Ear protection while filling gun

Hey Guys,
I wanted to share with you something that happened to me , now, a month ago.
While filling my Crown mk2, I had "attached" my quick fill from my cf bottle to the filling port on the Crown, making "sure" that it was fully locked, so I thought. I started building pressure in the micro bore hose. At about 2500 psi , the qd came loose. Luckily, I make it a habit not to stand over the filling port while filling, just in case . Well, the hose did not hit me but the sound sure did.
I'm not sure what the malfunction was because the l locking sleeve was tight, so i thought. SOB, that was loud.
For a month now, my right ear has been plugged and it sounds like ocean breakers in that ear. I haven't sought medical help yet but in another month , I will.
Won't hurt to take time to put in foam ear protection while filling. I am.
Hopefully, this sharing will make you think about ear protection while filling your pcp. As much as I love the beach, it's never ending noise can get tiring.
Thanks for reading,
After sitting in front of guitar amps for 60 years I have moderate to severe hearing loss in my Right ear. Due to Menieres disease, syndrome, whatever, hearing in my left ear borders on profound hearing loss. You bet your arse I protect what's left. I wear shooting protection "headphones" when I play gigs & ESPECIALLY when I run my compressor.
Inner ear nerve damage, will it heal?
Answer: It depends... Many people sustain a lifelong condition of tinitis (ringing in the ear) if injury to ear components (nerve endings) are significant enough. I was in a bicycle accident 52 years ago; I have had continuing tinitis in my right ear ever since, right down to this moment :-/
Have you had continuous ringing in your ear ever since the accident??
Hey Guys,
I wanted to share with you something that happened to me , now, a month ago.
While filling my Crown mk2, I had "attached" my quick fill from my cf bottle to the filling port on the Crown, making "sure" that it was fully locked, so I thought. I started building pressure in the micro bore hose. At about 2500 psi , the qd came loose. Luckily, I make it a habit not to stand over the filling port while filling, just in case . Well, the hose did not hit me but the sound sure did.
I'm not sure what the malfunction was because the l locking sleeve was tight, so i thought. SOB, that was loud.
For a month now, my right ear has been plugged and it sounds like ocean breakers in that ear. I haven't sought medical help yet but in another month , I will.
Won't hurt to take time to put in foam ear protection while filling. I am.
Hopefully, this sharing will make you think about ear protection while filling your pcp. As much as I love the beach, it's never ending noise can get tiring.
Thanks for reading,

The type of tinnitus you're describing is likely pulsatile & the plugged feeling is called aural fullness.

Only replying in case you want some more specific terms to research. Also wanted to be subscribed to this thread in case of updates.

I have both occasional aural fullness & constant ringing tinnitus & have for nearly four years. In my case I was able to get a diagnosis after two years. Unfortunately the fix is major surgery (see avatar) with no guarantee the worst symptoms will improve significantly.

You live in a good part of the country for such things. Hopefully you can get good referrals if things don't improve.
Hey Guys,
I wanted to share with you something that happened to me , now, a month ago.
While filling my Crown mk2, I had "attached" my quick fill from my cf bottle to the filling port on the Crown, making "sure" that it was fully locked, so I thought. I started building pressure in the micro bore hose. At about 2500 psi , the qd came loose. Luckily, I make it a habit not to stand over the filling port while filling, just in case . Well, the hose did not hit me but the sound sure did.
I'm not sure what the malfunction was because the l locking sleeve was tight, so i thought. SOB, that was loud.
For a month now, my right ear has been plugged and it sounds like ocean breakers in that ear. I haven't sought medical help yet but in another month , I will.
Won't hurt to take time to put in foam ear protection while filling. I am.
Hopefully, this sharing will make you think about ear protection while filling your pcp. As much as I love the beach, it's never ending noise can get tiring.
Thanks for reading,
Thank you
Answer: It depends... Many people sustain a lifelong condition of tinitis (ringing in the ear) if injury to ear components (nerve endings) are significant enough. I was in a bicycle accident 52 years ago; I have had continuing tinitis in my right ear ever since, right down to this moment :-/
Have you had continuous ringing in your ear ever since the accident??
No, it comes and goes. Good thing I guess.
I wear hearing protection only because of the loud noise made by my Yong Heng compressor. Any exposure to noise will affect your hearing-lawn mowers, guns, driving your car with the windows open, and yes even flying in commercial aircraft. Trust me, I'm almost 84 years old. My hearing sucks even with hearing aids. I was in the military and flew on military aircraft, grew up on a farm and spent many hours on a tractor, mowed lawns at home, and even stupidly shot guns without hearing protection. All I can say is put your ear muffs on because all of that will catch up to you eventually. In MEC17670's case, the noise may just have impacted some earwax against the ear drum which can be cleaned out.
Hey Guys,
I wanted to share with you something that happened to me , now, a month ago.
While filling my Crown mk2, I had "attached" my quick fill from my cf bottle to the filling port on the Crown, making "sure" that it was fully locked, so I thought. I started building pressure in the micro bore hose. At about 2500 psi , the qd came loose. Luckily, I make it a habit not to stand over the filling port while filling, just in case . Well, the hose did not hit me but the sound sure did.
I'm not sure what the malfunction was because the l locking sleeve was tight, so i thought. SOB, that was loud.
For a month now, my right ear has been plugged and it sounds like ocean breakers in that ear. I haven't sought medical help yet but in another month , I will.
Won't hurt to take time to put in foam ear protection while filling. I am.
Hopefully, this sharing will make you think about ear protection while filling your pcp. As much as I love the beach, it's never ending noise can get tiring.
Thanks for reading,
Things that will help
#1 ice the affected area/ear. 15 minutes at a time for a few times a day - this will calm the injured tissues. It works wonders!
#2 rub peppermint oil around the ear and eustachian tube descending from behind your ear… towards your throat- it’s a vasodilator.