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EBR Target Challenge

Hi Tommy, the paper has to be really tight over the backer to get a good hole. The top 2 holes on your bottom pic look perfect. Some of the others look a bit oblong...but it could be a paper tear from a loose fit over the backer. Most times it will leave a black ring...but the ring will be concentric to the hole if the pellet is traveling well.

Nice shooting Sandy. And to think that Mike said your 234 was as good as they get. 😀


"970 fps! Insane velocity. Pushing the onset of what is sure to become extreme spiraling out past 100."

Not even close. I've shot a lot with it at longer range and still doing good at 289 yds..... the furthest I've tried to hit things. My 25 w King Heavies taps out after 210 somewhere. Could hit smaller than a shoebox at 210 w it reliably but picnic table sized at 289. The 22 is still smaller than a shoebox at 289. The JMRDs just seem to get better going faster.. at least up to the 1k fps area.

Bluebaby did well several times this weekend but 240.... HOLY COW! I shot right after her and only could muster a 231 with the same rifle and ammo. Had several "fliers" of 7s and 8s that killed me but a lot of 10s. The weekend had a few conditions that were nice but a lot that were difficult . Tons of fun !

I agree with Bobby on the Monsters. We had a 50y BR match today and I shot the RDs at 1050. They were predictable and very reliable in 8-10mph wind . Half my holds were off the target and many into the adjacent box. I shot a 732 35x.

As I was bringing in my flags and stuff, the wind was calming down so I walked out and hung a card at 100. After 5 shots to find where I was, I shot a very nice 25 shot group at the same velocity. Looks like 20 of the 25 fit under a dime.

Super accuracy and precision, state of the art. Nice shooting. Both Sandy and Mike N.

Wow, a dime is 0.705 inches. Looks to me like the ten ring on the EBR Target of 0.475, plus plugging to 0.35 giving an effective size of 0.825 just might be close to current state of the art. Only one of those 25 shots look to be outside 0.825 inches. Things that make you go hmmmm…

I’m thinking the more we shoot to prove it’s too small as it currently stands, the more we move towards actually proving its close to the correct size. Without a doubt one inch is certainly too large…
New strategies for me on the EBR Target shooting... Until now, I have been shooting with an AccuTac WB BR-4 G2 bipod up front and usually my hand for a rear rest. I seem to be stuck right at the 225 to 230 score level, and I know the gun can do better since my gun and Bobby's gun (that Sandy was shooting) are very much alike. I end up with some 47s, 48s, even a 50 for five shots, then a 43 or 44 because of the odd 7 on a couple of shots that I can't really explain. It could be due to shooting technique, even though I am very careful on each shot.

So I'm going to try using a big solid front rest, and blocking up the rear of the gun like most of the short range (25M/50Y) BR guys do. This way I'm pretty much only touching the trigger when I shoot once I'm aimed at the correct point, and removing any shooting technique or gun "hold" from the equation. I don't really like shooting this way, but I think to take it to the next level and start averaging around 235 I'm going to have to change. Its not the gun, since the ES over a 50+ shot string is 12 FPS or less, and I look at the pellets before loading to ensure no obvious damage..

Another thing I'm going to try is shooting the RDs at various speeds I haven't tried yet. I have tried 960 to 990 FPS, and settled on right around 975. But I'm going to try around 940 and around 1020 this week to see how the RDs perform both slower and faster than I'm currently shooting. We'll see on that. If I can get those two or three 7s to be 9s them I'll be golden... ;)
New strategies for me on the EBR Target shooting... Until now, I have been shooting with an AccuTac WB BR-4 G2 bipod up front and usually my hand for a rear rest. I seem to be stuck right at the 225 to 230 score level, and I know the gun can do better since my gun and Bobby's gun (that Sandy was shooting) are very much alike. I end up with some 47s, 48s, even a 50 for five shots, then a 43 or 44 because of the odd 7 on a couple of shots that I can't really explain. It could be due to shooting technique, even though I am very careful on each shot.

