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EBR Target Challenge

Every time a slug or pellet goes down the barrel it is leaving some lead, picking up some lead....or both. It’s really that simple. If the dynamic condition inside the barrel is not uniform....the poi will move as you shoot. Clean the barrel and it will return to a similar starting place.

Pellets have much less bearing surface so the dynamic lead exchange inside the barrel is much less. It’s much easier to keep a pellet barrel poi consistent between cleanings.


Cleaning didn’t help my problem but this morning I could hear the sound my gun made change in tone, every few shots. I’m thinking something is up with the regulator. Have an ultra high power Huma reg. arriving tomorrow. 
Hoping it helps w the problem. High winds arriving tomorrow as well. Might have to wait until next week until the next try. 
Regulators get all the credit for good shot strings and take all the blame for bad ones. Almost all of the time it is the actual tuning of the gun which is responsible for both. If your gun is changing tone and velocity...it’s most likely because you have your reg set at too high of a pressure for the hammer strike you are using. Lower the pressure or increase the strike and you will likely see less fluctuation.

Super cool afternoon many thanks! Great data...Monkey 2mph wind on off then switching, Low power just the tinny wind change makes all the difference. Ha ha

FX Impact .22 AA 16 gr. shot prone forgot may bag...Ho hum crack on...8 POI dropped when wind switched and came down the pipe.

We had an extra challenge when fly's kept landing on the target card giving wrong POI...But when they landed near the bull...Game on! ha ha
Screenshot 2021-05-02 at
Screenshot 2021-05-02 at
Screenshot 2021-05-02 at

Did a really cool little tune. SP of 10.0 SD 2.9 over 20 shot sting. 160 shots for only 70 bar used. 

Screenshot 2021-05-02 at

Super cool, Thanks Mike....So about five good shots out then.... That's not bad going for low power prowess, I will get some card in and give it a go, Thanks mate.

Hopefully my pellets don't just bounce off! Ha ha Round about 4 llb of energy left out there....Bless Just enough, but too much resistance in the cardboard.

The height of the target ok?

Some old Lotus F1 Bodywork stands that were kicking around....Really quick setup and pack down. 😁

Thanks again Mike.


I had a short window this morning to shoot two EBR cards at 100Y. Stat's are on them. I shot this with my custom Thomas HPX 22 cal named SURELY. 25.4gr at 925 fps. I used a Edgewood rear bag which was under the bag rider instead of the green Triad tactical rear bag in the photo and the front rest is a Farley joystick rest. The table is a plastic WorkX work bench which flexes a lot. I don't have a steady bench at the moment.

I shot the 228 card first, the 239 next. I've shot who knows how many cards maybe 40-50??? the last couple years, most with the 25 cal FX Impact I used to own, a AAA Evol in 30 cal, and a AGT Vulcan 2 30 cal, The highest I've shot out of those guns was a 225 but normal was low 200's. I shot 4 cards earlier this week but it was windy and switchy and only got low to mid 200's.

Last October was my highest previous score at 229 with Mike N's personal Thomas HPX, not with my SURELY. So I finally beat my highest score so far which was awesome! 

Oops, apparently I'm still in April time, lol. Month 5 darnit, Steve! 



Here's a experiment I tried just after I shot the last card. These shots on the cardboard were all the reject pellets I had out of a tin consisting of funky skirts and .5 gr difference in weight, as well as the heads that were the largest and the smallest. The highest one opened the vertical up to just over an inch but there's a mess of them under an inch.


Super cruel switching wind and gusting to 9 mph, New spot and a quick set up....Alas the wind switched and the weather turned so had to pack up. 

But shot 3 cards to test the new tune...

The card stock landed (Thanks for the shout on that Mike) Alas I thought mounting on white would be a good shout.....Not at all, I had a real hard time spotting POI hence only 4 shots on a couple of rings. Not overly sure how this would be marked as 7 shots on one ring would normally be not scored? 

I'm not sure if your overly bothered about my set up are you?
