Right, let the customers be the testers.
I've told many times already and can repeat it for those who hasn't heard it. I never persuade anybody to buy what I produce! I don't say "Subscribe to my channel!" at the end of every video. I don't hire a paid bloggers to advertise my guns.
And so on. It means I don't care of getting buyers by such a method. I used to say at Talon Airgun as answer to seomebody's claim on the high price of EDgun -- Just don't buy it! That is it. I don't care. I produce the guns as they are. We all are big boys able to make an own decisions and be responsible for that. Those who wants to put that responsibility to somebody else (mum, school, boss at work, wife, the State end so on...) are just not considered by me as the adult persons.
If you are used to the fact that you are need to be pushed to do something and feel uncomfortable in the situation when there are no instructions, just don't buy it. That is nice for both parts. For you since you will stay in your comfortable world where any of you acts are the sphere of responsibility of somebody else and me, I will not have a caprise kid, who I have to wipe the snot.
And I don't even say "sorry for the rudeness" since I don't consider the truth told out as rudeness. I am direct in all I am doing and saying and that makes the life much easier...