EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

I’m confused: I just got done emailing with Brian at EdgunWest (as I want to switch over to .25 350mm up from my factory .22), and he recommended .5 & .7 jets for .25cal!

I don’t get these jets... how is .5 and .2 optimal? (Looking to shoot standard ol JSB .25s in 25.39 grain). Anyone can offer some clarity on these jets?!

Thank you.

It's possible maybe Brian mis-understood the barrel length or the request. But .5 and .7 with a .25 350mm barrel will be anemic. For a .22/350mm barrel setup .3 and .7 is the optimal nozzle combo. Sticking with 350mm but going from .22 to .25 will require more dwell and thus .3 and .5 would probably be close to ideal. 

You'd have to read through all 9 million pages of this thread, but this has been discussed in great detail several times. The basic idea is that air in the plenum get pushed through the nozzles into a small air space which then closes the valve. The amount of time it takes for the air to push through the nozzles is essentially the "dwell" - the time the valve is in an open state. If you think about it - a bigger nozzle will let air in faster, in turn closing the valve faster, equalling less dwell. If you want a longer dwell for either a larger caliber or a longer barrel you need to shrink the size of the nozzle so that it takes longer for the air to come in and fill the space. 

The cool thing about this is that the dwell setting becomes valid it any regulator set pressure. This is because the entirety of the valve is exposed to the same pressure inside the plenum. So it's the pressure in the plenum which opens the valve and the pressure in the plenum which closes the valve - so there is only a small pressure differential in the front and back of the valve as it opens and closes. It amazingly simple and complex all at the same time. 

Now to your question of - how do I know what nozzles to recommend? Search back through this huge thread again and you'll see extensive testing I've done with nozzle combinations. I can speak to exact nozzle combos for the following barrels: .22/250mm, .22/350mm, .25/450mm, .30/350mm and .30/450mm. The other can be extrapolated comparing barrel volumes. 
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The .2 and .5 nozzles appears to be optimal set up for the L2 .25 350mm for the JSB Exact Kings 25.39gr at a speed of 880fps. But not quite fast enough for my liking, I prefer to shoot the JSB Exact Kings Heavies 33.95gr at 880- 900fps. With this setup l only get 800fps.

JSB 25.39 JSB 33.95


@Rford71 - you need to understand that the nozzles are like tuning the hammer spring. Once you get the most efficient setting you're just blowing air if you increase dwell. What you need to do at this point is increase the reg to 150-160 bar to get the extra power. You'll probably get right about there with the 350mm barrel, maybe a touch less. With .2 and .4 nozzles, 150 reg, and the 450mm .25 barrel I get 950 fps for the MkII 34gr.

I've tested the 450mm barrel with .2 and .3 nozzles and the speed actually goes down. The hammer spring equivalent would be setting the HS too strong and starting to get on the far downside of the efficiency curve. 
@Rford71 - you need to understand that the nozzles are like tuning the hammer spring. Once you get the most efficient setting you're just blowing air if you increase dwell. What you need to do at this point is increase the reg to 150-160 bar to get the extra power. You'll probably get right about there with the 350mm barrel, maybe a touch less. With .2 and .4 nozzles, 150 reg, and the 450mm .25 barrel I get 950 fps for the MkII 34gr.

I've tested the 450mm barrel with .2 and .3 nozzles and the speed actually goes down. The hammer spring equivalent would be setting the HS too strong and starting to get on the far downside of the efficiency curve.

Thanks ctshooter, i’ve been following what you and the rest of the first batch guys have done👍. I have a 450mm barrel, the nozzle kit, reg tester and power plenum. Just need some spare time and nice weather to do some real testing to start contributing to this thread.



i did some testing when i got the leshiy with 16 gr jsb 

also tested the effect of the jets at a couple of reg pressures to see what the effect was on the speed an shot count . Young 

short conclusion as for now is that the small jets give a very high air consumption with my .22 350 lw barrel.

there for is tested further with the .8 jets inside giving some pritty good results at 80/85 bar setting at ca 242/245 ms and good shot count it shot nice groups upto 20m what was all i had acces too indoors .

—- these pictures where my last results at 50 meters using 16 grain jsb .22 at 292 m/s giving 25 m groups within 1 cm 

128 bar and. 0,8- 0,8 jets getting 32 shots from 290 bar fill—

since then i set the reg at 108bar getting 272 ms with the same jets and ca 45 shots from 290 bar but have not been able to shoot due to bad weather , so i am curious what the the resuls wil bee.
Did any of you check the real hole diameter in the jets that it came with.

mine where both markt 0.2 but the hole size was 0.6 or 0.7 when i compard it with the jets set i got from Francisco.

looks like they where short of the right jets an had to drill them out.

i did some testing when i got the leshiy with 16 gr jsb 

also tested the effect of the jets at a couple of reg pressures to see what the effect was on the speed an shot count . Young 

short conclusion as for now is that the small jets give a very high air consumption with my .22 350 lw barrel.

there for is tested further with the .8 jets inside giving some pritty good results at 80/85 bar setting at ca 242/245 ms and good shot count it shot nice groups upto 20m what was all i had acces too indoors .

—- these pictures where my last results at 50 meters using 16 grain jsb .22 at 292 m/s giving 25 m groups within 1 cm 

128 bar and. 0,8- 0,8 jets getting 32 shots from 290 bar fill—

since then i set the reg at 108bar getting 272 ms with the same jets and ca 45 shots from 290 bar but have not been able to shoot due to bad weather , so i am curious what the the resuls wil bee.
Did any of you check the real hole diameter in the jets that it came with.

mine where both markt 0.2 but the hole size was 0.6 or 0.7 when i compard it with the jets set i got from Francisco.

looks like they where short of the right jets an had to drill them out.

I picked up a pin gauge set just for the purpose of measuring the jets. I have a .25/250mm that came with 2 jets, no M4 screw plug. I asked Brian what size they were because they were not marked and he told me .4mm and .5mm. He said the only way to truly know which is which was to use a pin gauge to measure them. So I ended up buying a set and I may only use it once but who knows. I still haven't measured it yet but when the time comes, I'll be prepared. The jets come in sizes .2mm to 1.3mm. The Vermont Gage pin gauge comes in .2mm to 1.28mm. I wish they could have thrown in a 1.3mm to make it complete lol.






This is wayyy off topic on the current thread direction, but I was wondering if anyone had thought of how to do this as I have not seen anything and google searches come up with nothing.

Is there a way to put an arrow barrel on the L2? I think with the amount of air this thing is pushing, it might be a great candidate for arrow launcher. If we can swap barrels very easily we should be able to get a longer barrel made that accepts arrows. Would be kind of cool for hunting if it could be anywhere near as accurate as the FX stuff.

Just a thought... flame away... lol.
