Where are the more detailed schematics located at like above? Went through all 92 pages yesterday to no avail thinking a saw a link at some point. Edgun West I could only find the one of the major components.
Where are the more detailed schematics located at like above? Went through all 92 pages yesterday to no avail thinking a saw a link at some point. Edgun West I could only find the one of the major components.
Knowing the gun well enough at this stage after a few months of ownership, I knew the trigger blade wasn't aligned with the valve pin (again), and it felt as though I had the safety on.
Sure its cold out in the snow today, but its designed in Russia!
Valve pin seems slightly sloppy with a bit of side to side movement. Is this normal?
It also moves a bit towards you if you touch it gently with a very lightly magnetised allen wrench/key
The trigger blade seems to jump to the right of valve pin after most shots all of a sudden, (all of them until I started to mess with my trigger spring, I made an improvement, but it is not reliably firing every time. Sometimes putting it in safe and back to fire will allow a shot to go off. I have a suspicion that the blade is not being held closely to the left side enough so it hops off the valve pin. It as if the valve pin has extended outwards a bit somehow..is this even possible?
I have adjusted the grub screw on top of magazine, the one with the spring and steel ball for tension just mentioned by Ed for over rotating the magazine. Didnt cure it.
My gun came with a dodgy trigger spring so the safety was not working every time, and sometimes it would not fire, similar to above. I was advised to stretch the spring via video instructions
Yes that's normal, the catcher also functions as upper guide for the pusherOh yes, one last thing. Does the trigger guard in your gun scratch up the bottom of the magazine roller bearing mechanism? I have noticed that mine is getting a but scuffed on the underside of the little black lever that has the roller bearing on it.
the first thing I would do is check that the adjustment of the trigger is in spec with what is shown on the video as that effects your safety too.
That’s a given and should not be changed.
Yes it is, and has been in use since November. My safety works fine.
That little grub screw is in there very tight so doubt it would move after I adjusted it back in November to get my safety to work. I have had to fix it before as it was out of spec when I received it (safety not working), so know this area well enough and have watched the videos many times. It is in spec I only adjusted it as far forward by turning the grub screw in all the way, as it appears the valve "disconnecter" pin (Part 5) that pushes the valve pin jumps forward too much and pushes the trigger blade the right (looking from above) and gets stuck and will not reset in front of the "disconnector" pin ready to take the next shot even if I put the safety on and off again. As a result I think it may be jamming the spring loaded roller pin arm and not allowing the magazine to rotate fully or at all. Sometimes there is a little movement in the mag, but not even half.
When looking at the schematic appears there is a tiny spring that seems like it should keep some tension on that "disconnector pin to stop it going far forward or to get it a bit of tension. Mine is quite floppy and I feel no spring tension there at all. It moves back and forth 2-3mm or so. Doesn't feel right. The gun is full of air when I do this, the power puck is removed, safety glasses on. Not pushing it with any force of course!
If I open and close the gun the magazine will rotate freely enough all the way through (although it does seem to like a half click stop on something and resting between alignment with the barrel. I can hear it doing two clicks within the breach area when closed rather than just one solid click into the correct position and aligned with barrel when folded open.
This happens if safety is on or set to fire so I dont believe it is the trigger blade at this. Well not before a shot in any case...after a shot is a different matter.
The half click when rotated whilst closed confuses me...
If the gun is folded open, the magazine rotates nicely and aligns with barrel every time, not half click and resting between alignment requiring another slight rotation in order to get it to click in line with barrel.
As soon as a shot is taken, the magazine does not rotate and often I cannot manually rotate it or open the breach. It jams.
I have to use a combination of opening the lever and rotating the mag gently to open breach.
There was another earlier post from someone who had an issue where he could not open the action after firing the gun. Had to do with a broken plastic part in the lever mechanism. I’d check that. But before making adjustments to this and that to see what results I’d get I would first reach out to the dealer. There are a few extra moving parts in this gun than the typical PCP rifle and time will tell where the weakness’s are and how we identify and fix them. If these parts appear to be problematic then Ed will have to make improvements and supply new parts. But we are in the first product run and will have to report any problems to the dealer and he has to make it right under warranty. Please let us know what you find out.
