EDgun EDGun Eazy Fill leaking....

Mine developed a major leak from where the brass plug screw in on the bottom. Contacted Edgun and they sent me the orings from the inside to replace. Fixed that major leak, but......
Mine has always never been able to hold pressure and slowly trickles out air.
I never leave my main bottle valve open after filling but during a shooting session, but would leave the lines pressured with the easy fill attached. No matter if I completely reseal the easy fill, it still slowly loses pressure until the line is completely drained. Now, I just drain the line after filling. It's safer and honestly, you are not losing but maybe a shot or two by draining the line between fills which is nothing to worry about.
Hey. Just wondering if you could help me? I have the same leak at the brass plug at the bottom and I'm not sure how to take it apart to repair.