So I'm going to try using a big solid front rest, and blocking up the rear of the gun like most of the short range (25M/50Y) BR guys do. This way I'm pretty much only touching the trigger when I shoot once I'm aimed at the correct point, and removing any shooting technique or gun "hold" from the equation. I don't really like shooting this way, but I think to take it to the next level and start averaging around 235 I'm going to have to change. Its not the gun, since the ES over a 50+ shot string is 12 FPS or less, and I look at the pellets before loading to ensure no obvious damage..

Another thing I'm going to try is shooting the RDs at various speeds I haven't tried yet. I have tried 960 to 990 FPS, and settled on right around 975. But I'm going to try around 940 and around 1020 this week to see how the RDs perform both slower and faster than I'm currently shooting. We'll see on that. If I can get those two or three 7s to be 9s them I'll be golden... ;)

Mike, take this with a grain of salt, as you and I know I'm just casual BR 100 yard shooter. But, I did think about this a bit too. 

I love this rear bag (see below) to help me keep my butt/stock stabilized behind the trigger. I used to have a Caldwell rear bag, but this has made a solid difference in me trying to keep the rear stock and butt of the gun stable when shooting. I pinch the ears on the bag and adjust up/down or sideways in minute increments to move the reticle around to POA. Not sure if you considered a good quality rear bag, but it's worth a shot. I know you are used to using your hands and body to cradle the stock, but try this with a rear bag if you have not already. 

If you do experiment with the RDs and can take your Bleu down to 930 FPS for a couple of groups with the RDs. I would greatly appreciate seeing your results. I'm curious to know 1/ your accuracy, 2) are they spiraling? As you know, my RAW .22 HP can only shoot at 930 FPS with the RDs, and perhaps a little bit higher but I can't get it to 970 FPS and beyond. This will be interesting to see your experiments. 

Lastly, regardless if you do/don't try a good quality rear bag, I'm pretty sure you are heading in the right directions with your ideas to improve your scores. I only wish I could shoot a friggin' 220 score just once, until I get further addicted! 


This is the rear bag I have and I do like it a bunch!

Tommyb... the rear rest looks good. Your bipod, however, is more of a hunting unit and FOR ME, not near as stable as others out there. The stability will come into play on the repeatability of the pressures applied to the rifle and the kind of bounce it generates. CC seems like he's used nice bipods from the beginning and gets good results. The first bipod I ever used was the Accutac BR-4 that I'm still using. I've tried ALL KINDS of supports but have the most pellets downrange AND the most success with this BR-4. I will be trying a more traditional benchrest front support soon to compare. Have to add a block on the bottom for proper front rest use, so that's the main holdup right now.

This is my current set up that BlueBaby used to shoot that 240 this weekend. 


It'll be good to hear others inputs on this.

FWIW, I've tried several times now to equal the 22 performance at 100 with my 25, using Kings, King Heavies, and King H MKII. I've shot LOTS of sub moa groups at 100 and almost single pellet hole groups at 50 with 2 different barrels and best so far is a 220, but average is more like a 208. I don't understand YET, but working on it. 


Lastly, regardless if you do/don't try a good quality rear bag, I'm pretty sure you are heading in the right directions with your ideas to improve your scores. I only wish I could shoot a friggin' 220 score just once, until I get further addicted! 

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This is the rear bag I have and I do like it a bunch!


tough to explain and it would take an hour to discuss breakaway friction, second shot high, cycling the gun in the bag before shooting, sand firmness

ear width, sticking, training your bag, bag wax , and so on

glad it seems to work but it is not close to ideal

the br stocks work for a reason



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He’s surely not shooting free recoil with that setup. I assume the gun is being shouldered and the bag is just to help adjust elevation.


Bob, Mike

Yes, shooting with gun shouldered and Bob, that was an older pic with my Harris Bipod. I’m now shooting a high end Accu-Tac and it is much more solid in the front. Thanks for the input. Mike (CC) got me on the Accu-Tac. No regrets!

I think I have a pic of this on the Safari earlier in this long thread.