EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2


adjust this screw. The pin should not be more that 1mm proud above the screw
@Jwilson - a little more detail and a little less tease. 

I believe I've got this narrowed down to two AVS .2513 slugs right now. Both 30gr. One flat base and one dish base. Below is 8 shots for each group, 13 yards indoors. I'm ignoring the first shot on the dish as it was one of those first hot shots the L2 does. These are the tightest groups I've been able to get with .25 slugs so I'll push out the distance on these two. 

L2 slug target 1-13-21 - 1.1610643677.jpeg

Can someone explain what does mean pin above screw?

The pin being referred to is the valve firing pin you will see about 1/4" above that set screw. It's in that silver horizontal piece covered by the red circle just above the set screw. 

Unless you are having an issue firing I wouldn't touch this screw. It's basically like the trigger stop and prevents the valve pin being pushed in too far.
@Jwilson - a little more detail and a little less tease. 

I believe I've got this narrowed down to two AVS .2513 slugs right now. Both 30gr. One flat base and one dish base. Below is 8 shots for each group, 13 yards indoors. I'm ignoring the first shot on the dish as it was one of those first hot shots the L2 does. These are the tightest groups I've been able to get with .25 slugs so I'll push out the distance on these two. 

L2 slug target 1-13-21 - 1.1610643677.jpeg

Keep the info coming👌 What speed are those 30 grain slugs at on your current setup?
@Jwilson - a little more detail and a little less tease. 

I believe I've got this narrowed down to two AVS .2513 slugs right now. Both 30gr. One flat base and one dish base. Below is 8 shots for each group, 13 yards indoors. I'm ignoring the first shot on the dish as it was one of those first hot shots the L2 does. These are the tightest groups I've been able to get with .25 slugs so I'll push out the distance on these two. 

L2 slug target 1-13-21 - 1.1610643677.jpeg

Now do that out at 50 yards and 100 and the Leshiy 2 will be back ordered for the next 5 years.