I have checked and lubed the lever mechanism and it appears to operate fine. I haven't taken it apart, just silicone sprayed and worked it in. Catch pin seems fine, tension seems fine.
Thanks for your help!
Knowing the gun well enough at this stage after a few months of ownership, I knew the trigger blade wasn't aligned with the valve pin (again), and it felt as though I had the safety on.
You stretched the spring, are you sure it is positioned in the leftrightside of the frame like this?
Yes its located to the left and holds the blade perfectly to the left and mostly vertically straight. I do wish it had a better guide for the blade in that area to stop side to side movement, i feel it would improve the design and make for a more reliable tool as there is a lot of side to side play in that area.
When safety is set, it drops the blade to the bottom.
Spring is not stretched, its not even the original!
Mine was faulty when received and the dealer made me stretch out the original as my safety didnt work when I received it. Terrible idea!
He promised me a new revised spring back in November..still waiting!
So being the MacGyver and self confessed tinkerer that I am (just revealed my age!), I purchased an assortment of springs on Amazon and set about making a temporary replacement so I could actually use my shiny new toy. It has worked perfectly since...
Sure its cold out in the snow today, but its designed in Russia!
water will freeze at 0 degrees C be it Russia or anywhere else, any water vapor in your compressed air it will freeze when decompressed and may stop the indexing mechanism
What I meant was if it can handle Russian winters, it can handle anywhere so I doubt it that!
The first thing I did was bring it inside and used the hair dryer to warm things. It has also been in my cosy home all night and is still doing so. I have an air dryer on my compressor intake now, zero water comes out the moisture release valve on the compressor now.
Strangely the day I did this compressor mod (yesterday) is when my issue began! Literally within 3 magazines. First 2 I was trying out the .25 cal 33.95's to compare to the 25.39's I have been using for months with zero issues. I also shoot the .30 cal 44.75's so cant be to do with the pellet weight as the Leshiy likes heavy ammo!
Im sure its just a coincidence...
The gun is dry inside. It is not moisture related.
Regulator is approx 130 bar and gun is filled
Valve pin seems slightly sloppy with a bit of side to side movement. Is this normal?
Yes that's normal
It also moves a bit towards you if you touch it gently with a very lightly magnetised allen wrench/key
Also normal
Is 2-3mm forwards and backwards without opening the valve normal?
The trigger blade seems to jump to the right of valve pin after most shots all of a sudden, (all of them until I started to mess with my trigger spring, I made an improvement, but it is not reliably firing every time. Sometimes putting it in safe and back to fire will allow a shot to go off. I have a suspicion that the blade is not being held closely to the left side enough so it hops off the valve pin. It as if the valve pin has extended outwards a bit somehow..is this even possible?
See picture above, sounds like your spring is attached to the wrong side of the trigger pin
Its not, its on the correct side and gun has worked perfectly fine for 3.5 months as it is. Maybe a Goblin came in the night and switched it around? Just kidding, I have checked it and actually just put a new MacGyver spring in, its even better than the last and holding to the left. safety on, drops the blade to the bottom, not firing when in safe so all seems fine there.
I have adjusted the grub screw on top of magazine, the one with the spring and steel ball for tension just mentioned by Ed for over rotating the magazine. Didnt cure it.
No, no function of that is to stop the mag to over index just in case of excessive inertia with very heavy high cal pellets - can't see that happen though, the indexing on the outside of mag is very solid imho
I had to try something to see if it was binding somewhere, it does appear to provide tension on the magazine shaft via steel ball if it over rotates as per Ed's post a couple pages back.
I just loosened it all the way so its flush at the top. No change, so screwed it down again a little. Maybe I should take the ball out and clean in there. My gun is kept very clean and has had an easy cared for life...so far!
