eBay Air Tank Project is complete!

My build is now complete. 
  1. AirTank: $115+$15(s/h)

    1. [/LIST=1]
    2. Gauge: $150

      1. [/LIST=1]
      2. Whip: $17

        1. [/LIST=1]
        2. Mesh wrap: $4

          1. [/LIST=1]
          2. Handle/Strap: $25

            1. [/LIST=1]
            2. Fittings: $7

              1. [/LIST=1]
              2. HydroTest + Fill: $60 (I found a cheaper source later that would have been $20 but only after I gave the tank to the first vendor)
              Total: $393
              I probably could have cut about $100 from the total by building my own fill assembly, but I felt that was one area I shouldn't skimp on. I could have cut another $40 by using the other vendor for the test and fill.
So about $400 and 8 years of life left. A Brancato Great White is about $800+ for 15 year life. Looks to be a push.

But in 8 years you can spend another $130 on a used tank to get another 8 years for a total outlay of $530. Once more after that you'd be good for a total of 24 years for an outlay of $660. Do the same at 15 years (buy just a used tank and move all the Brancato hardware over to that tank) and you'd get 23 years for an outlay of $930.

Looks like your home bought method definitely saves you some money long term! 
No no. I get it. But long term even you come out pretty far ahead dollar wise. I did get the Great White set-up from Joe. But when it expires (assuming I don't have my own compressor set-up by then) I will look for a cheap "half-life" tank and use all the hardware. Good job. I would be to overwhelmed trying to get all the right parts. It might help others if you detail the "fittings" link as it shows ALL the fittings sold by Airhog.
"coclimber"ztirffritz, I followed your project from the beginning and am impressed. Inspired me. And maybe just as important as saving a lot, you learned a lot, and in the end, that may be more important.

Well done.
Thanks. The big thing that i learned about and I could see easily causing a LOT of problems and headaches for anyone going down the homebrewed path are the different thread standards. I had to really pay attention to everything to make sure that I wasn't getting mixed standards. Imagine the frustration you'd have if you purchased the gauge for $150 and tried to screw in the air whip ($20) and realized 1) that the air whip used the British thread pitch and the gauge used the NPT 2) you'd just ruined both components and couldn't return either now.
Ztirfritz, I saw on the website for the link to the fittings that they sell a gauge with a hose and bleeder valve. http://www.airhog.com/index.php?id_product=50&controller=product
This seems perfect, or I'm lacking knowledge. Is there a reason you chose the other gauge and hose over the less expensive option?
Im shopping for a set up on a budget and really appreciate your post here.
"scotty"Ztirfritz, I saw on the website for the link to the fittings that they sell a gauge with a hose and bleeder valve. http://www.airhog.com/index.php?id_product=50&controller=product
This seems perfect, or I'm lacking knowledge. Is there a reason you chose the other gauge and hose over the less expensive option?
Im shopping for a set up on a budget and really appreciate your post here.

That's a DIN valve, not a CG-347. I didin't see you're post until just now. Sorry I didn't reply sooner.