EaZy Trigger Fill for PCPs

Thanks Mike. Yeah, I’ve now read plenty of user experiences with rebuilding the EzAy fill, replacing parts, et. Al. I don’t want any part of that. It seems It gets mixed reviews. I saw the exploded diagram, ugh!

A question for you below.

So my Great White tank gets filled to 4500-4700 psi typically by my Dive shop. If I fill guns that are less than 300 BAR, (even though my tank is at 4500 psi), I should be OK right? I have a Revere and a .30 Boss that take a 250 BAR max fill.
do you mean filling with the EZ?
your GW tank has 4500psi, about 310 bar, if the EZ is attached to the GW whip and the valve openned, it will bleed out until the tank is below 300bar
So the max you can fill your GW tank and be able to use the EZ is 4350psi ...if your tank is below this pressure, then the device works fine.
Seemed like a waste of a good high pressure fill
The EZ is a great idea. I love being able to control the rate and fill pressure easily with the trigger. I'm on my 3rd rebuild after approximately 1yr of ownership, which is disappointing considering the price! I wonder if the O-rings are failing prematurely due to modulating the EZ's trigger on my lower pressure (250b) rifles? The O-ring splits and the plastic part the O-ring seats against gets deformed. I used the heck out of it while it worked. I'm going to take it apart one more time......
do you mean filling with the EZ?
your GW tank has 4500psi, about 310 bar, if the EZ is attached to the GW whip and the valve openned, it will bleed out until the tank is below 300bar
So the max you can fill your GW tank and be able to use the EZ is 4350psi ...if your tank is below this pressure, then the device works fine.
Seemed like a waste of a good high pressure fill
I use mine at high pressure tank fills and it seems to do alright. Though sometimes I do have to thumb the trigger to get it to release lately, so it might need internal attention from use.
The EZ is a great idea. I love being able to control the rate and fill pressure easily with the trigger. I'm on my 3rd rebuild after approximately 1yr of ownership, which is disappointing considering the price! I wonder if the O-rings are failing prematurely due to modulating the EZ's trigger on my lower pressure (250b) rifles? The O-ring splits and the plastic part the O-ring seats against gets deformed. I used the heck out of it while it worked. I'm going to take it apart one more time......
Look for sharp edges that may be cutting the o-ring as it's moving during use. An o-ring that is in contact with a sharp corner edge will slowly slice and extrude it's way out of the gap as a thin layer. Also, try ptfe silicone lube on those moving parts as @bigHUN does. He's got a great procedure threre, as dynamic o-rings should be lubed to prevent wear and failure.
MY opinion is Air Guns are supposed to be fun , relaxing . Are you in that big of a hurry to spend $150.00 on this just to save time filling ?
My thought = $150 = up to 15 tins (x500 each ) = 7,500 pellets

They are fun for me too, and probably also for a majority on this thread and forum. I saw the AEAC recent video, and my friend ( EPG) just bought one, so I wanted to try it. The reasons I purchased are in my first post, and worth every penny IF.. I don’t have issues. Actually, I’m hoping to elongate my time between filling the GW every 3 weeks by saving air that I constantly loose due to bleeding the GW.
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I am curious who can actually refill he's scba tank to 300 bars no matter what compressor?
I have a YH, removed the auto shot off years ago ... I could get close to 300 several times, but shot it off frequently to cool down both the motor and the tank.
When I get back to top it up just for a hair more, I see the 300 dropped significantly. I needed 2-3 next attempts to give that little bit of push to reach the 300 bars.
I realized long time ago just not worth to stress the machine also myself brain for a gain of - nothing.
First time reach very close to 300 I stop and call it a day.
I am refilling two 14L scba usually from 200 to 300, with all the frequent stops - on my watch that is a decent work party.
do you mean filling with the EZ?
your GW tank has 4500psi, about 310 bar, if the EZ is attached to the GW whip and the valve openned, it will bleed out until the tank is below 300bar
So the max you can fill your GW tank and be able to use the EZ is 4350psi ...if your tank is below this pressure, then the device works fine.
Seemed like a waste of a good high pressure fill
Thanks for that detailed info!
do you mean filling with the EZ?
your GW tank has 4500psi, about 310 bar, if the EZ is attached to the GW whip and the valve openned, it will bleed out until the tank is below 300bar
So the max you can fill your GW tank and be able to use the EZ is 4350psi ...if your tank is below this pressure, then the device works fine.
Seemed like a waste of a good high pressure fill

Mike, glad I asked.

A lot of nuance and ‘watch out fors’ with this unit as I continue to read and assimilate new information.

I guess you are saying that if I fill the GW to 4500 psi, it will automatically bleed the GW down to to 300 BAR with my yoke open on the GW. What a waste of air, but it was probably done for safety reasons.

Thanks for clarifying.
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Ed (EPG) got me interested in this lil’ do dad. I really like it.

If you are at the range, or at the bench in your backyard and you fill from an air tank several times during your shooting session, take a look at this EzAy Fill Trigger from Edgun. $ 150, not cheap but worth it to me anyway.

While this is not an endorsement, I saw this on a recent AEAC review and Steve demo’d the easy way to fill your PCP air guns without removing or bleeding your fill wip from the gun each time you fill and remove the hose. A side benefit is that you save air, especially if you fill or top off 6, 8, 10 times or more during your session.

Here’s one example. I brought my RAW TM1000x .177 to the range this past week. My GW was approximately at 3600 psi when I started and is currently at around 3300 psi. But, I probably filled it from 150 BAR to 220 BAR about six times. I honestly don’t know how much air it can save, but it appeared to save quite a bit. I only bled the GW tank valve one time, when I was finished. You can leave the Trigger in your gun or remove it, based on your preference. I tried both ways.

