Yeah, the first group of people receiving L2 will be 'lucky' beta testers.
You've made my day, discovering that!

Being engeneer and working in the industry for many years, having read a lot, including the history of the technic development I can say that ANY new device, even being tested with huge budgets (like space industry or aircraft industry) are not able to be tested completely the way like the end users can. That is the law.
Those who are living in the "elf's world" can, for sure think that they are worthy only 100 % tested products. The reallity makes them crazy and nervours, as it is quite different from what they imagine in their minds.The snowflakes generation? Right word for that kind of thinking?
ANY new product is to be tested with the first batch, generation, and that is NORMAL from the point of view of the technic development. That is called "progress" and the progress is ALWAYS paid by those who goes first. The others just use the benefit of the risk of the first, they are more safe, but their life is much more boring...