Ebay wont let people in Minnesota buy airguns from them.

we aren't supposed to get political but now that were speaking of Minnesota and weird laws... I'll say this. I live in Michigan and I have a friend in Montana... basically to drive to Montana from Michigan there are 2 ways either through Chicago, or Through the northern part of Michigan and through parts of Minnesota.. Chicago and Minnesota, don't deseve any of. my well earned money so I bypass Chicago by going around the northern portion of Michigan then just before entering Minnesota I fill up in Wisconsin, and I gas up again just west of Fargo North Dakota, without a penny spent in Minnesota, or Chicago.
Good information and thank you. Funny thing is that in Minnesota you can get any Black Powder gun sent to you without going through a FFL dealer but they held the line on airguns from ebay that are much more ineffective in damage. Both will lose in any real fight against anyone using a modern PB but I guess that isn't the point.

Just know that we have a Federal Congressman that asked if the US put too many troops on one side of a Island would it cause the Island to tip over.
You can also live in Minnesota and sell a airgun and ship it. Huh?
we aren't supposed to get political but now that were speaking of Minnesota and weird laws... I'll say this. I live in Michigan and I have a friend in Montana... basically to drive to Montana from Michigan there are 2 ways either through Chicago, or Through the northern part of Michigan and through parts of Minnesota.. Chicago and Minnesota, don't deseve any of. my well earned money so I bypass Chicago by going around the northern portion of Michigan then just before entering Minnesota I fill up in Wisconsin, and I gas up again just west of Fargo North Dakota, without a penny spent in Minnesota, or Chicago.
While it doesn't matter to me if you care about Minnesota I will say that a guy needs to be careful of what he has in his car while traveling through different states. I'm pretty sure that if you get pulled in Illinois with airguns or especially PB in your vehicle then you just broke their laws.
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I live in Minnesota, you can hold that against me, I do. I tried to buy my first airgun off of ebay years ago and they wont even let me bid on it because they wont let a airgun be shipped to this frozen wasteland. I gave up on ebay and was concerned that my state was New Jersey and I couldn't even order one. There are no state laws against having a airgun shipped here, I would have saved thousands if there were. Today I contacted ebay to find out the reason. After being transferred three times and told how much that they appreciate me (something that my ex-wife never said) and this was the final answer.

"Upon checking the details, I can see that eBay don't allow these product to sell on eBay however some states does. I would request you to contact the seller for this and ask them to change the category of the product, once they will do the changes with the category then you will be able to purchase the item."

I guess to buy a airgun off of ebay I need to have the seller classify it as furniture or a sex toy or whatever, anything except a airgun.
I find it difficult to comprehend that advice from eBay about having the seller change the category of the airgun to something else.
That is pure and simple a violation of eBay policies and could get the seller ejected from eBay.
And it could get you ejected from eBay if the seller reports your efforts to have him change the category.
Good information and thank you. Funny thing is that in Minnesota you can get any Black Powder gun sent to you without going through a FFL dealer but they held the line on airguns from ebay that are much more ineffective in damage. Both will lose in any real fight against anyone using a modern PB but I guess that isn't the point.

Just know that we have a Federal Congressman that asked if the US put too many troops on one side of a Island would it cause the Island to tip over.

They started politics season here today...
When the progressives discover what you can do with an "air"gun there will be background checks and the whole 9 yards.
I'm an old school liberal (vs being a progressive) and I shoot an air gun
(without the quotation marks FWIW)
IMO no one is coming after us unless we start shooting at people and call attention to ourselves
(Highly unlikely in this crowd)
Or the "Air" gun manufactures go the way of the PB makers and start flooding the hood with them

Makes ya wanna by a Ghost!

Just my too scents
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