So, got the first shots in after the cleanup, deburr, relube and reassembly. All original parts apart from the new breech seal.
Hobbies shoot at:
165.5m/s / 543fps, for 10.6J / 7.8fpe
FTT's shoot at:
143.5m/s / 471fps, for 9.8J / 7.2fpe
new entry, Superdomes, shoot at:
146.9m/s / 482fps, for 10.1J / 7.4fpe
So, both Hobbies and FTT's gained around 50fps / 11 % from the gun getting cleaned and lubed properly, while muzzle energies increased by about 25%. Not massive, but solid nonetheless.
Spreads are really small with Hobbies, FTT 5.54's and Superdomes, but larger with FTT 5.55's - I guess the biggest-head pellets suffer the most from the tight breech block.
Superdomes chamber beautifully, while FTT's are impossible to fully seat by thumb.
The 35 smokes, as a leather-sealed, neatsfoot oiled gun should. Still, spreads are in the 2- 3 fps range, as they should.
So, my 35 is now a 10 joule gun. Well under what a .22 cal HW35 should put out, but complications are many.
When the weather co-operates etc., I'll take a stab at 10 M shooting with the pellets tested so far.
3.0 x 26mm. Perfect for synthetic seals, but not so good for leather seals.for you on the accuracy. The power might be improved with a fresh spring and or piston seal. I'm sorry if it's already been stated, but what size transfer port is on that rifle?
Well that explains the disparity in TPs we discovered working with that gun you're "Monkeying" with. I was wondering why your collection was different than what I was told and you figured it out. Thank youThank you for those numbers - helpful benchmarks for the near-identical .177 gun that I'm monkeying with.
On the TP's...over 20 vintage HW 30's, 35's, 50's and 55's that had OEM leather piston seals live at my house. Every one of them has a 4mm port, EXCEPT the two HW 35's made after the 1970 German power-restriction law, which are at 3mm.
Well, the serial number is sharply and clearly pressed into the base of the barrel, so AFAIK, this gun got through the proper channels alright.Those tooling marks boggle me & the grind/wire out of the "made in...Ive looked at a ton of these things to purchase & own 2 at present. Never seen 1 like that. Wonder if it was a factory reject that got into a workers hands , then the public. I have an early Tokai reborn LP guitar like that from Japan. It was not serial numbered & only a factory worker could have them in the Japan factory. He is my earliest 35 I have
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That's exactly what happened with the 177 R7 I just did. Little glimmers of hope here and there but then hope was dashed on the rocks of reality when it threw number 4 and or 5 and >1" away at 25 yards scoped. Also changing pellet types often moved the POI 4-6" from the last type. Not sure if yours does the same.On some shot strings I start to get a cloverleaf but it never lasts for all five shots.