My gun came with a dodgy trigger spring so the safety was not working every time, and sometimes it would not fire, similar to above. I was advised to stretch the spring via video instructions
Strange, I cannot see why that should help anything, the trigger mechanism reset is very simple
As above. Spring had to be replaced. Trigger is in spec.
Pulled over by the spring, the pusher rest in a channel in the left side of the guard, in line with the valve pin short of a few tenth of mm
It has been in spec since November and working fine.
I have also just reset everything, replaced trigger spring and set it according to Brains video.
I adjusted the trigger grub screw until it would fire when on safe, then backed out tiny amounts until it didnt.
It gives "1st stage" of a fraction of a mm before pushing the valve open.
When you pull the trigger the valve pin will moves sideways from the pusher and the trigger will have to move forward to reset
Well it has always done this perfectly fine (after I fixed it anyway), until yesterday all of a sudden during normal use.
Now it will not reset back enough no matter how far the trigger is adjusted forwards (trigger grub screw all the way flush just as a test)
Safety on will position the pusher under the valve pin
Yes I understand how it works as I fixed a faulty gun I received where it wasnt doing this.
Oh yes, one last thing. Does the trigger guard in your gun scratch up the bottom of the magazine roller bearing mechanism? I have noticed that mine is getting a but scuffed on the underside of the little black lever that has the roller bearing on it.
Yes that's normal, the catcher also functions as upper guide for the pusher
Apologies what I meant was Trigger blade, not guard but i think you got it!
OK, mine is getting quite scuffed and a little rough. Fits my theory of the "disconnector" pin binding next to the tigger blade and getting marred. its a bit rough on the edge. Doesn't seem right and never noticed it before. I little black wearing of sure, nut something that catches on my fingernail.
Hopefully getting my mystery solved will help others when it happens as I cant se anything I do to mine that would cause this so this could be something us Beta testers are figuring out for the longevity of certain parts. It is a new concept after all
It is well looked after and gleaming clean and I have only put maybe 1000 pellets through it at max, both .25 and .30 combined.
Thanks for your help, much appreciated!
This indexing issue has affected me as well. Here is my story.
I received my L2 this past Thursday 2/11/21.
It shot perfect for the first 50-60 shots, then the magazine would not rotate completely. (Under rotate) about once every mag.
I texted Brian and he gave me a couple things to look at, like "make sure the barrel didn't move back" nope that was ok. Then "make sure pellets are fitting ok In mag" yup that was ok.
Yes good suggestions, I already checked the the barrel yesterday as one of the first points of call, and actually reset it just in case it shifted backwards a bit, but i did those barrel retaining screws up pretty tight.
No change after this and pellets are fitting fine. The magazine not indexing and the breach jamming closed happens with no pellets in the magazine as well.
The breach jams closed even if the magazine doesn't budge a mm, it really has me suspecting the trigger blade and "dissconnecter" pin it pushes binding after the fist and only shot it allows. Trigger spring/blade/safety operation are all in spec so I think its the little spring on the "disconnecter" pin.
Then I was reading Ed's post above, about the magazine axle friction screw.
Ed says if the mag is over rotating occasionally, you need to tighten that screw to put more spring pressure on the ball, so there will be more friction on the axle, stopping it from over rotating. Well, my problem was UNDER rotating. When it happens, if I just rotate the mag clockwise just a little, it clicks into position and shoots the next round. Well since he said tighten for over indexing, I figured I would loosen it for my under rotation issue.
I backed out that mag axle screw 1/2 turn. It worked!! I then shot 250 rounds yesterday without a single issue. I believe that screw adjustment is critical for reliable mag indexing.
I wish this was the solution and was very hopeful yesterday...
I tried this after reading Ed's post as well. I backed it out until flush with the top, no change, screwed it down more, no change either sadly. Maybe I should take it out and clean in there? My gun has never been filthy and kept clean at all times. Only 1000 pellets or so through her.
Hope this helps.
Thanks Scott, really appreciate your help!