N/A Dual Use PCP

Am looking to buy my first PCP to shoot HFT and, if possible, try benchrest. I understand that dual purpose guns are a compromise at best, but would be interested in seeing what might be available. .177 predominates in HFT, is it suitable for benchrest or is .22 preferable?Or am I better off buying a discipline specific gun. If I were to buy one specific for HFT (I like the wood stock and traditional looks) it would be a Daystate Revere. Thanks, Tom
Am looking to buy my first PCP to shoot HFT and, if possible, try benchrest. I understand that dual purpose guns are a compromise at best, but would be interested in seeing what might be available. .177 predominates in HFT, is it suitable for benchrest or is .22 preferable?Or am I better off buying a discipline specific gun. If I were to buy one specific for HFT (I like the wood stock and traditional looks) it would be a Daystate Revere. Thanks, Tom
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.177 dominates field target because FT uses targets that have an outer edge that you can't hit and power is limited to 20 fpe in the US. These both favor .177.

For benchrest BC and velocity will be deciding factors and you're unlikely to find a pellet that has these and shoots well in the same gun you use for FT.

Maybe you can do it though. Crank the power up and shoot slugs off the bench and then lower it and shoot pellets for FT. I'd buy a no compromise version of the one you're more interested in and then see if I could somehow use it in the other discipline too. You'll probably end up getting two rifles eventually anyway and that way at least you have a rifle that really excels at something.
Am looking to buy my first PCP to shoot HFT and, if possible, try benchrest. I understand that dual purpose guns are a compromise at best, but would be interested in seeing what might be available. .177 predominates in HFT, is it suitable for benchrest or is .22 preferable?Or am I better off buying a discipline specific gun. If I were to buy one specific for HFT (I like the wood stock and traditional looks) it would be a Daystate Revere. Thanks
Daystate Revere. would be a good dual choice . Air Arms S510 would be good also . 50 yard bench is very possible with .177 . I do very well with .177 and 8.44 or 8.64 pellets .
At sub 20 ft lb, the 177 will be your most common choice with 10.3s @ 900ish or 13.4s @ 800ish. This could be competitive for the 25 yard Benchrest but probably not for 50 yard or more Benchrest. I don't shoot Benchrest except for the EBR event and for that type, a 22 @ 50+ ft lb is probably minimum, though people have done okay with less. There are rules in Benchrest for weight and power so you'll likely need to peruse those to get an idea where you might want to compete.
A do-all rifle is a good dream but not easy to find that's really competitive. I really like my Delta Wolf in that respect but have 177, 20, 22, 25, and 30 calibers to choose from so I can match the rifle to the requirements relatively easily. My Red Wolf is right there in most ways and easier to shoot from the bench but more difficult for offhands. My Ghost accepts all the barrels and probes from the DW so it's good for me also but I like the easier tuning on the DW.
I'm not telling you that need one of these... only to look at the rules for the different events to see what fits for your purposes.