N/A Eastern European Curiosity

Hey all,
I've gotten the itch, and have become very curious about the Eastern European guns. I've got an FX Maverick, but want something different. I was wondering what the differences were for these guns, and any first hand experiences with them.

KalibrGun Cricket 2 Tactical
AGT Vulcan 3
AGT Uragan 2
Airmaks Krait

All the rage seems to be around the Zelos / Snowpeak guns, and at half the price maybe that's a consideration now too. But, something has me intrigued about the Eastern European guns right now.

Is there any I'm leaving out?
I have an Airmaks Caiman X but it is my only airgun >$1000 so I have no way to contrast it with your FX or the other guns you are considering. It is noticably better machined than my under $500 airguns. It is as accurate as the best of my under $500 airguns. The trigger pull is more consistent too. My Caiman had some assembly issues but those are sorted now and it works great. I'm happy to have it but is it worth 3X as much? In my mind probably not but I am still happy to own it. The other way to look at it is an Impact is roughly twice as much as my Caiman. I would buy another Air Maks gun if the features fit my criteria.
i got a Snowpeak M60B .35cal and a AGT Vulcan3HP .30cal, in every way the V3HP blows the M60B away, with the factory settings, but it also costs twice as much.

but by now i also figured that the my first airgun, the M60B is under-powered in .35cal. that is why i am currently trying to 'port it' (increasing the port diameters), to see what i'll get. i am considering the aftermarket power valve for it too, since that is now the weakest point, i guess.
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M3 and Wildcat Mk3 are fine guns, glad to have in collection but when nuisance crow calls from woods, I grab an AGT. Uragan .25, Uragan 2 .30 and Vulcan 3 .30 are tops, ergonomic, simple and accurate, no shifting POI. Solidly built and quick to shoulder I concentrate on getting the crow, knowing my gun will perform. Think Eastern European guns offer best value especially purchased from Krale (Netherlands.) WM
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i got a Snowpeak M60B .35cal and a AGT Vulcan3HP .30cal, in every way the V3HP blows the M60B away, with the factory settings, but it also costs twice as much.

but by now i also figured that the my first airgun, the M60B is under-powered in .35cal. that is why i am currently trying to 'port it' (increasing the port diameters), to see what i'll get. i am considering the aftermarket power valve for it too, since that is now the weakest point, i guess.
I added 40 fpe in my 30 cal from doing the valve and porting job.

I now have 6.5" less of barrel, and I'm still hitting my old stock 70 fpe but also 50 bar less on the reg.
M3 and Wildcat Mk3 are fine guns, glad to have in collection but when nuisance crow calls from woods, I grab an AGT. Uragan .25, Uragan 2 .30 and Vulcan 3 .30 are tops, ergonomic, simple and accurate, no shifting POI. Solidly built and quick to shoulder I concentrate on getting the crow, knowing my gun will perform. Think Eastern European guns offer best value especially purchased from Krale (Netherlands.) WM
So, it's interesting to me that AGT offers Uragan and Vulcan - what are the differences between those two models of same manufacturer?
I have all kinds of airguns. And not just one of each. Lots of FX‘s, Eastern European and some chinaguns. The best way I can describe the Eastern guns when compared to others is this. They are the most firearm like airguns that you can buy. FX’s, while being and feeling like a quality gun, are not firearm like. They have little issues depending on the model. But they are fun projects trying to either keep them in line or correct issues. Chinaguns can shoot and be consistent. But there is a cheesiness about them or their components. But they are fun projects. Eastern European guns for lack of a better term are just boring compared to all the other not quite good enough or finicky guns everyone else is selling.
So, it's interesting to me that AGT offers Uragan and Vulcan - what are the differences between those two models of same manufacturer?
Having shot the Vulcan 3 and Uragan 2 .30 (700mm) slug guns side by side for a year, I'd say similar in appearance, style and ergonomics. Main difference is Uragan's balanced valve system versus standard in V3. Outcome of balanced valve is smoother operation, quieter and less ammo fussy. Accuracy and power are nearly identical just that U2 shoots a larger variety of slugs and pellets better, without the loud clang of the V3. Feel fortunate to own both but enjoy shooting U2 more. WM
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I have a Maverick 700 and a Uragan 2 600, both in .25. Bought the Uragan after the Maverick and wish I had bought the Uragan first. I will never get back what I have put into the Maverick to get it close to what I want. The Uragan, all I did was adjust the regulator and it is more than I was looking for.
I have a Maverick 700 and a Uragan 2 600, both in .25. Bought the Uragan after the Maverick and wish I had bought the Uragan first. I will never get back what I have put into the Maverick to get it close to what I want. The Uragan, all I did was adjust the regulator and it is more than I was looking for.
This is what I was eluding to in reply #8. If a guy likes to chase his tail around for a while or possibly never be satisfied because of the grass is always greener syndrome, then stick with guns that begin with an F. If you want an air powered firearm, buy something that begins with a T, K or A. And that A includes an American company.
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I have a Taipan Veteran Tactical 2, 550mm .22.

First of all, I've never owned a bullpup before and my last PCP was a Steyr LG 110 hp .20 cal (which I should never have sold).

The first contact was satisfactory. I put pellet after pellet (redesigned at a shallow depth) in the 12 meter hallway of my apartment.
Then outdoors with the same pellet I can make groups as compact as 75 meters without too much effort.
For my part I am more than satisfied with this equipment.
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So, it's interesting to me that AGT offers Uragan and Vulcan - what are the differences between those two models of same manufacturer?
Someone already mentioned valving difference. There is one more thing that is different between Vulcan and Uragan - Vulcan is more top heavy than Uragan. Distance from grip to top is lower on Uragan and taller on Vulcan.
And AGT came out with Uragan 3.