EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

Hi I'm Yen.




" Well, the majority of people are buying the L2 just to use it out of the box and they just don’t need all those games with the nozzles, energies, speeds etc. If you consider that you are the majority here, let me disappoint you – you are not. The huge numbers of the guns are sold to people who has no idea about this or some other forums. That is valid for Russia as well. So, I am making the mass product, for all those people, 95 % of users. My task is to make is as reliable as possible, as simple as possible as available as possible. Those 95 % just don’t need all those tricks you are playing with. You will be surprised but 2/3 of people who use the guns have no idea about the trajectory of the pellet, they are believing that the pellet flies by the line trajectory! And they hit their targets to my surprise! "


I've been posting this months ago, y'all just too full of yourselves to understand.


But do go on and tell us how big of a deal you think you really are. You're all in the minority and will continue to grow more and more insignificant the more L2's get sold here and everywhere else.

If anything, better be thankful that there are dealers like EdgunWest that are even giving you the option to tune this rifle with custom made CNC-machined nozzles, because without the likes of Brian, you'd be SOL.


.....Are you going to grind that 1/16“ off the m-loc T-nut?

Probably not. I'll likely sell the Magpul...or more likely than that, throw it in the parts box and get a Picatinny 45 degree mount and come off the top rail. I just can't bring myself to putting a grind to that hardware...dunno, not its fault it doesn't fit...so I'll keep it till I can use it or sell it whole. 
Hi I'm Yen.


LOL - I rest my case. Repeat offender just can't help himself but make everything personal. 

No one's out to try to prove anything other than you trying so desperately to show how much Edgun ass kissing you can do - and you're doing a helluva job. Make all the cute memes you can think of. I think we've wasted enough time with this nonsense.
I am an EDgun fan. My preorder # for a Leshiy2 is 449 and I am a 5%er🍻 Does that make me evil or something?

Ed also said “The other thing, you know I decided to adjust the guns to the definite caliber and the energy rather than to give you the middle characteristics guns. I think that will be more correct. If someone wants to buy another barrels to get different set ups, well he just should buy nozzles and, maybe, regulator.”

So what is the debate🤷🏼‍♂️🤦🏼‍♂️
I’m with you Jwil.....good things come to those that wait....patience is a virtue......Dog that poops fast don’t poop long.....young Bull said to the old Bull “look at all those cows in that pasture down the hill, lets run down there a Do one!” ....Old Bull replies “lets walk down there and Do’em ALL!”

L2 as designed will give the user many, many options...how about we circle the wagons a bit...think about how Rome was built and give EDgun some space and time. I have no doubt whatsoever that in time this platform will deliver airgun Bliss.


@ctshooter I agree and disagree with you. The first round of people are the beta testers for the gun. If you are complaining about shipping times that is whining (I admit to doing that some on my pressure tester and jets, but still now into week 7. Now I am starting to think they will never arrive.) 

However, through the whining some valuable information has come out which should help the products in future, which I sum up this way. Amazing product with an innovative design, bu just kind of a poor delivery of information before the gun was sent to its initial customers. Hold off shipping a couple of weeks before shipping to make sure throughly basic information is there for the customers. An example is when a feature is obviously built into the gun, i.e. de-gassing the air cylinder.

In my career in materials design, testing and safety I know what can happen when a product is rushed to market, which I have seen played out here.
if ifs and ands were pots and pans... Following that advice Hold off shipping a couple of weeks before shipping to make sure throughly basic information is there for the customers. Couple of years sounds more realistic :) It is impossible to make the perfect thing at once, as well any testers will not give you the whole picture at all (I've passed that experience already). Only serial production can give the real picture of what you've made. Otherwise it wouldn't be any "restylings" in any sphere, from car makers up to IT industry. Just take it as a fact of life.
Hi Timmy

I've seen that video and I even had no intention to comment on his chanal, based on few points. First of all -- the personality, it seems to me Nicolay is just looking for some attention from public, since he was involved in the failed projet "Gorilla" (the "smart" gun which was supposed to be made by the group of enthusiasts in Russia) and his reputation among people are not good now. There are some other aspects which force me to think he is alone and need somebody to hug and cheer him up :) At leat I considered that video exactly that way, since from the technical point of view that is rediculous. 

He promotes himself as skilled airgun tuner, understanding the processes and thechnic and at the same time repeated many times "I have no idea how this gun works..." Well, to me if someone is going to show something to public he should, at least, take some time to learn something about the thing he is going to review. If he could do that, he wouldn't have that failure with the necessaty to open the gun to make the shot. It was enough just to watch this:


The same thing with the shooting different pellets without cleaning and leading the barrel. So, many facts in that video force me to think if everything would be fine nobody would see that video at all :) That is why I just ignored it.
Edgun, I am new to pcp airguns, introduced to the L1 in Feb 2020 by my nephew. I went to website and saw the L2, preordered from Brian April 4,preorder #178. Received December 31. As I was waiting I saw the optional equipment offered by other vendors. I bought a few items, scope,mounts,case,pellets,etc. I did not purchase any valkarie items or modifications, yet. Having been a motorcyclist for decades, I am familiar with the replacement parts for the cool factor (Ducati’s,BMWs,Harley) and the eventual pile of parts in my garage. I wanted to see if the hype was true or just “hot air”. Took it out of box, admired it for the sheer genius of design. Attached a Nikon 2x7 and proceeded to dial in. Took two shot to get on paper at 40 yds, the dialed in and took it to 60 yards. The groups were more then impressive, shooting the same hole at 40yds without a flinch, literally the same hole, shot after shot. At 60 yards, the groups were.25”. Moving around the target, it was obvious this was something special. After shooting over 100 rounds, it became apparent there was nothing I wanted to change, unlike my Ducati’s, which I “needed” all the carbon parts just because...My nephew, an experienced PCP dude were in awe of the out of box accuracy.. our discussion was why would we want to inherently modify the L2, not for accuracy. The only issue I have is this is a little loud for a backyard shooter, but would get boring shooting at 40yards and knowing the pellet goes where you send it. I am one who will keep it original as Ed designed it. I want the design Ed created, not some heavily modified replica. My .22/ 250 is exactly what I was looking for, and edgun and Brian deliver. I do enjoy the data being provide, but my banker head can’t get around the tuning efforts everyone is measuring. This is a toy with real world capabilities, Thank you edgun, it’s a pleasure owning on of your creations👍👍👌👌