Epic Epic Airguns Two arrived

Okay so i got a little burned on the case i ordered for the Two, the listed measurements are the very outer most measurements and not the size of the compartment of the case.
So the one i ordered are barely able to do the job, for sure not have the adapter for the moderator installed on the barrel.

But i still made it work, just not as planned, but for transport to / from range it will be fine, but i would not ship my rifle anywhere like this, for that to work i would need at least 50 mm / 2 " foam all around to be able to feel good.

As i have cut so much into the form, well i will have to glue it into the case CUZ it have a tendency to want to follow the rifle out of the case when you take it out of there.

case fit.jpg

PS. IMO the matte surface on the Two, make it VERY susceptible to scratches, mine already look a bit banged up.
In the hope of a nice hot and long slug slinging summer i have just ordered 5 X 200 PCS splatter targets, though in a well large 3" size, but hey for me it is only the red dot in the middle that count, and a swift annihilation of it.

As i generally put 25 or so shots on each of these, i will be shooting for a while :)

I forgot to update on the TWO, while i mostly used the Carm single shot loader yesterday i did also in the end remember to test the magazine, and it feel like it is working just as it should.
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The two come with a little tool for you to be able to work the regulator, this is just a ring like for keys on your key chain, and it is not really working for me or others.

So ! well i went a little knobby on the problem. :)


Another solution i fell across, though a bit more expensive was 4 mm chain with elongated links, in my case the links was about 40 mm on the long end.
So you could cut these where they are welded together on the one long side, slide the 2 ends apart so you can put on the REG tool, and then you can slide the 2 ends back so they allign and you can slide the REG tool to where it cover the cut, and you should probably give it a whack with a hammer to close the gap the cut made, or clamp down on it in a vice if you have that.

For now i carry on with this knob solution, but if it fail me, i will change to the chain link solution to get a solid handle on the tool CUZ these Two regulators well a lot tighter to turn than i am used to from FX.

I was a little worried i would not be able to grip this knob enough to adjust the REG, but i have just tried it and it was alright.
Maybe wet hands would be problematic, but then again i do not shoot with wet hands.

FYI the REG adjuster tool is 10 mm at the end, and the hole in it for the original key chain ring is a little over 4 mm
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Well well well, a nice day at the range today, and excellent weather too, well at least in regard to wind that for the first 5 hours was very nice.

Just one problem.

It seem like i am too stupid to airgun :cry:

I started up with my favorite 13 gr slugs in Zan and JSB flavor, and took them from 880 FPS and to 1050 FPS, and i was absolutely NOT able to get them to work at any distance. by work i mean consistent get then to group within a 3" radius, well at least at 50 and 80 M and it is those distances that count for me.

Actually me blaming weather on my first outing, well i cant do that today with a strait face, and so either i am too stupid to airgun, or something is eluding me.
Now of course i did not go up in speed in 5 FPS increments, but still i would think at some point you hit a speed where you go " AHA "
But no such moment for me with the 13 gr slugs.
So i tried 16 gr H&N slugs, but the result here was the same, get 2-3 shots that sort of look like something and then BAM and i was 100 - 150 mm off.
This i also saw on day #1 shooting 25 M but i blamed that on wind back then, but that 20 mm jump i saw there, well it just get worse on 50 M.

I then went on to try 20 gr H&N and Zan, and actually here shooting 80 M the H&N looked the best, though not far from as bad as all the other weights.

So at 80 M shooting at my usual 2" shoot N see splatter targets, well where my Maverick would fill those with holes and maybe 2 just outside the splatter target, but the Two, OMG it is very close to pure luck if i can get 2 on the target in a row, actually that only happened once today, otherwise it was just scatter gun.
So i was shooting at other stuff to gauge / zero, and i would get like 3-4-5 shots that was " okay time to shoot a splatter target " and then change aim 2 M to the right where those was, and BAM rifle no longer grouping and sure as hell not 3-4-5 shots, and a lot of shots just OMG off target.

