EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

@ctshooter I am missing what you are getting at, other than I have gotten a poorly made part, which I might have to “coat hanger” for a temporary jimmy-rig get it to work. 

Here are some photos without soap water bubbles.

Can you please specific point out what you are talking about? The machining seems fine, and other than the leak the gun is operating for the most part flawlessly. But right now because of the bleed screw issue the gun won’t hold air.


OKay - nevermind - I'll retract my thoughts. It looks like the annodize was all jacked in that other picture.
@Peskadot671 I will try to fix the defective part as you recommended for now to try to get me through my trip to the USA.

Tomorrow I will text Francisco too for advise and send him the part back for the front plug repair or replacement when I am back in the Netherlands in February.

For now I will do the jimmy rigged / redneck solution on a $2500 gun. :(

Try replacing the M4-8mm and or the 3mm ball. I had a small issue with my M4-8mm bleed screw as the 2mm hex key was loose so a quick $0.40 part at my local hardware store did the job. 
I feel the most likely culprit is contamination. Is the hole, seat and ball pristine clean? It did not leak when it arrived.

Next most likely IMO is improper ball to seat contact. This is not for the faint of heart, but call your dealer and ask if he supports you placing a punch on the backside of the ball and tapping it using the ball to form the seat perfectly. Please don’t just do it... talk to your dealer first.
I feel the most likely culprit is contamination. Is the hole, seat and ball pristine clean? It did not leak when it arrived.

Next most likely IMO is improper ball to seat contact. This is not for the faint of heart, but call your dealer and ask if he supports you placing a punch on the backside of the ball and tapping it using the ball to form the seat perfectly. Please don’t just do it... talk to your dealer first.

Blackpaw I agree with what JWilson is saying above. With hindsight I wish I had just tried the O-ring sandwich before trying to tap a brass rod with 3mm ball into the bleed screw area of my Leshiy. I improved the leak by tapping on the ball but did not fix it and wish I had just tried the o-ring first. Like he said, it was not for the faint of heart.

I just found the remainder of the o-ring I cut up and it looks like it had a slightly greater diameter than the 3mm ball. It has been months and is still holding. As I recall i cut a chunk off, squared off the ends and used a brass rod to push it down into the threaded area. Then installed the grub screw.

For what it is worth, when I first took the bleed screw out of my Leshiy I found a lot of Teflon tape that I assume a previous owner had put in there and I can only assume that repair held air for quite a while. 

I will add myself to the list of people offering to send supplies to the states if you require them. I'll probably unsubscribe from this thread so feel free to PM if you need anything. 
HELP!! Mine has shipped...what do I do while waiting for it to track across the country? The anticipation is killing me, do I drink beer and try to forget..do I work like a Trojan so that the time passes swiftly? How about sedatives and sleeping for 3 days? OH I cant wait until Friday! Luckily I can schedule myself off work for Friday, however every passing vehicle will be scrutinized....is it here....is it here? I’ll probably shoot my eye out! 
HELP!! Mine has shipped...what do I do while waiting for it to track across the country? The anticipation is killing me, do I drink beer and try to forget..do I work like a Trojan so that the time passes swiftly? How about sedatives and sleeping for 3 days? OH I cant wait until Friday! Luckily I can schedule myself off work for Friday, however every passing vehicle will be scrutinized....is it here....is it here? I’ll probably shoot my eye out!

That’s easy... You research accessories💰
HELP!! Mine has shipped...what do I do while waiting for it to track across the country? The anticipation is killing me, do I drink beer and try to forget..do I work like a Trojan so that the time passes swiftly? How about sedatives and sleeping for 3 days? OH I cant wait until Friday! Luckily I can schedule myself off work for Friday, however every passing vehicle will be scrutinized....is it here....is it here? I’ll probably shoot my eye out!

Make sure you have a magnet to load the magazine so you can shoot it lol.

The pre-order number I have is 60188...I’m not sure if it is actual 188 or not, but I ordered in June of 2020. You are straight to the point aren’t you? No advice from you as too how to handle my waiting predicament, just an inquiry for my pre-order number.....you don’t beat around the bush do you! Lol


Dennis (with love)


The pre-order number I have is 60188...I’m not sure if it is actual 188 or not, but I ordered in June of 2020. You are straight to the point aren’t you? No advice from you as too how to handle my waiting predicament, just an inquiry for my pre-order number.....you don’t beat around the bush do you! Lol


Dennis (with love)

Yeah, I'm a man of few words, so I try to make them count..lol.

Thank you for responding BG. I'm just trying to get an idea where I am in the queue. My # is 370, ordered from Brian on July 30th.


HELP!! Mine has shipped...what do I do while waiting for it to track across the country? The anticipation is killing me, do I drink beer and try to forget..do I work like a Trojan so that the time passes swiftly? How about sedatives and sleeping for 3 days? OH I cant wait until Friday! Luckily I can schedule myself off work for Friday, however every passing vehicle will be scrutinized....is it here....is it here? I’ll probably shoot my eye out!

Good God, I know the feeling! <cue Carly Simon, Anticipation> Mine was shipped last Friday and I literally check FedEx every 10 minutes, all the while telling myself to stop checking. I can feel my emotions getting sucked down into a deep depression with each passing mile and curse myself for not asking Brian if I can upgrade shipment to 2-day - CA to MA. At least yours doesn’t have as far to go. Watching paint dry and snow melt is more fulfilling at this juncture 😂

For those of you in need, I ordered some of the magnetic thumbtacks from Amazon and 25 of them are a bit overkill but I wanted black. Send me a PM if you’re interested and I’ll ship them out to those who want.


@jwilson and @scouty, thanks for the input. I can’t do much about it now because Friday I am disassembling the guns for pack up. When I get to the USA I will try the M4 3mm screw first with some teflon tape. For a gun in this price range, this issue seems to be not just one offs shows a QA issue. 

When you mention ball do you mean the actual stainless ball? I have a limitless supply of them as shown in packet above. My friend in Idaho should have all of these tools. Also, I will contact Francisco to let him know of what is now, a chronic issue and see if he approve the fix.

The leak has occurred since the first time I depressurized the original air cylinder to put the 300 cc bottle on. However, as I mentioned the leak disappeared with some silicon grease.

From the photos I took last night (shown above), the stainless steel were BRAND new. However, if I have time today I try pull the bleed screw one last time throughly clean it and the bleed hole with a cotton swab, and use another new ball bearing to see if the leak goes away. If not, spend more money to fix something that shouldn’t be needed.
Here is an example of one of my steel ball under the bleed screw on one of my pcp airgun that was giving me problem as you may be able to see a flat spot from the contact side of the bleed screw. If that flat side rotate to the side needed to seal the air on the gun most likely won’t do a good job. After I replace it with another steel ball leak was gone. 

@jack.j Thanks for the example. I just looked at the original SS ball and there is no indentation. Even with replacing the SS ball I still had a leak. Before starting work I took 5 minutes to clean the bleed screw, and the whole as best as I could with some degreaser.

Now I am just letting it dry. When I take a break I will put it back together and see if the pressure holds. Also, I will use a new ball bearing.