Epic Epic Airguns One


Apr 9, 2021
Balistas now have it ready to ship. ( delivery October 1-3 )

I find it a bit funny that in the 700 mm barrel version the bulpup designed rifle are 10 mm longer than my 700 mm barrel Two when the stock are folded over.

The look especially in the butt end, well not looking as good as say a RTI Moral for instance.
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Yes not looking as good but currently the only bulpup apart from FX that offer change caliber,barrel lenght and rigged stiff barrel of at least 700mm capable doing 300-400 yards accuretly with slugs LR. And to change airtank under pressure and to be able to swap between bottles and air pipes. Air pipes are a need in case you go on a trip and you have only air pump with you or you go completley out of compressor those pipes are easy to pump and you can have few spare ones.
The problem on interchangeable reservoir on the One is, i do think it is the entire " tube " so also regulator and firering valve in the end you pull, and so having spares they would be rather costly with all of that hardware in them.

Thats the tube version of course, it might be possible on the bottle version, which people that shoot on the go should also use, i shoot bench so i do not need a big reservoir,,,, any reservoir really as i shoot thethered, just need a plenum.
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I was hoping they would have used some engineering to minimize the footprint (especially from top to bottom). I like the quality I see with the Epic guns, just not as thoughtfully executed as could be.

RTI got it right with the prophet, IMO. They didn’t just make the package taller just to make it easier to engineer. They kept the trigger close to the barrel, so to speak.

I’m of the opinion a bullpup should be a small package (in all directions) to catch my attention.

Just my opinions, everyone’s idea of what a bullpup “should be” is different.

Well i dont mind admitting, if i was to buy a bulpup right now, i would choose the Mora over the One
The one look so tall, and also the back end, it give me a feeling like the shoulder pad are just slapped on at the last moment, also it look to be very low VS your cheek rest.

The P3 and other like it, always freaked me out with the thin part between the grip / cocking lever part, and the back valve / breech part, it look so fragile.

The cocking lever does look quite high versus the trigger.
Only notice now, it would for sure benefit from a longer handle, at least for the speed shooters.

Looking at P3 pic the top of the shoulder pad / butt stock is like 30 mm lower than the cheek rest, on the One it look to be like 80 mm if not more.
In general though the One look like a tank VS the P3

Also Mora / P3 only bottle guns, i dont really need big bottles that IMO always look a bit silly.
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Well i dont mind admitting, if i was to buy a bulpup right now, i would choose the Mora over the One
The one look so tall, and also the back end, it give me a feeling like the shoulder pad are just slapped on at the last moment, also it look to be very low VS your cheek rest.

The P3 and other like it, always freaked me out with the thin part between the grip / cocking lever part, and the back valve / breech part, it look so fragile.

Only notice now, it would for sure benefit from a longer handle, at least for the speed shooters.

Looking at P3 pic the top of the shoulder pad / butt stock is like 30 mm lower than the cheek rest, on the One it look to be like 80 mm if not more.
In general though the One look like a tank VS the P3

Also Mora / P3 only bottle guns, i dont really need big bottles that IMO always look a bit silly.
I’m not particular between bottles or tubes. I tether when bench shooting. Think tube looks better but again I’m not fussy, as long as gun performs. I’ve got to see epic one in video use to get a real feel how it handles. But yes, mora looks better.
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Yes performance is #1, and it is not like i have ruled out bottles completely.
My M8 though, he is extremely visual, so you be hard pressed to find any bulpup he would like just on the looks.
I only shoot bench & tethered, and i am OK if i have like 20-30 shots in a fill if on a rare occasion i should go mobile shooting.

I must also say the fill/ gauges / regulator setup / cluster on old RTI rifles, that too to me look like something slapped on in the last moment, for sure a buzz kill for me.

On my two i have to clock the regulator meaning one of the threads on the tube are not locked out,,,,, i just can not have that, so will go to old place of employment and see if the spacers / shims used in the gears we made can fit or be modified to fit, so i can tighten things up and still have the regulator in the right place.
Sure the Two pipe stiffen right up when pressurized, but when it is like that i still feel a bit stupid.
Also the scope rail is very far forward
As i understand the scope rail and cheek piece ride on a dove tail so can be positioned where you like, adding the top rail thing i think you can almost put your optics anywhere you like from way out front above the barrel even ( maybe a regular scope with one of those night cameras on the eyepiece, and so you could actually get a comfortable shooting position with a kit like that )
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