into the end of the compression tube harder than with heavy pellets,it goes both ways tho too heavy a pellet and you get piston bounce
"fuznut"Even with no pellet the piston should act very much like it does in a loaded gun.