In caliber .30 with 250 mm barrel, JSB 2.9 grams -- 240 m/sec/864 f/sec, (83 Joles/61 ftlbf). From 250 bar down to 130 bar -- 24 shots with standard reservoir (doulbe) not with the bottle installed instead of the bottom reservoir. Regulator set to 130 bar. The more pressure after the regulatoer, the more energy it creates.
We speeded up in caliber .30 with 350 mm barrel the gun up to 147 Joles/108 ftlbf.
I know that you all wait for the information but I have no time for giving you all the information, too much work. No doubt I will provide you with all the data and figures, step by step, meanwhile the prepay order are today over 1'000 guns, that is both for Russia and the rest of the world. Yes, I expected that the gun is unique and interesting but not that much