Insulting you?! Really!? So, when you push me with “EDgun must…” that is just a normal way to communicate but when you get it back in the same way you feel insulted! Splendid!
The laminated stocks, scopes and other are not the service, just in case, I consider them as the additional goods, which I can have or cannot have in stock, or just decide not to make them. Do you want to convince me in the idea that if somebody think that he needs the laminated stock for his gun the producer must have it in stock?
As for the SA dealer, you said Airgun Nut. OK, isn’t that the company of Eugene Van Wyk? Maybe you don’t know about Eugene got the guns from me in 2017 and still owes me money for them, and when I tried to get them back, I got only bla-bla-bla “I am going to pay…” from him. Do you want me to keep going work with the man who has stolen my money? Just because you like him. Really!? Peter from SA pays in advance and I have no problem with them. No EDguns in SA? OK, it means only one thing – you don’t need them there. OK. I will live with that information farther on.
Rusty part. OK, can be, any guns needs to be lubricated. I don’t know what atmosphere you used it in. My friend has Remington 700, it gets rusty even being in the soft case. He just lubricate it, that is it. If somebody needs any parts he just writes to me and get the parts, many of them. The bad service? OK, you can call it that way.
You don’t like Graham in UK. That is only your, personal problem. Meanwhile Graham starts to pay me for L2. It means that he has clients for it in UK. Should I fire him because of his Shakespeare style of writing (by the way I have called it myself the same word, Shakespeare style and I told him that I don’t read it carefully as I am getting tired of it and he started to write very laconic and only on the point). OK, you shouldn’t read it, just leave it and deal only about the gun. If I need something I don’t care what kind of person is that who has what I need, I just come and take. Yes, Graham is a new player in this field. So what? Everybody used to start from scratch. For example Brian (EDgun West) and airgun enthusiast who had no intention to become an airgun seller. OK, now he it is, with quite a good turnover. Should I replace him with some “professionals”. No way, I talked with some of them – in fact they don’t care neither about the gun no about the customers. Yes, they tells you the words you want to hear, but in fact they care only about your money. I don’t want to work with them, I prefer people like Brian or Graham. They will learn quickly how to deal with the business and the most important fact for me is that they are enthusiasts.
The price, no doubt you don’t care about the Russian corruption and all of that, just because you are used to live in your own comfort world and if anything ruins the comfortness of this world you don’t care about the reason and get upset, something went not according to you plan. OK, just accept the fact that the life is not built around you.
As for Lothar Walther barrels. I call them standard, because they are standard for me

But they are not the blanks which they sell from their web site. The barrels are made according to my drawings and they have even unstandard twist and double honing finishing process. If they can be called “premium” I have no idea.
Who has told you about the match trigger in my guns? I never eve told that. You like trigger of Vulcan or other guns better? OK, I am very glad for them and you. Just choose what you like and use it. You are saying about cheaper barrels from Alfa. Do you have any idea about the price I pay to LW or Alfa? Or that is just you speculation which you try to push as a fact? That is just the total ignorance that you give out for knowledge. Besides Alfa barrels are used for Russia market for now and I as well as my clients are completely satisfied with them. I don’t care about the brand I care about the quality.
As for Russia and lock down. I told many time – don’t trust media it doesn’t matter whos they are, they are all lie on us. We are working. The parts are being made and as I told before I am sure we will start the assembling in June, according to the plan. As for the factory tour, what will it give to you? Even if my factory is just a desktop with Internent and the parts are made all over the world, the only point which should be important for you or other clients if the quality is good. And it doesn’t matter what CNC machine they are made and where those machines are installed.
So, I don’t know why I have written that again, everything is very simple – if you like the gun and can afford it, you will take it. If you either don’t like it or you cannot afford it I see no reason to persuade you into buying it. In fact I don’t care. And yes, no hate just facts
With the best regards