EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

Found the problem! RS72 put me on the right track with his picture of the indexing mechanism. (thanks Ramon!) The culprit was the black plastic part that is located inside the spring in the "R2D2" knob sticking out on top.

Mine was broken (!?!) and the broken off sliver was lodged in the housing probably blocking the whole mechanism from moving up and down as designed. Managed to glue the 2 pieces back together and made some reinforcements with CA glue in combination with baking soda trick we use in RC. So it holds up for now, but I'll contact the vendor to get a replacement.


Found the problem! RS72 put me on the right track with his picture of the indexing mechanism. (thanks Ramon!) The culprit was the black plastic part that is located inside the spring in the "R2D2" knob sticking out on top.

Mine was broken (!?!) and the broken off sliver was lodged in the housing probably blocking the whole mechanism from moving up and down as designed. Managed to glue the 2 pieces back together and made some reinforcements with CA glue in combination with baking soda trick we use in RC. So it holds up for now, but I'll contact the vendor to get a replacement.


Good work Martin. I had to chuckle when I read about using the CA and baking soda. As an avid RC aircraft pilot for the past 40 years, their's nothing like that combo for a super hard bond.

Hope it holds up until you get the replacement part. 

Good luck,

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I don’t understand why there isn’t a pin that allows firing only when there is a mag in the gun...I know its all more complicated than I am likely aware, but if you fire it without a mag in it will blow out the red restrictor or whatever its called and sounds like other things don’t react well to it. Outside of being told not to fire it without a mag in, there is a potential for a lot of damage in the field.
Shooting without the mag will definitely make your head ring for a few minutes and most likely shoot your orange puck somewhere never to be found again. I've done it a couple of times, but it's never effected the rotary mechanism.


On another note, I got a .30 / 450 mm barrel in from Brian today. I'm thinking I'll center my setup around 450mm barrels for .25 and .30, and then keep my 350mm .22 barrel as it is quite accurate. 

There's a few people on this thread to whom I owe some .30 power info after getting some screws to fill in one nozzle side.

Setup is singe 0.2mm nozzle w/ other nozzle blocked. Reg set to 150 bar. .30/450mm barrel. Pellet - H&N 46.7gr. Speed first shot 895fps, speed second shot 900fps. So we're looking good at a solid 82-84 fpe. 
I don’t understand why there isn’t a pin that allows firing only when there is a mag in the gun...I know its all more complicated than I am likely aware, but if you fire it without a mag in it will blow out the red restrictor or whatever its called and sounds like other things don’t react well to it. Outside of being told not to fire it without a mag in, there is a potential for a lot of damage in the field.

It's a good idea, but not likely to happen on this iteration. Look at springers - is there anything to prevent you from being dumb and shooting it without a pellets which will almost guarantee it gets destroyed.
It's a good idea, but not likely to happen on this iteration. Look at springers - is there anything to prevent you from being dumb and shooting it without a pellets which will almost guarantee it gets destroyed.

Very good point.. I guess I would counter with the 2500 dollars or so you invest in a Leshiy 2 and some accessories, compared to the couple hundred for a springer, but still your point is very valid. I don’t have mine yet, but did have one in my hands a week ago (didn’t work out) and am going to have one soon, and thats just a sore spot for me... same thing with all the hammerless self indexing semi’s I guess.. The first Hubens I saw were the same and several reviews mentioned how unsafe it was. 
Firing without the mag. happend to me once and then the the puk shoots of into the distance.

you learn fast not to do this again.

Also not placing the steel mag ring happend to me a couple of timens in the beginning when i got the gun , because non of my other rotary mags habe this plate its easy to forget at first.

This should not be a problem as long as it happens to often

If your leshiy does not fire , then don't fold right away check if the mag position is correct if not rotate the mag by hand clockwise 

when you don't check this you have a chance your mag. tuches the closing mechanism. 

Trigger safty wise, the trigger safty disign and location is great the other safty is not able to fire when the mag is not in line for a shot and of course when the gun is opend.

For the rest it is like every other airgun wich you know is loaded , the only unsafe thing is the one handling it . ( with fire arms its no different)
Just treat the L2 or any other airgun for that matter as a firearm and you should be fine. What do you do when you pick up a revolver (firearm)? Follow the 4 basic gun safety rules, check the cylinder for live ammo or expended casings and remove them before you start futsing with the gun. What do you do with a semi-auto firearm? Same thing applies with the 4 basic gun safety rules. Remove the magazine, clear the chamber. With the exception of the L2, you have to make sure the magazine is in place before shooting it. If you're worried about having a loaded magazine in the gun, you could leave one chamber open or always have an empty magazine on hand. This would be an extra step in safety that you must follow.
Just treat the L2 or any other airgun for that matter as a firearm... If you're worried about having a loaded magazine in the gun, you could leave one chamber open or always have an empty magazine on hand. This would be an extra step in safety that you must follow.

History really does repeat itself. 160 years ago, if you wanted to “safely” carry your black powder revolver, you would leave one chamber empty