EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

OK, so far:

1. I have checked and reset barrel - Not fouling the magazine

2. I have opened up the entire indexing mechanism. No damage or anything strange found and all parts are there as per schematic. Sprayed a light coat of silicone spray in there and on all parts. Reassembled correctly twice.

3. Replaced trigger spring ensuring it is on the correct side. All in spec and holds trigger blade to the left. Safety works. Trigger grub screw adjusted so that only a fraction of a mm movement before opening valve when set to fire. All seems fine.

4. Magazine rotates freely when breach is opened and aligns with barrel every time.

5. Magazine clicks into the space between pellet chambers when breach is closed, like a half click. Seems to be catching on something between the breach when closed. Unsure if this is normal?

6. Gun is full of air. Regulator is approx 130bar. Full power puck fitted.

It has to be one of the following:

Theory 1. "Disconnecter" pin has excessive forward play, likely due to a spring failure that is in front of it as it seems designed to restrict its free movement forward. Mine has no tension for 3mm or so back and forth without too much force so that the valve pin is depressed and gun fires. I am being careful to put very light pressure on it by using a very lightly magnetised 3mm allen key. As a result of the excessive play front to back, it is hopping the trigger blade and keeping the blade to the right of the "disconnecter" pin so it will not reset in front of the pin again for next shot. This also binds the breach from opening as they are side by side against each other. Possibly explains new rough marring to the magazine roller arm I dint notice before.

I have inspected breach from above with a flashlight. Magazine and puck removed.

After the shot, trigger blade jumps to the Right of the "disconnecter" pin and gets stuck there. I dont think the pin should be that far out personally.

I may tap the gun on its butt after a shot to see if it releases the breach that way and even possibly allows the mag to rotate as it has a tendency to not rotate at all sometimes now after the shot when I try turn it manually!

As an interesting side note, if the gun is fully depressurised. If I set the gun to fire and pull the trigger, I get a nice trigger pull over and over and you can see it pushing the "disconnecter" back and forth as it should. Put it on safe, you can feel it is on safe and see the blade go down. This is repeatable and it is not jumping to the side as it does when the gun is filled and takes a shot. The breach will only jam closed when depressurised if you rotate the magazine manually simulating what happens during a live shot as the magazine fouls the side locking blade the pin locates into when closed.

I think both issues are just one issue causing both. I really think its Theory 1.

Theory 2. Despite everything seeming fine with the indexing mechanism and all parts accounted for and seem undamaged. It is somehow not operating correctly. I gave studied it and understand how it works. The air blast pushed up on the sealing cone at bottom, plunging the vertical part with the plastic bit upwards and moving the actuator wheel that has its protruding "key blade" inside the "keyhole" cutout opening of the vertical plastic part. Both are sprung so upon finishing its upward cycle, it pushes mag over and mag clicks in place, the actuator wheel has a rounded back edge that allows the lighter spring to move back slightly and the part resets back ready for next shot with magazine in correct alignment.

Problem is, mine aint doing this after 3.5 months all of a sudden and nothing has changed since I last used it a few days again and most days before that since November.

I cant think of what else it may be, its probably something very minor but makes my gun completely inoperable!

I hope I have some hair left after all of this!

@EDgun @EDgunWest - I know you guys are very, very busy, but I would greatly appreciate it if you had some insight for me, this is a rather awful failure to have and has rendered my beautiful gun useless...I would be forever in your debt!

Thank you!!!


Comtruise, sorry about your issue. It's disheartening to have issues with a new expensive toy.

It is the first run of a fairly complicated mechanical mechanism. I knew purchasing the first iteration would be with some risk.

It is a great design and im sure between all the users feedback, dealers, and Ed, that we'll get the bugs sorted out.

Do you think maybe it's time to send it back for repair? I know that sounds awful to contemplate, bit it does have a one year warranty. 
Yes I had hoped they would just be the niggles already experienced, and at worst the safety not working as mine wasnt when received, not a complete mysterious failure like this!

Unfortunately I got mine abroad due to availability so would require overseas shipping. I am competent enough to fit most parts to this gun, Only complicated thing I havent had to mess with so far is the valve itself...but that may change very shortly as I suspect that spring on the pin is the culprit.

