EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

You know what else you need to budget for is Use Tax. I ordered a bike from Germany, and got hit with it at the end of the year. It was 8% of the purchase (which was the sales tax at that time). I've seen it not happen too, but with Covid, they are going after every dollar they can. What I found out was US Customs is plugged into local state tax collection agency and the IRS. They automatically report this every time.
Just put an order in at Krale for the 250mm version in .25

I already have one on order from edgunwest.com in the 350mm .30

Can't wait to have one dedicated long and one backpacker.

Sounds like the way to go. Still another week or so before the next batch leaves Russia. Hadn’t thought buying one from overseas would be faster than the waiting in line method. Oh well. It’s the game being played. 
Just put an order in at Krale for the 250mm version in .25

I already have one on order from edgunwest.com in the 350mm .30

Can't wait to have one dedicated long and one backpacker.

Sounds like the way to go. Still another week or so before the next batch leaves Russia. Hadn’t thought buying one from overseas would be faster than the waiting in line method. Oh well. It’s the game being played.

I don't know about that, edgun West should have their next shipment out in the next few weeks. I had to buy a configuration I did not necessarily want to get this gun earlier. I will still buy my second leshiy 2 from edgun west, because I rely on Brian for more than just purchasing. Edgun west has more accessories and Brian, while busy is very invested in the leahiy 2. Once I order the power jets he will probably have the best advice on configuration of the gun. Just look at his leshiy, it is beautiful, and well maintained. 
Chilling with the Leshiy 2 in Montana near Kalispell. 

That’s 350mm barrel. I’ll tell you you will love this gun. You will probably want to order another barrel down the road but play with what you are getting for a While and you will get a better feel for what you might want to try next. The beauty of this system is it’s just a one minute barrel change and your ready to go. No pellet probe or anything else needing changed but the correct magazine. Put a permanent marker mark on the barrel and align it the same as before and it is very close to zero. I still find my 450mm barrel set up to be compact and nice to carry compared to some of my other guns. 
The first batch for the netherlands arrived two weeks ago , shooters finaly getting a leshiy waiting from may 2020.

mine is a .22 350 barrel and am still waiting to get my hands on a 300/350 carbon bottle.

The factory setting to hot imo at 300+ ms .with 16 grain jsb.

my gun came with two jets markt as 0.2 but comparing the hole size with my full jet set from spain the should be marked as 0.6 , no problem but should be a consideration if you want to order diferent size jets depending on the markings on the factory jets.

one thing that i was a little sad about is the coating on the back plate and the closing meganism, the lock pin scratches of the coating off in the time of say 10 magazines what is very fast for a quality gun of this price class.

i solved it by polishing the contact surface of the lock pin and the ramp of the closing meganism.

due to the bad weather ( wind and rain) and closed shooting ranges due to covid over here i still am not able to shoot representive groups on longer distance but out to 30 yards it preformed to my aspectation of this gun, in therms of accuracy it wil never keep up with my wildcat .25 an maverick .25/.30 but that was to be expected .

on these guns you can see the disadvantage from the short barrel as to the high power it is preforming, efficientie is much lower than the usual barrel lengths say 50 to 70 cm.

And the blow by air when the pellet leaves the barrel does not help stabilize the pellet, loosing some accuracy there

for accuracy and efficienty imo the 45 cm or 60 cm would be a better option, but that will ruin the great advantage of this gun as beiing a compact/ easy to carry arround rifle.

i did a small test for wich many edgun lovers will curse me but i put a 70 cm maverick barrel on the leshiy, it beeing a 14mm barrel also. Yes i know is look rediculess with that 70cm barrel🙃

setup 100bar and 2x 0.8 jets.

its not 100 % fair because of the opening of the transfer port that the fx barrel has and due to that leaking a puf of air every shot.

but when a jsb king is pushed to the rifeling and shot i got 245 ms ( fx stx superior70 cm )compared to 265 ms with .22 16 grain jsb (lw 35cm)and that is shoot the air in trough the .22 magazine , so thats still a restriction .

my guess is that when shooting trough a .25 magazine it will get approx the same speed .

I will get a friend fixing me a new brass adaptor without a tranceferport in the near future so i can experiment with the fx barrels.

currently is have setup the leshiy for shot count running 0.8 jets and 80 bar and getting 243 ms with the 16 grain jsb leaving me with 70 shots from a 285 bar fill out of the small standard air tube. Preforming very well at the 30 yards with in a little less wind than my other sessions.

greatings Ramon
