I am using air like crazy, needing to fill three tanks 44cf (30 min scba) tanks from 3000psi to 4000 psi every week.
Shooting result and impressions
comments from those that have received their Leshiy 2. I find that the 350mm .22 LW barrel perform poorly with JSB 18.13g pellets. chrony on the gun and barrel is good. spread over 16 shots is only 5-15 fps. groups at 23 yards is 1" end to end.
JSB 15.4g and 13.43 g group about 2 pellets wide only.
.22 and .17 barrels are LW
.25 and .30 are Russian made. My .25 350mm barrel shots 2 pellets wide also.
Also Got the 350cc fiber bottle from Spain today. I am so happy with it. it tripled my shot count from 250 bar to 120 bar.. Highly recommended. Hope Brian gets some in soon for those that want to order one. My delivery took about 10 days. was stick in France for about 6 days without movement.