I just recieved my R5M Standard .25cal from Brian at Edgun West and so far, it's pretty awesome! Have you ever had to chase the mailman? Well I did. I have no shame lol. The USPS mailman left the pink slip in my mailbox to pick up my package at the Post Office because I needed to sign for it.
This is not the time of the month to be lining up at the Post Office. I was waiting all day for the mailman and checking my car port. When I saw the pink slip in my mailbox, I drove down the end of my block and saw him down the next street and pulled up behind him lol.
In a prior conversation with Brian, he told me that from his past experience, shipping to Guam was pretty fast. He wasn't joking. I placed the order on Saturday the 15th and just received it today. Prior to placing the order, I called Brian asking him about the quality of the walnut stocks.
In the past while doing my research, I noticed that the Edgun walnut stocks looked kind of bland to me. He told me that the recent batch of R5M's he received all had nice patterned wood grain walnut stocks and it didn't matter which one he packed up to ship to me. The stock looks amazing and even better in person.
Still need to mount my scope but that's gonna take a little time. I have to work tonight so I don't have much time. I only had enough time to shoot one string through the chrony to see what the factory settings were at. I'll do a separate review after everything's settled in. Anyways, here's some pics...
From a 250 BAR fill down to 120 BAR shooting JSB 25.4gr Kings, here's my results.
1) 924
2) 913
3) 910
4) 906
5) 909
6) 911
7) 905
8) 910
9) 911
10) 915
11) 914
12) 908
13) 911
14) 915
15) 916
16) 918
17) 911
18) 916
19) 912
20) 915
21) 912
22) 913
23) 914
24) 911
25) 911
26) 915
27) 913
28) 915
29) 914
30) 911
31) 913
32) 917
33) 919
34) 921
35) 913
36) 907
37) 907
38) 899
39) 891
If I delete shots #1, #38, #39, I get the following;
High: 921
Low: 905
Average: 912
ES: 16
SD: 3
FPE: 46.92
Still need to break her in and maybe play with the HST as well as trying the 34gr Heavies.