Good luck to me getting any spares as I have waited for a new trigger spring for 3.5 months!

Here is a video of me showing the trigger blade aligned and safety working correctly.

Magazine removed and viewed from above.

Gun is fully depressurised.

If the gun was pressurised, the trigger blade gets trapped to the right of the pin after 1 shot and will not reset.

So its either the above issue causing its own issue ie. not semi auto due to not resetting and also results in the mag not self indexing.

Or its the mag not self indexing causing the trigger blade and pin to jump next to each other and bind.

The breach not opening issue is solely from the magazine not indexing properly and getting jammed on the mag I presume, as I have a small dent mark on the protruding side catch in that location now...just not sure which comes first..chicken or the egg!? and WHY????


Theory 1. "Disconnecter" pin has excessive forward play, likely due to a spring failure that is in front of it as it seems designed to restrict its free movement forward. Mine has no tension for 3mm or so back and forth without too much force so that the valve pin is depressed and gun fires. I am being careful to put very light pressure on it by using a very lightly magnetised 3mm allen key. As a result of the excessive play front to back, it is hopping the trigger blade and keeping the blade to the right of the "disconnecter" pin so it will not reset in front of the pin again for next shot. This also binds the breach from opening as they are side by side against each other. Possibly explains new rough marring to the magazine roller arm I dint notice before.

That all makes sense to me - I degassed mine, with no air pressure the stem of the servo valve has no end play what so ever, sideways maybe 0.5mm total

..and everything look fine on your vedjao

I am so close to opening the sacred valve although I know we shant!

I hope I have some hair left after all of this!

You daredevil you! - there goes warranty :)


Theory 1. "Disconnecter" pin has excessive forward play, likely due to a spring failure that is in front of it as it seems designed to restrict its free movement forward. Mine has no tension for 3mm or so back and forth without too much force so that the valve pin is depressed and gun fires. I am being careful to put very light pressure on it by using a very lightly magnetised 3mm allen key. As a result of the excessive play front to back, it is hopping the trigger blade and keeping the blade to the right of the "disconnecter" pin so it will not reset in front of the pin again for next shot. This also binds the breach from opening as they are side by side against each other. Possibly explains new rough marring to the magazine roller arm I dint notice before.

That all makes sense to me - I degassed mine, with no air pressure the stem of the servo valve has no end play what so ever, sideways maybe 0.5mm total

Thank you for checking that for me, really appreciate it!!!

So you're saying when the gun is completely degassed and there is no back and forth movement to your pin?

Mine does it when it is full or empty. Side to side is minimal like you say. Its the front to back that bothers me.

Mine has back and forth play, very loose back and forth. When it gets back as far as it can without putting pressure on it, then you can feel the spring resistance of the valve pin (the second pin the "disconnecter pin" pushes to open valve.)

I can hear the 1st "disconnecter" pin rattle back and forth when I shake it and I see it move in and out if I tip it up and down with a little tap it falls forward or back. Or I use a lightly magnetised allen key to touch the end it pulls it out a bit with the very light magnetic force, just better than using pliers or something as its a very light touch to the tip and wont damage it or cause it to fire.

Could my "disconnecter pin" spring be compressed too much and no longer keeping the pin back against the valve pin?

..and everything look fine on your vedjao

I am so close to opening the sacred valve although I know we shant!

I hope I have some hair left after all of this!

You daredevil you! - there goes warranty :)

Well I havent gone over to the dark side yet....hopefully @EDgun may give some kind advise if he pops in!

Hi Ed!

Please help!!!!

If this has happened to me from light use, it may very well happen to others as the guns are built the same, it has never been dropped, abused and is always cared for like my pride and joy! This is not a user created fault.

I may be getting somewhere with this issue...

After a bit more fiddling here and there, after a shot I can gently open breach more easily now and the mag rotates itself when cracked open a bit so I think the indexing mechanism is fine. The rotation of the mag is just getting jammed somehow...

When opening the breach it is still catching slightly on something most of the time when I try and open it, but not every time...

