I spoke with Brian at EdGunWest yesterday. (Really interesting guy BTW - I mean, the chap is a fireman - in Califerno of all places! He basically started up Edgunwest all on his own, from a hobby that has grown into a thriving business. Talk about American dream here. Anyway, cool guy if you ever get to chat with him. The kind of guy you could easily have a beer with and nerd-out on all things airgun...)
So there's good news and bad news...
Good news, is Brian said he's got at least 100 Leshiy2s in his possession. Looks like he'll be shipping them soon, like in days (not weeks!). Apparently there's some assembly on Brian's end (he just doesn't get finished Leshiy2s all packed-and-ready from Russia). So he's got a hundred of em all being built-up, packed and ready to go.
Bad news, is that if you're like me - meaning your order is not one of the first 100, but part of the second batch of 100, Brian says not to expect a Leshiy2 until NOVEMBER!!! Bummers. Well, at least us second-waivers get to see what the first 100 have to say about it hopefully very soon. That is... If they're not putting 1000s of rounds down range having all the fun.
I see a pellet shortage coming soon...