Ebay carbon bottles!

I am looking to get a 580cc bottle. If I were to go the route of ebay or Amazon, what are you guys doing to mount them on the FX guns without the FX bottle valve?

I know doing this would mean no removing the tank without degassing the bottle, but I own a compressor and fill tank so air is not a concern for me to refill, but I would like a 580 tank for my Maverick and can't swallow the price of the FX bottle after buying the gun. Lol.

I would highly suggest the valve because how else are you going to degas? You can dry fire a few times but not that many times. 
The Ebay CF bottles are less expensive because THEY ARE NOT "DOT" certified, which means you need to own your own compressor...no dive shop will touch them without the DOT certificate. Most of them have the CE certification which holds no validity in the continental U.S. They are all Chinese of course.

Shooters in other countries need to check their regulations prior to deciding whether to get the less expensive CE carbon fiber bottles.


Since we are talking about bottles for guns and not HPA tanks for filling guns, I doubt anyone takes their guns to a dive shop to get filled. Or, maybe I'm reading this wrong.?

I sometimes have my gun filled at a paintball shop, and I like having that option.
i've also been looking at the ebay bottles for another airforce bottle setup so will be following this thread. i was looking for bottles rated to 250bar, which would be a little lighter (i'm assuming), as i would not be filling up past that point.

other posts i've seen on this topic usually settle with ebay bottles are gtg.

sorry to answer with a non answer to your question, but tony does have 580cc bottles of great quality for 220. https://talontunes.com/shop/carbon-fiber-tank/ still cheaper than going the straight FX route

Talon Tunes bottles are only rated to 250 BAR. Most shooters now are looking for bottles that can handle 300-310 BAR. That's a 726-871 PSI difference from what the TT bottles are rated at. I own one of the 480cc TT bottles. I paid almost $200 for it. Then I bought a .5L CF bottle on eBay that can handle 4500psi. I've never looked back! You can see and feel the difference in the bottles. The eBay bottle is better IMO. The TT bottle just sits on my shelf in the garage. But 871 PSI equates to 15 more shots per fill on a high powered air rifle. If your valve assembly and regulator can handle 4500 psi of bottle pressure, then get the eBay bottle. Not to mention the eBay bottle cost me $109, shipping included.
I am looking to get a 580cc bottle. If I were to go the route of ebay or Amazon, what are you guys doing to mount them on the FX guns without the FX bottle valve?

I know doing this would mean no removing the tank without degassing the bottle, but I own a compressor and fill tank so air is not a concern for me to refill, but I would like a 580 tank for my Maverick and can't swallow the price of the FX bottle after buying the gun. Lol.

I would highly suggest the valve because how else are you going to degas? You can dry fire a few times but not that many times.

Maybe I will just buy the larger tank and use the valve from my compact tank. Unless I can find the bottle valve for sale. 
Here is my way of thinking... If the bottle does burst (probably unlikely but anything is possible) and someone gets hurt, the lawyers are going to come knocking. With an American bought DOT bottle you can pass the buck onto the manufacturer/company you bought the bottle from. If you buy some no name generic bottle off Ebay the buck stops with you. 
This is my way of thinking - the CE certification is no less valid than a DOT certification, unless you want to have it filled. Who the heck is bringing an air gun to a dive shop to ask them to fill it. Sorry - but I would kinda laugh if I worked there and you did, seriously drive all the way to a dive shop for one airgun fill? I just don't see the point.

Take a look at all of our airguns with cylinder air tubes. There is no certification required for an air tube under a certain diameter, but does anyone ever question if they will burst? And an air tube is more likely to burst than a CF bottle. A CF bottle will more likely begin to leak air through the seams in the CF than blow up in your face. 

Some people have way too much time on their hands to worry about problems that don't exist. Oh wait - that's how most of our laws come about.
Something to consider when swapping out tanks for higher fill pressures above what is scripted on the pcp is, the internal pressures added on to the internals of the gun. A gun spec’d at 250 bar fill has internals that shouldn’t exceed that, such as regulators, valve stems, valve seats, etc. Perfect example are some of the problems were reading on the Avenger and the poppet failures. If any of you have taken a gun apart that you had a hunch had been over pressurized most of its life, take a look at the o rings inside. A recent wildcat I worked on was so obvious it was over pressurized past it’s 230 bar spec that I could not get the regulator to seal, even with fresh o rings. Upon close inspection it appeared that the spacer after the regulator had formed itself out of square on one edge. Every o ring inside the air tube had a flattened and tilted to one side look, and all had to be swapped out for new.

Sometimes more isn’t always better.
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Maybe I will just buy the larger tank and use the valve from my compact tank. Unless I can find the bottle valve for sale.

Think FX sells them for 70 bucks? Just call them. 

Here is a stainless version from UK, slightly heavier but looks very heavy duty and good quality overall. I have one of their bottles with valve, only complaint is heavy. 


Having owned an after market bottle it seems to me the extra weight and hassle isn't worth the trouble AND savings aren't really that great. I would just get the best deal on a FX bottle and shoot with confidence. Biggest reason I got my BF bottle is because it's a skinnier bottle compared to the FX bottle so it can fit the fatter shroud on the Compact V1, sadly the extra weight in the front totally threw off the balance and I took it off after just couple of mags.