I like the idea of using the red EzAy fill trigger vs. loosening the yoke on my Great White. Why? Because it’s simple, and I can fill slow or fast by controlling the EzAy lever which is spring attached. I use the GW tank pressure gauge to stop when I am at max fill pressure on a particular PCP. I also avoid bending over every time I’m behind the bench to fill the gun by reaching for the Yoke on the GW.

AoA and Utah Air have them in stock. Here is a link that describes the features below: There are a few YouTubes that also demo the product.

Exactly how many more gun fills to you get using the EZfill ? 1 , 2 , 3, 1/2 ,1/4 ? Although i could see this devise IF you only had a short time to shoot (maybe paying at a range ) or at home only have little time to shoot due to work / family .
But really this all boils down to my thought : Money is only something you trade for happiness . That is all money buys . IF it makes you happy it is worth the money you traded for it .
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Not sure how many more fills I will get using EzAY fill from a full GW at 4500 psi down to 3000 psi, which is when I typically refill at local dive shop. I only used it one time.

I’m hoping it extends the usual time a tank lasts me, as I have no compressor. But, the ‘ease of use’ feature is nice for me at typical 2.5 to 3 hour BR sessions. I love the idea of not bleeding my GW yoke after each fill or top off.

Has nothing to do with money making me happy, nor do I think that is what you are stating.
I am curious who can actually refill he's scba tank to 300 bars no matter what compressor?
I have a YH, removed the auto shot off years ago ... I could get close to 300 several times, but shot it off frequently to cool down both the motor and the tank.
When I get back to top it up just for a hair more, I see the 300 dropped significantly. I needed 2-3 next attempts to give that little bit of push to reach the 300 bars.
I realized long time ago just not worth to stress the machine also myself brain for a gain of - nothing.
First time reach very close to 300 I stop and call it a day.
I am refilling two 14L scba usually from 200 to 300, with all the frequent stops - on my watch that is a decent work party.
Your brass piston likely has cracked or missing sealing rings or the metal reed flapper valve is needing cleaned or replaced because it isn't sealing. It's not too hard to replace the whole YH piston kit assembly in them.

That fill on a 14 liter tank is a lot of volume of air from 200-300 bar, and that becomes a lot of compressor run time. I tend to use my 9 liter air tank's pressure from around 4500 to about 3250 psi and this smaler window of air usage may be helping keep to it cooler by running less time. When I'm shooting a long range big bore it gets drained down to 2500 to 2800 psi usually and takes much longer to fill and the YH head gets noticably hotter.
...That fill on a 14 liter tank is a lot of volume of air from 200-300 bar, and that becomes a lot of compressor run time...
In the beginning I was replacing the brass second stage pistons only (I have couple spares now all time), but soon realized what amount of work is done it is just faster to replace the whole 1st+2nd stage pistons.
I am keeping couple spare full piston kits as well, aliexpress was a decent price in the past. Ones removed I refresh or refurbish at my convenient time.
So far in 67 hrs run time I replaced 3x the full pistons and ones a cylinder wear as well. Roughly about ones a year maybe I make these Service work for myself.
I am keeping my YH well maintained considering the amount of work its doing for me since 2019.
Exactly how many more gun fills to you get using the EZfill ? 1 , 2 , 3, 1/2 ,1/4 ? Although i could see this devise IF you only had a short time to shoot (maybe paying at a range ) or at home only have little time to shoot due to work / family .
But really this all boils down to my thought : Money is only something you trade for happiness . That is all money buys . IF it makes you happy it is worth the money you traded for it .
The answer to that question (how many more fills) will depend on the valve, the fill lines, and the tank size. It gets down to knowing the amount of air wasted with each avoided venting of the line. But there is one case I can tell you that makes a huge difference, and it is also one perfectly suited to the EaZy fill - using it on a tank with a regulated valve (or after an inline regulator). These valves "waste" a lot more air when vented, as internally they open up to full tank pressure, and then regulate down to desired line pressure - there is more internal volume in them to vent, and part of it is at higher pressure than in a non-regulated valve.

I set up a spare 500cc aluminum tank with a regulated valve to control the fills into my Air Arms Alpha target pistol, as it has a tiny 27 cc reservoir and is hard to fill by "feathering" a normal valve. With the tank filled to 3500 and the regulator set at 2900 psi, I could barely get two fills of the pistol due to the wasted air on venting after the first fill. With the Easy fill I can get at least 5, as that is all I have tried before venting (5 is a lot of shots!). The difference is huge.

One other benefit that is often not mentioned on the EaZy fill is that they make refilling much quieter too, as there is so little air lost in use. I really like that.

I've had mine for a few years with no issues. I did order a rebuild kit for it when this post started, so that I have it on hand if needed. Hopefully it won't get used for a long time . . .
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MY opinion is Air Guns are supposed to be fun , relaxing . Are you in that big of a hurry to spend $150.00 on this just to save time filling ?
My thought = $150 = up to 15 tins (x500 each ) = 7,500 pellets
Yes, my time to shoot is valuable and varies greatly due to weather and schedules of the family. Not retired. The EZ is a time saver in my case......when it's working correctly.

How has your experience been using the EZ Fill?
Irrelevant for me, but i do have a hankering for their swiveling 300 DIN connector.

Yes, my time to shoot is valuable and varies greatly due to weather and schedules of the family. Not retired. The EZ is a time saver in my case......when it's working correctly.

How has your experience been using the EZ Fill?
I can see this investment would be great in your case . Time limited to shoot . "Squeezing in 30 minutes whenever you can " type thing .