What happens when you guys slowly squeeze the trigger when you dry fire the L2? Does it sound like air is slowly escaping until the trigger breaks and then thwap? That's what mine sounds like. Any one else?
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Some messing around with settings this morning.
Reduced the reg to just under 80 bar. Pushing .22 JSB 15.9gr pellets @ 700fps with the 250mm barrel. Noise levels pretty decent. There's still a distinct thwump of air with each shot.
Also swapped in the .30 350mm barrel to see how it does. With the same 80bar reg I am getting 44.75gr pellets @ 525fps for ~27fpe. And only used 30 bar of air for 8 shots.
The regulator seems to adjust at about 10-12bar per hour of rotation. Access to the regulator is well thought out. Bleed the air (see pic above), slide back neoprene sleeve and the top tube unscrews in the middle for easy reg access.
BIG PROBLEM REPORT!!! - Each time I put in a new magazine I relax, sight in the target and thwump. Then I sight in again, squeeze the trigger and thwump. For some weird reason, and before I take my eye away from the sight again, the next six rounds just seem to go thwump........thwump...thwump..thwump.thwump.thwump. My targets are shredded and it still keeps happening with each new magazine. My wallet is concerned there may be no fix for this situation and my Shoebox is running overtime this weekend.
LOL - I saw BIG PROBLEM REPORT and was concerned there was some huge, life threatening flaw to be revealed!
I'm looking to turn down my reg b/c I don't need this thing flinging JSB's at 950fps! Can you provide more details on how you adjusted your reg?
What happens when you guys slowly squeeze the trigger when you dry fire the L2? Does it sound like air is slowly escaping until the trigger breaks and then thwap? That's what mine sounds like. Any one else?
What happens when you guys slowly squeeze the trigger when you dry fire the L2? Does it sound like air is slowly escaping until the trigger breaks and then thwap? That's what mine sounds like. Any one else?
definitely don't feather this trigger... to be honest, you shouldn't be doing that period. The first week I had this gun I realized I had some stuff to work on form wise.
I pulled a scope off an old Matador R3, and after moving to the Leshiy 2 it was about 5 minutes high. Pretty much everything I own inc. powder burners has 20-30 minutes built in.
What happens when you guys slowly squeeze the trigger when you dry fire the L2? Does it sound like air is slowly escaping until the trigger breaks and then thwap? That's what mine sounds like. Any one else?
definitely don't feather this trigger... to be honest, you shouldn't be doing that period. The first week I had this gun I realized I had some stuff to work on form wise.
The air leak before the thwap has gotten better as I've shot more. After 100 our so rounds I think everything is sealing better.
The trigger experience is a new one for me too. It's like you are pressing the valve open and then the cycle happens.
- This is my first semi-auto PCP since the FX Monsoon about a decade ago and it's definitely different knowing that the rifle's potentially ready to fire when a mag is installed and the rifle is not folded. It makes you much, much more conscious of making sure the safety is on all the time. Yes, it's basic gun safety but it still makes you a little more conscious of the safety factor.
Anyone know how many inches thick in duct seal will be appropriate for the .30cal in 350/450mm shooting 800-900 fps?