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Feedback Elis5713 Bad Transaction

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Please explain how the police report got in the way when I called FedEx about the police report? If the company that pay the claim does not require a police report why would you? If a police report was required they would have told me so which again they said its not required? What would a police report do when they can not investigate it? .You think they would approve a claim for the wrong amount? Seriously what makes your think they would approve the $2000 or even $500 when your requesting more then what you paid for? Packages get lost in the mail all the time. I've mailed things out and they get lost some times. I don't go blaming the customer for or start accusing them of anything. That's how you loose customers. If you want to get this issue resolved properly call me. When it comes down to it I'm not at fault for a mistake fedex made. Doesn't matter if they shipped it to the wrong spot or someone grabbed it and stole it. Point is I did not receive my gun. why would I just let you keep $2000 of my hard earned money? When you purchase something from your vendors or wherever you get your parts and guns from, are you responsible for what happens in transit or are you responsible once you hace custody of it? Look at the tracking and then look at the signature. Let me know who eelis is. I can tell you it's not me. Again I spoke to the manager of the driver and he admitted the driver signed for the package? You still want to blame me? Please explain how I'm at fault for a fedex driver forging my signature and dropping of the package God knows where. I don't know what the driver did with the package or if someone from that building or outside stole it. All I can tell you is I did not sign for or receive that package.

The police report is per our policy. Before we go to refund someone $1999.99 on an order that shows signed for by them, don’t see how that’s a lot to ask. 

Again you did not want to refund me the money hence why I had to go through my credit card company. Didn't you just say the police report was for FedEx? What does your policy have to do with fedex approving or denying a claim. You seriously don't think that the fact that you filed the claim for $2000 had nothing to do with the denial? If anyone here deals with insurance please shed some light on this. I would think that once they see that it's just a huge red flag. You still have not answered my question on what would happen with the rest of the money even if they approved the $500 amount? Remember your exact words to me when I spoke to you about this was " you would be responsible for it"

The police report is per our policy. Again it has nothing to do with FedEx. If you wanted us to continue helping you even though FedEx denied your claim we asked for a copy of a police report. You kept repeating these same lines over the phone and you were told it was not for FedEx but for us. Excuse after excuse you said next week you would get it and then eventually that they said it was pointless so you didn’t want to complete it. Told you it was not pointless to us because it was necessary per our policy to move forward with your specific situation. 
Sorry that one did not work.

Lookie here instead!



Yup that's probably the same thing fedex did. I think palmbeachairguns thinks that we live in a perfect world or something. Mistakes happen but blaming the customer is not the answer. Dragging someone's name is not the answer either. I'm still trying to understand why palmbeach is accusing me of stealing. Is this how you treat your customers when something gets lost in the mail? Like I said before don't hesitate to call me.
So now your telling me that after repeating to me multiple times that my refund would be $500 even if fedex approved the claim. What your saying here and what you said to me are completely different things. I know the conversations we had where heated to say the least but look at it from my point of view. Am I supposed to happy that you told me " hey you will responsible for the $1500" no body in their right mind would be ok with that yet you constantly repeated that to me. Did you forget about that? Do you think that's a small sum of money ?
I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof?Seems more likely to me Elis is trying to scam and keep that impact for free and thats messed up.

So you think drivers don't just drop of packages and sign for customers? What world are you living in? Look at the video posted above and tell me when he signed for that package? I don't think the FedEx driver did it on purpose or that he stole the package. As far as prove that driver signed for me well that's easy. I have the tracking information and with some simple calls I was able to get the image of the signature. I don't have to prove anything to you. As far as getting a free impact..... really? I've purchased over 4 impacts. I sold the ones I did not need and just kept my mk2 which had worked perfectly to this day. As I said before I had to may pcps. My pcp collection is alot smaller then it used to be. You can side with palmbeach on this one if you want. That doesn't change the facts. I know I did not receive or sign for that package. Your have your own opinions on the issue but all your doing is making ridiculous assumptions. 
I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof?Seems more likely to me Elis is trying to scam and keep that impact for free and thats messed up.

