Go buy other guns if you can’t stand the wait. Other companies in the world does this too, #justsaying. There’s already thousands lined up to buy the tesla truck and its still in the “who knows phase”. Companies have the right to market their product whether 6 months out or 60 months out. I say, make your judgment when you have the gun in your hands. Or wait for others to decide for you

This maybe hobby for most but for me, its a form of harvesting food. I would like to buy a tool that will last a long time hence my question below
a question for ED, Brian, and the people in the know. I live and hunt in a small pacific island with thick forest, 100% humidity, 85-90 degrees year round weather, Salt spray in the air, and rains all the time. Anybody ever tried getting the gun soaked? If i get it wet, can i use a compressed air, blow it out, wipe it down and be good? Is it going to be reliable for long time? I dont have shops and sending it back is not an option. I have to do all maintenance and repairs myself. How about shooting slugs? Its easier for me to make slugs then pellets as its hard to get lead shipped out here sometimes. I have 30 cal slug cold press mold. Guns are illegal where i live but pellet guns/ PCPs are legal so am looking forward to the 350mm barrel set up in 30. Cal. Thanks in advanc