Edgun R5 30 caliber Just released

I have no problem shooting my R3M and I am left handed. The only time I found the rear bolt cumbersome is in the prone position, I had to either turn the rear of the gun sideways or move my body position to cock it. Otherwise it is no issue at all.

I would like one of these in .22 though...

"Tweeter"I have no problem shooting my R3M and I am left handed. The only time I found the rear bolt cumbersome is in the prone position, I had to either turn the rear of the gun sideways or move my body position to cock it. Otherwise it is no issue at all.

I would like one of these in .22 though...

Matador with side lever? When and where will be available this rifle?

Here another pic i founded in other forum. And with electronic gauge ¡¡