In other news... I continue my experimentation with Behemoth blast baffles, this time with the 30 caliber. I must say the Behemoth performance in 30 cal has been hard to improve compared to .22 and .25. I went though a few different baffle designs and little tweaks, lots of pellets and air, had moderate successes and total failures (where with my baffles the damn thing actually became LOUDER than in the factory configuration). This is my take on the Tesla baffle which seems to work the best.
I've tested this on a 450mm 30 cal barrel using both non-reflex Behemoth and a reflex model with my big reflex tube, using both 1 and 2 middle sections. Numbers below.
Again, ignore the absolute dB numbers, this is not a good indicator of how loud it actually is, but it provides a good relative comparison of different setups and my ears agree.
So basically, there is a smaller improvement than what I've observed with .22 and .25. Short non-reflex models clearly benefit more. Here, I measured a 1.1 .. 1.7 dB improvement on short Behemoth setups with only 1 middle sections, and only a 0.5..0.6 db improvement with 2 middle sections. There is, however, also a change to the tone of sound noticeable on the non-reflex model: it takes away higher frequencies making the sound signature a deeper thud (similar to how the reflex model sounds).
I guess a reflex Behemoth especially with 2 mid sections and a bigger reflex volume is pretty efficient in this caliber already, and there are diminishing returns from adding additional sections or a baffle from there. Hard to improve on perfection (whereas the .25 caliber round in the same exact can is a bit sub-optimal due to the bore not ideally matched to the projectile, hence bigger gains from a properly sized baffle with a tighter bore).
In any case, it appears that adding my baffle to any Behemoth, either reflex or non-reflex, is approximately as effective as adding another section to it, which helps my goal of keeping things short. I was basically able to lose one suppressor section on my 30/450 setup which makes the while setup a little more manageable without being too loud.
I have a few more ideas so I'll keep playing with it...