While I'm awaiting the arrival of my own Leshiy, I've been obsessing about replicating the look you've done here. Just in case anyone is interested, here's a list of the links needed for the custom stuff on all these pics. This was the setup I was trying to replicate.
Apologies in advance @piterM if your intention was to keep this little custom work to yourself
Donny FL Shroud/Moderator Kit: Leshiy Extended Shroud Kit for Standard 250 mm Barrels - I ordered mine through Utah Airguns with the gun, but the above is the direct link to Donny's Leshiy solution
custom moderator cover: http://www.armageddongear.com/Suppressor-Cover (They do custom ones, so once I get the Leshiy wednesday I’ll measure the OEM shroud with Donny’s ad-on.
- This will cover both the Donny FL moderator and the OEM shroud on the Leshily it connects to. The square(ish) shape to round donnyfl piece seemed strange to me... this makes it look like one piece, and keeps it from scratching.
- I called them, and they will make a custom version specific for this combo for no additional cost (it's already pretty expensive, but if you're spending $1K on a pellet gun who cares)
wood grip: https://www.edgunwest.com/store/p71/Leshiy_Wood_Grip.html - waiting for this to come back into stock, but the walnut grip looks pretty sweet IMO
cloth adhesive: https://gearskin.eu/product/digital-woodland-regular/ - This was the only link I found within this post. It's only available directly through this companies site. What I like about it (from the pics at least as I haven't received it yet) is the texture... it's cloth, and has an adhesive... which allows for a single layer wrap. I bought some of the ace bandage stuff, and it's cool and all, but it's basically a camo ace bandage.
grip cover (will be sweet over the wood):
https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B071KT1WMQ/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o00_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1- I think this will look and feel great over the walnut. Still lets the wood show, but gives a little rubber grip.
- I'm not 100% it will fit, but look identical to the one in many of the images above.
I hope the rats appreciate this fine piece of work from their perspective... that is until they take a dirt nap! I hate them so much!!!
On a side note... I work with 1,000's of businesses in my line of work, and beyond the old Daisy my dad got me, my exposure to the airgun community is nill. Hands down, Donny from DonnyFL is the best customer service I've ever experienced in any business, so if you're on the fence about it/him... have ZERO concerns. Utah Airguns has been a pleasure to work with as well. The other vendors mentioned above (excluding Amazon lol) this is my first experience with them, so I can't vouch for them yet. It took me all weekend to track all this stuff down, so I thought I'd just pass it along to save you some time.