Test firing it when filled with air and without puck and magazine in place, the trigger blade comes to rest to the right side of the pin and they are touching each other. This is the problem, just dont know the why as it doesn't jump back in front of pin after a shot when filled with air.

For some reason, I believe this is why the magazine is not rotating after each shot.

It has to be either the trigger blade/spring situation although its seems perfectly fine and was until yesterday, or its the "disconnecter" pin that is sloppy possibly due to an over compressed spring that that keeps it in place. Otherwise what is the point of that spring as it holds it back and not away from the valve pin. Its seems to be there to allow movement under pressure from the trigger blade, but only slightly. Mine just falls backwards and forwards so why else would it be there?

Can someone please confirm if the trigger blade does in fact come to rest to the RIGHT of the pin after the shot if you continued to hold the trigger down? Mine just stays stuck there when I release the trigger...

And then it pops back and inline with the pin when you release trigger?

This would help me narrow this issue down massively!

Thanks guys!
Can someone please confirm if the trigger blade does in fact come to rest to the RIGHT of the pin after the shot if you continued to hold the trigger down? Mine just stays stuck there when I release the trigger...

And then it pops back and inline with the pin when you release trigger?

This would help me narrow this issue down massively!

When I pull the trigger and hold it back the pusher stays in line with the servo valve pin while dumping all the air

..so the servo valve pin do not move sideways as the oval pin hole opening and my logic for the presence of a disconnecting mechanism suggested

Also noticed no horizontal scratch marks on the pusher from valve stem

Tried hard to hold camera whilst shooting but picture gone with the wind
Thanks for confirming that Towle, My servo valve pin doesnt move from side to side either, its the pusher that does after the shot, but the pusher spring is holding it all the way left. For some reason all of a sudden, my pusher gets pushed to the right side of the pin after the shot and gets stuck. It must be the pin coming too far forward not allowing the pusher to reset all the way in front of it again.

Strangely I have no scratch marks on the side of the pusher either, but I can physically see it do it from above when mag is removed after a shot.

As a side note, Are you saying if you hold the trigger down, it will dump all the air in your gun and not just the volume of air for one shot? Then when you release the trigger the plenum refills?

If only I could find out what length that little spring on the servo valve pin is supposed to be somehow...

Thanks so much for your help!!!
Does anybody know how much the little grub screw below the valve pin should be sticking out?

Its the one that stops the pusher blade/rod going back too far.

I dont think it would have the adjustment required to stop the pusher enough to prevent what is happening and it is very tight as it has a retaining grub screw below it, cant see how it would move, but worth a check I suppose as maybe a 1mm further out is enough to prevent this happening as it seems the pin is pushing out with force after the shot causing this.

I think if I can fix this minor yet major issue, I can have my baby back in action.

I know @EDgunWest put that details in one of his videos, but cant seem to find it. 
Does anybody know how much the little grub screw below the valve pin should be sticking out?

Its the one that stops the pusher blade/rod going back too far.

I dont think it would have the adjustment required to stop the pusher enough to prevent what is happening and it is very tight as it has a retaining grub screw below it, cant see how it would move, but worth a check I suppose as maybe a 1mm further out is enough to prevent this happening as it seems the pin is pushing out with force after the shot causing this.

I think if I can fix this minor yet major issue, I can have my baby back in action.

I know @EDgunWest put that details in one of his videos, but cant seem to find it.

Here you go.

As a side note, Are you saying if you hold the trigger down, it will dump all the air in your gun and not just the volume of air for one shot? Then when you release the trigger the plenum refills?

Yes if I keep holding the trigger back it dumps all air so no air left to refill the plenum

If anyone want to try this, use earplugs and let the cat out

I anyone shooting the EdGun Leshiy 2 in 20 caliber? (yes it is available outside of USA). I am very curious about the accuracy of it in the Leshiy 2.

Originally, I wanted my L2 in 20 cal, but went with the .177, but thought it might be hard to get thus why I caved for the .177. I mean gun not ammo. I see 20 cal combos are available and I thought if I sell my .177 barrel with 4 mags I have enough for a 20 cal combo.

I have always had a soft spot for the .20 caliber and very much regret selling my old Beeman R9 in 20 cal. however, I did end up with a beautiful Beeman R9 TK in .177.