So you think drivers don't just drop of packages and sign for customers? What world are you living in? Look at the video posted above and tell me when he signed for that package? I don't think the FedEx driver did it on purpose or that he stole the package. As far as prove that driver signed for me well that's easy. I have the tracking information and with some simple calls I was able to get the image of the signature. I don't have to prove anything to you. As far as getting a free impact..... really? I've purchased over 4 impacts. I sold the ones I did not need and just kept my mk2 which had worked perfectly to this day. As I said before I had to may pcps. My pcp collection is alot smaller then it used to be. You can side with palmbeach on this one if you want. That doesn't change the facts. I know I did not receive or sign for that package. Your have your own opinions on the issue but all your doing is making ridiculous assumptions.

You did say that you called fedex and talked to a manager and the employee admitted to forging your signature if thats the case then why not report that on the spot with the manager seems like an open and shut case right there. And im not siding with anyone im just going of whats been posted here and that whole story about the manager and the employee sounds so fake since that would mean termination for the employee noone in their right mind would admit to that. 
I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof?Seems more likely to me Elis is trying to scam and keep that impact for free and thats messed up.

So you think drivers don't just drop of packages and sign for customers? What world are you living in? Look at the video posted above and tell me when he signed for that package? I don't think the FedEx driver did it on purpose or that he stole the package. As far as prove that driver signed for me well that's easy. I have the tracking information and with some simple calls I was able to get the image of the signature. I don't have to prove anything to you. As far as getting a free impact..... really? I've purchased over 4 impacts. I sold the ones I did not need and just kept my mk2 which had worked perfectly to this day. As I said before I had to may pcps. My pcp collection is alot smaller then it used to be. You can side with palmbeach on this one if you want. That doesn't change the facts. I know I did not receive or sign for that package. Your have your own opinions on the issue but all your doing is making ridiculous assumptions.

You did say that you called fedex and talked to a manager and the employee admitted to forging your signature if thats the case then why not report that on the spot with the manager seems like an open and shut case right there. And im not siding with anyone im just going of whats been posted here and that whole story about the manager and the employee sounds so fake since that would mean termination for the employee noone in their right mind would admit to that.

Believe it or not that is what happened. I provided all the information to my credit card company. Why do you think they charged the seller? How much they investigated is between my credit card company and palmbeach. They gave him plenty of time to respond to the case. I'm sure he has the details. 

At the end of the day I know I did nothing wrong. I simply refuse to standby while someone is trying to charge me $2000 for nothing. If you where in my shoes would you just be like " yea man sure keep the $2000 even though I didn't receive anything, I don't have to work for money " or would you do everything in your power to get your money back? I'm take a wild guess and say you would fight for your money.
I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof?Seems more likely to me Elis is trying to scam and keep that impact for free and thats messed up.

So you think drivers don't just drop of packages and sign for customers? What world are you living in? Look at the video posted above and tell me when he signed for that package? I don't think the FedEx driver did it on purpose or that he stole the package. As far as prove that driver signed for me well that's easy. I have the tracking information and with some simple calls I was able to get the image of the signature. I don't have to prove anything to you. As far as getting a free impact..... really? I've purchased over 4 impacts. I sold the ones I did not need and just kept my mk2 which had worked perfectly to this day. As I said before I had to may pcps. My pcp collection is alot smaller then it used to be. You can side with palmbeach on this one if you want. That doesn't change the facts. I know I did not receive or sign for that package. Your have your own opinions on the issue but all your doing is making ridiculous assumptions.

You did say that you called fedex and talked to a manager and the employee admitted to forging your signature if thats the case then why not report that on the spot with the manager seems like an open and shut case right there. And im not siding with anyone im just going of whats been posted here and that whole story about the manager and the employee sounds so fake since that would mean termination for the employee noone in their right mind would admit to that.

Believe it or not that is what happened. I provided all the information to my credit card company. Why do you think they charged the seller? How much they investigated is between my credit card company and palmbeach. They gave him plenty of time to respond to the case. I'm sure he has the details. 

At the end of the day I know I did nothing wrong. I simply refuse to standby while someone is trying to charge me $2000 for nothing. If you where in my shoes would you just be like " yea man sure keep the $2000 even though I didn't receive anything, I don't have to work for money " or would you do everything in your power to get your money back? I'm take a wild guess and say you would fight for your money.