So back and forth back and forth for hours, trying other speeds ASO, hell at one time after taking the 20 gr to 960 FPS i put in 13 gr and went super sonic sending cracks along my lead across the field.

Also tried Beasts again at 25 M and Sure it was not worse than day #1 so very far in between okay 5 shot groups,,,,, many fliers.
That was also the same with the MRD pellets i also tried.

80 M slug paper, one big mess.
80 M mix slug.jpg

For comparison a 86 M paper shooting 13 gr Zans with my Maverick, and i think this is older than last year so here shooting too fast and not having the best luck with consistency in groups, so chasing POI.
this would be the least i would expect from a good airgun ( and i dont think that is unfair )

The really bad " fliers " here, well sort of fliers, this happen when i shoot after flies landing on the target, it have to be really bad wind and me not minding it to not have all my shots within 3" with the Maverick, fliers with that is generally just 10 - 20 mm at 86 M

The BR50 paper i used to shoot 5 shot groups with the MRD pellets at 25 M, speed a little up / down here trying to find sweet spot, which seemed to be 860 FPS.
Really i would have expected more on this short distance, even if the wind was picking up at this time ( around 6 in the evening )
MRD at 25.jpg

Finally my 50 M cardboard with ink dots on, the plan was to shoot 5 shot groups, but everything sucked no matter what i tried, slugs at different speds and pellets too, but this is also just a big mess as you can see ( i swear i am a better shooter than that )
highlighted the groups shot wit increasing speeds on Zan and JSB slugs, nothing made any sense to me.

That one group sort of looking alright, well it also collapsed shooting something else.
50 M group.jpg

Needless to say i started out with a clean barrel.
I recon i fired about 1000 - 1200 shots today
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Sadly not much choice in .177, Zan and JSB have been good to me H&N never in my Maverick and Vulcan 3
So i have NSA left, and i do have a box of 12.5 gr from them, the problem is here in Denmark they carry a 50 % extra cost

I have of course not given up yet, but i will admit ATM i am a bit frustrated as nothing make any sense to me, there are not even a bias in the groups i shoot.
Some times a single shot might go L 10 mm and up 10 mm. but then the next shot is bang on only to have the next shot be just 10 mm to the left.
But that is short range, on 80 M today most of my hits on the targets was me seeing where they landed and then hold for that, and maybe get 1 or 2 on the paper.

A lot of turret dialing today too, and really i am also where this new ( too ) scope, well i am throwing on my old scope for the next session.

Also in a while i will reach for that valve return adjuster on the valve itself, and give that 1 revolution in ( PPL with short Two rifles have said the default flush setting of this is wasting air a lot, so i wan to try this too even if i have a MAX length Two and so dont really think this is it.

My 1 box of NSA are going in my backpack, and i will also hit up the internet and order a couple or 4 more boxes of those to try ( 12.5 and 15gr should work great in my Maverick they did in the standard barrel and i am sure the heavy will be working too.

Today i was shooting with the chrono on the rifle, and i was seeing good strings that was at least as good as i see on my Maverick, well i did also hit a couple of unfortunate settings, so quickly moved on from there, and later tried those with different REG setting for a better shot string at that speed.

Also have to remember to throw some 16 gr Zans in my backpack, somehow i forgot those on both of my outings so far.

It is encouraging the Two shoot all weights and Brands equally bad, my Maverick just refuse to have anything to do with any weight H&N slugs, and will send those a foot or 2 in some other direction even if i am dialed in with Zan at the same weight.
I really want to also be able to shoot 20 gr good, but my intention have always been to shoot the 13gr slugs for every day shooting due to shot count in tin, and really i only have 130 M MAX to shoot, and only later in the year.
I have all Zan slugs, even the 8.5 gr lead free ones i would never shoot. And i have tried all but the 16 gr ones i keep forgetting.
I have 10 and 13 gr JSB KO slugs
I have 13 - 16 and 20 gr H&N slugs
And i have a single box of the here expensive NSA 12.5 gr, and i will order more NSA tomorrow though i sort of hope they will not work either CUZ they are much expensive here VS JSB / Zan / H6N.

