EDgun Edgun Leshiy 2

Allright Allright Allright good man towle. So what's the good word? Did you have that made? How do we peasants get in on the goods?

You will have to make one yourself or go to a machinist, gunsmith or toolmaker, its like the original but with 5 degrees tip instead of 10, modifying the original will not do, the slot for the lever will then sit too low

Made it of round 4,99 mm tool steel on a old lathe and some diamond discs and a straight grinder mounted on the cross sled, 5 degree angle and then 45 for the tip, really nothing to it :)

leshiy 2 - latch 2.1612477704.JPG

Towle thank you sir, I appreciate the information. My cousin works at a machine shop I bet he can help out.
Towle thank you sir, I appreciate the information. My cousin works at a machine shop I bet he can help out.

No problem - and if the accuracy is OK don't worry about it

Here's my fancy back on envelope drawing of the original latch with the change of angle added, note the 5 degrees angle is from center of pin

Leshiy 2 - latch fancy drawing.1612522663.JPG

Also note that while reducing this angle the latch will rest lower in the lock hole, the slot for the lever will have to move up, guess you could do the math but I took the easy way and mounted the latch in the hole and and compared the position to the original one - so please note the position of the slot on the drawing i not correct

Made a quick and dirty fixture for holding the pin (and as a heat sink) while making the slot, a professional would do it in one go with mill mounted on the lathe

Leshiy 2 - latch fixture.1612522867.JPG

Good to see your poblem is over nowYour grouping is simular as mine at 25 meters 

22 16 grn shooting 292ms 4 mag

From 290bar to 130 bar reg 127bar 2x 0.8 jets

At 50 meters i got 2cm ctc grouping shooting out and resting on the car window

Nice! - that's a 1,44 MOA group right there if my math is correct - not bad al all from a lightweight fold-able semi with a nail gun trigger :)

..and those standard weight diablos usually performs better a slightly lover speed, my classic performs best up to 280 m/sec

Mine is .177 cal, reg as came at 130 Bar, 2 x 2 mm jets as far as can measure

Your group are nice and round, no horizontal stringing whatsoever, wonder if there were some change made in production
Mine just stopped auto indexing the mag after each shot.

I tried adifferent magazine, the barrel is not sticking out, new puck, press is good, pellet velocity is good.

After a shot the next is a dry fire (because it didn't index). After the dry fire it indexed, so a good shot, then dry etc.

The magazine can be rotated by hand in the clockwise direction.

Anybody experienced this and/or knows what is wrong and how to fix it?
Mine just stopped auto indexing the mag after each shot.

I tried adifferent magazine, the barrel is not sticking out, new puck, press is good, pellet velocity is good.

After a shot the next is a dry fire (because it didn't index). After the dry fire it indexed, so a good shot, then dry etc.

The magazine can be rotated by hand in the clockwise direction.

Anybody experienced this and/or knows what is wrong and how to fix it?

I've experienced this with the current round of JSB 18gr pellets. They don't just drop into the mag and need to be pushed in to seat all the way. If you don't get them all the way in , the back plate will not sit flush and this can inhibit the semi-auto function. 

This also happened to me one time when everything was seated and left me scratching my head until I realized a tiny lead shard was stuck in towards the center causing the back plate not to sit flush. 

Mine just stopped auto indexing the mag after each shot.

I tried adifferent magazine, the barrel is not sticking out, new puck, press is good, pellet velocity is good.

After a shot the next is a dry fire (because it didn't index). After the dry fire it indexed, so a good shot, then dry etc.

The magazine can be rotated by hand in the clockwise direction.

Anybody experienced this and/or knows what is wrong and how to fix it?

I've experienced this with the current round of JSB 18gr pellets. They don't just drop into the mag and need to be pushed in to seat all the way. If you don't get them all the way in , the back plate will not sit flush and this can inhibit the semi-auto function. 

This also happened to me one time when everything was seated and left me scratching my head until I realized a tiny lead shard was stuck in towards the center causing the back plate not to sit flush. 

Thank you for your answer. Unfortunately (for me) it does not index either when dry firing. I checked for debris, but there is none, and when I use my other magazine (not used as I have speedloaders) it doesn't work either...
It should rotate even with no pellet in the mag. 
problems can occor when the the trigger is pulled backwards and hold there to firm.

I have set the screw wich task is limiting the trigger pull in such a way so that the the trigger only just make the valve cycle screwing it in to far does not help cycling also.

very low reg pressure can also give index problems

i had indexing problems to searched towards barrel, powerpuck , trigger mechanism en magazine ....finaly fixing it after lubricating the plunger and rotor wich index the magazine .

just remove the bolt and cap (20) of the index rotor and spray some silicone spray inside the housing ( plunjer and rotor) this fixed my problem.

and it works fine now. Even at 75 bar an no pellets in the mag.

hope you my experience can be usefull to you
Cleaned the barrel (no lead flakes on patch, only black lubricant from pellet) and shot 4 mags from one fill, distance to target 35 Yards

Leshiy 2, 250 mm barrel, Dedal Stalker x 6

JSB Monster Redesigned at 247 m/sec (810 fps)


Leshiy 2, 4 mags jsb monster redesigned.1612709020.JPG

I can’t get that kind of accuracy at all 🤨

I’ve got a .25 cal with both 250/350mm Alfa Precision barrels. Not even close. (LW barrels were even worse)
Did you try removing the silencer and or pushing a pellet through the mag onto the rifling each shot.

for improvement?

Ps marking on the jets where in my case not correct i also had 2* 0,2 marking on the jets , but in real life they where 0,6 jets .

as was proven with my jet set from spain.

i now have 0,8 jets inside and they work fine not spilling to much air