Talk is cheap. Where is the proof that the employee admitted to that? You said you spoke to a manager, they would be required to report forgery and theft by one of their employees. Like you said anyone fighting for their money would have pursued that all the way to the top and have it taken care of by Fedex.
I did go to fedex about all of it. I even spoke to Palmbeach about it but the only one that can act on that claim is him. The person receiving the package is basically left waiting on the sender.What he does with that information is up to him. He refused to reopen the case .Yes I spoke to palmbeach about that also but his response was that he is done with the case. Now if he called fedex and have them put the case under my name results would have been different.So what's the next step when the dealer refused to act ? Deal with the credit card company. If you think the dealer cares how much money I would loose your sadly mistaken. 
I did go to fedex about all of it. I even spoke to Palmbeach about it but the only one that can act on that claim is him. The person receiving the package is basically left waiting on the sender.What he does with that information is up to him. He refused to reopen the case .Yes I spoke to palmbeach about that also but his response was that he is done with the case. Now if he called fedex and have them put the case under my name results would have been different.So what's the next step when the dealer refused to act ? Deal with the credit card company. If you think the dealer cares how much money I would loose your sadly mistaken.

According to you Fedex forged your signature and stole your package so its their fault not the dealer that sold you the gun. If you have proof of all this then you can both go after fedex.
I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof? If the employee admitted to it in front of a manager like you said why not file a report with Fedex then? This whole thing seems very fishy.

So... even with video people refuse to believe it happens. 🙄 

Yeah it can happen but its unlikely and he claims to have proof so with that he should have been able to get all the money he paid for the gun from Fedex instead of doing a chargeback that's just messed up it ain't the dealers fault. 
I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof? If the employee admitted to it in front of a manager like you said why not file a report with Fedex then? This whole thing seems very fishy.

So... even with video people refuse to believe it happens.

Yeah it can happen but its unlikely and he claims to have proof so with that he should have been able to get all the money he paid for the gun from Fedex instead of doing a chargeback that's just messed up it ain't the dealers fault.

Uh... all $500? What about the rest? If the place told me that after investigation, that if I am in the right $500 would be credited to the account but I am still responsible for the rest? I would be inclined to call my credit card company with my concerns. And the credit card company would not just pull out Elis' money if they did not think the same way as Elis did.

By the way I just bought these from utah air


What does "Adult signature required" mean? Ah, maybe the the FedEx driver signed for me? Hmm. I was at work during this time, yet item was just placed inside the gate. What's up with that? Did you notice in the video how busy my street is? 

I highly doubt a fedex driver forged a signature and then admitted to it. Where’s the proof? If the employee admitted to it in front of a manager like you said why not file a report with Fedex then? This whole thing seems very fishy.

So... even with video people refuse to believe it happens.

Yeah it can happen but its unlikely and he claims to have proof so with that he should have been able to get all the money he paid for the gun from Fedex instead of doing a chargeback that's just messed up it ain't the dealers fault.

Let me just start here it happens but "is unlikely" is not a great statement especially since 99% of us know and love augie bigragu and what he did for his friend Matt when he had not 1 but 2 impacts stolen at delivery. I can't remember the full details but it for sure happens it sucks but it does happen. My FedEx and mail carrier sign but UPS actually rings the doorbell for the signature, thankfully I have a ring and live in a condo with no direct access to a main road. Only palm and elis have the details so I will not comment on that but if the credit company credited elis it must have been enough evidence provided hopefully palmbeach can reopen or talk to FedEx i don't think either parties should suffer because of someone else. I can say elis is a stand up person and works hard to be able to buy what he wants. I met him on the forum over a year ago and have become close friends with him and we meet up for range time and not once has he brought or mentioned a M3. I wish luck to both parties and hope it gets resolved.
Did you also note how long the deliver driver waited before he decided no one would come to him to sign? There are some definite issues with the system. With the holidays opon us it is not going to get better. I hope PBAG is fully insuring their existing customer's purchases now after this experience. I also hope it is not "policy " anymore to insure for less than the full amount and expect the unknowing customer to foot the difference.

Let's take a look at this situation...remembering that the truth is usually a very short story that common sense can reveal.

The facts appear to be that Elis purchased a $2000.00 airgun from Palm Beach Airguns with his credit card; Palm Beach Airguns took the package to the local FEDEX Office and shipped it to Elis with the stipulation that the receivers' signature was required for delivery; the FEDEX delivery driver delivered the package to a person at the correct address and that person signed for the package using the name elis. Those are the facts!

