Thanks for the response, Ed. The only claim here, which is really people talking about the shortcomings or "surprises" they found out
after purchasing their barrels, is that when the barrels and kits with them were sold there was no indication they were not "complete". And people found out later after having poor results swapping barrels and came here to post what they found....then people started jumping on their backs for doing so. I'm saying you can't jump on people when their a little miffed that what they
thought they were getting was not what they got. And that it took quite awhile for them to find out why.
When customers that have already purchased an item and then have to sit with it on the sidelines not able to use it as it should and not having the info, etc....I do believe the last thing they want to hear is it's because their
past purchase is not as important as the
current round of purchases. I don't find it surprising, nor do I think anyone here does, that the preference is to sell whole guns at full price than 1-2 jets 5-6 months after purchases have been completed. $3K or $30...we know how businesses work. And I think everyone, myself include, wants Edgun to reap the profits of this outstanding rifle to invest in future great things. That's how the wheel turns. So we all get the 95/5% rule, as well as pushing out guns instead of jets. No one is saying great harm has been done...hell these are airguns not life support systems!
This gun
is easily's amazingly so. I think many of us can't give you enough credit to that. But I don't think it complaining, griping, crying, whining to ask...why weren't the jets sold with the kits in the first place so that the barrels worked at the powers for the caliber and lengths they were intended. No a tuning kit. Not playing around to tweak. Just the correct parts to make use the items purchased. one even knew they didn't get them/they existed for months.
That's what's getting talked about here. Not that anyone got "ripped off" or sold a "bill of goods" or whatever else people are making it out to be. No one is asking about "all those configurations" in this sub-thread. They've simply asked why they didn't get what they needed to use what they bought when they bought it...we all would pay for it.
And I have to ask

of course

did no one attach anything to the m-lok rail with the Tishina shroud and mod attached? Leatherman would not let me get away without asking that of you!

On my gun, there is no room to install anything without digging into the shroud.
Again, to be clear here one is saying they got ripped. They said they didn't understand and it seemed strange to get the barrels without the jets...and then the "you want something for're an entitled whiner....blah, blah, blah" started to get spouted. I'm saying I agree that they should have come with them for the points I have listed. Anyone can try to argue against them. I have yet to hear a winning argument. And I love my L2 to, as my daughter would say, "the moon and back and back to the moon and back again!"
Thanks for making it for us and I hope you receive this with the respect it was written to you and the AGN community.