But ! i will try them CUZ my mon did not raise a quitter.

Unsure if it is a temperature, i know my Maverick it do NOT like cold weather, actually it shoot like poop in cold weather, need 15 deg C at least.
Too cold and suddenly shot strings are a lot harder to get flat, even if you had that a week ago when it was hotter and you have not touched the rifle meanwhile, get to the range in the cold and it is scatter gun

Also a reason as the why i am very eager to have our new shot shed heated.
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I have all Zan slugs, even the 8.5 gr lead free ones i would never shoot. And i have tried all but the 16 gr ones i keep forgetting.
I have 10 and 13 gr JSB KO slugs
I have 13 - 16 and 20 gr H&N slugs
And i have a single box of the here expensive NSA 12.5 gr, and i will order more NSA tomorrow though i sort of hope they will not work either CUZ they are much expensive here VS JSB / Zan / H6N.

But ! i will try them CUZ my mon did not raise a quitter.

Unsure if it is a temperature, i know my Maverick it do NOT like cold weather, actually it shoot like poop in cold weather, need 15 deg C at least.
Too cold and suddenly shot strings are a lot harder to get flat, even if you had that a week ago when it was hotter and you have not touched the rifle meanwhile, get to the range in the cold and it is scatter gun

Also a reason as the why i am very eager to have our new shot shed heated.
Hi Mate, I own the .25 cal. Tube version as yours, waiting for the bottle version to come. I do own both: CZ and Lw barrel.
I just shot few times with mine and no matter what slugs or Vo I tried...all performed with no consistency at all. Then I had a reg problem ( my own fault) and I still waiting for spares so I am not able to shoot my rifle from 3 weeks now. To be more specific Had few problems with the dealer, I sorted it now and I will receive the spares next week.
I can not get my theory validated since I am not going to be able to shoot again but is worth to give it a check: my theory is that your barrel is getting too close to the tube and as it vibrates it slightly touches the tube causing inaccuracy. It can be fixed repositioning the tube correctly, it's very easy to get the tube misaligned when you try to fill up the gun the first time.
I'm pretty sure It must be something harmonic related because I had great groups with both barrel: the Cz barrel loves the 33/35 grain weight, the Lw barrel shot the 45 gr Zan awesome but all of a sudden " 12 gauge groups " with both.
In my opinion a barrel can not shoot groups like that just for a case: both 50 m distance, the first pic is 5 shots with Zan 45 gr at 920 fps and Lw barrel, the second group with Zan 35 gr at 1000 fps and the CZ barrel.
Let me know what you think


NO i have not tried to push any slug thru the barrel, i will try that today too.

Not sure what @Esab mean with the barrel / tube, is it the tensioning part of the barrel you mean ?

I have not had that off the barrel as i do not have a torque wrench, and i dident want to put it back together by feel.

BTW nice groups, that's what i am talking about.
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NO i have not tried to push any slug thru the barrel, i will try that today too.

Not sure what Esab mean with the barrel / tube, is it the tensioning part of the barrel you mean ?

I have not had that off the barrel as i do not have a torque wrench, and i dident want to put it back together by feel.
See the attached. What I mean is way too easy to get the clearance between the barrel and the tube (reserve air) misaligned. If you do not pay attention when the gun is air empty and you try to fill it up again, you can easily get the tube too close to the barrel assembly. Hope now you get the concept more clear.
With the bottle system you should not have this problem anymore as this clearance will be greater. ( see the second attached)

View attachment IMG_6675.HEIC

Yeah it is just a 3-4 mm gap in between the barrel and air reservoir / air tank.
I have been wondering the barrel thread is very loose even when screwed in aside for the last few mm it wobble a lot on the thread

But if the 2 slammed together woudent we hear that, also as i shoot 4.5 mm / .177 i dont think this small caliber flex barrel that much.

Not able to see your first picture in the HEIC format, my computer can not open it
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