Elis claims that the delivery driver forged his signature on the signature pad and left the package and drove away, and Elis further claims that he is not the person that accepted the package from the driver.

Okay so in a nut shell Elis bought an airgun, the company shipped it to him signature required, Elis claims he is not the person who signed for it, and then contacts the company asking them to file an insurance claim with FEDEX, who subsequently denies the claim based on the statement from their own delivery driver that contradicts Elis's claim. 

So my common sense begs a couple simple questions such as:

1) Why wasn't Elis at home waiting for FEDEX to deliver his new air rifle worth $2000.00? Or if for any reason he could not be home awaiting its arrival why did he not contact FEDEX and divert the delivery to the nearest FEDEX Drop Off Location? Or why didn't he ask a neighbor to be on the lookout for the FEDEX truck to arrive and retrieve the package for him?

2) Why has Elis adamantly refused to obtain a sworn Police Report regarding this incident? 

Whenever I am due to receive an expensive package from FEDEX, UPS, or USPS I am home impatiently waiting for it to arrive. I can't hardly wait for the sound of the delivery truck and the driver tooting his horn announcing its arrival! And if for any reason I cannot be home to receive an expensive package I make damn sure I divert it to the nearest drop off location, such as the UPS Store, or Walgreen's for FEDEX packages, or "hold for pickup" at the Post Office if its coming from USPS.

So I am not buying the story that Elis bought a $2000.00 air rifle and then was not home to receive it, nor did he make any provision whatsoever to have a friend or neighbor receive it for him, nor did he simply divert the package to the shipper's drop off center nearest his home for him to pick up later at his convenience.

Furthermore, if I had a package stolen from my porch the first thing I would do is call the Police and file a sworn Police Report. Every insurance company requires a Police Report in order to file a claim for items that were stolen, damaged, or lost in some way. I am very suspicious of the fact that Elis did not file a Police Report at the time this theft supposedly occurred nor has he done so even as of this late date! I do know that whenever a person does file a Police Report they are required to sign it swearing that what they claim is true, under penalty of perjury! And I also know that some people are reticent to file a false Police Report for fear of the truth coming out someday.

And you constantly trying to divert attention away from yourself by pointing out the amount for which the package was insured is suspicious to me. Merchants that offer free shipping on merchandise routinely under insure their shipments on the basis of playing the percentages. What amount Palm Beach Airguns insured the package for has no bearing on the fact that once they turned the package over to FEDEX it was from then on totally out of their hands!

And so if you have anyone to go after for the money you claim you lost then you should take it up with the people who lost your package, not with the ones who shipped it to you! If as you claim, the driver committed an offense such as grand theft or fraud then you should rightly be working with the Police Robbery Detectives to get to the bottom of that. But I think there is a very good reason you don't want the Police Robbery Detectives looking into this matter for fear of what they might really find out.

So in conclusion let me just say that I don't buy your long convoluted story Elis...my daddy used to say that he didn't have to look at his shoe to know he had stepped in dog poop, and to me your story smells to high heaven! 

Yours truly, Chuck Peffley
I'm not asking you or anyone to buy what happened. Fact of the matter is I was not home at that exact time. If fedex had even knocked at the house he would have gotten someone at the door. I am not the only one that lives there..... As soon as I saw the package was "delivered" I rushed home. No body knocked at the house. I'm not diverting anything I'm just pointing out the facts. Whatever happened was out of both our hands. The part he was at fault for is not insuring everything properly. The Fedex driver is at fault for forging my signature (yes I have prove). This whole issue could have been avoided if he called fedex and put the claim under my name. That would take minutes. Yes I know I should have done a police report but again FEDEX TELLS ME THAT ITS NOT REQUIRED. I did everything I had to do on my part as per fedex. Simple as that.
I don't know either one of you, but I'm with Chuck, something smells fishy.

Disregard how much insurance was on the package. Disregard that a manager told you the driver illegally signed for it with no repercussions. Disregard the fact that you sold a Impact 10 hours after you "didn't recieve" your new one.

If I was out $2000 I'm filing a police report, not only to prove my innocence, but to get my $$$$ back from somebody! Palm Beach required the report to move forward, you knew it, and you failed to provide one.


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