Epic Epic Airguns Two arrived

Being the weekend and I want to shoot I whipped this one up on the lathe. I didn't even bother to polish it. Works well I'll just have to anodize it. I'm having fun with the shorty so far. The only complaint so far is the last shot in the mag does not stop the bolt from closing like just about any other gun out there does. I would prefer to have one less shot and have the bolt stop on the last shot.

Guys do not adjust the pressure down with the gun under pressure. Even if it’s doable and the manufacture says you can, you are going to damage the plastic Pom parts\ oring under the Reg brass cup. This month I did it just two times, only in small decrements and I had 11 bar Reg Creep Overnigh. Luckyly I had a spare part and I replaced it. I let the gun sit and it is still on the pressure I set to.

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I want to shoot
AMEN brother, but Danish weather is ( i cant even tell as its so bad foul language is needed )
I 100 % agree on the no stop in the MAG, so i am sure the second i put it in, just like on my old Cyclone, airshots will be coming.
Cant you just plug the last hole ???

do not adjust the pressure down with the gun under pressure
I have done that a few times, small adjustments and air / blank shots in between.
But Epic might know, i got a few of those regulator plastic parts with my barrel, but so far it do not seem like i have to reach for the regulator.
You know those days / weekends, where you have all kind of fun plans, and everything just go down the drain.
Well it is that time here, but fortunately the 1 thing that did go according to plan was a little shooting,,,,,, okay 5 - 6 hours worth of shooting.

The weather really looked to be miserable, and that was also my feeling when i got out into it, and arriving at the " field of accuracy " at my friends place the mood in that regard did not change.

BUT ! then i got on with shooting, and started with the 16 gr Zans at 50 M, and i soon hit a reasonable speed / performance spot and then shot a few 5 shot groups at a BR50 paper, and i made a few 5 in 1 groups ( one really nice leaving a small and generally round hole )
Also made even more 4 in 1 hole + one " flier "

So i soon changed to 86 M and i saw nothing but good stuff, even the wind still there en mass somehow played ball most of the time, so absolutely no problem holding my lead on a 2" target.
I then changed to the 15gr NSA slugs and they also perform very well in the CZ barrel of the Two, so the 150 or so i had of those was soon gone.
Then i was back to the 16gr Zans again, until i had shot 500 - 600 or so of those.
And then i grabbed the 16gr H&N slugs, but at the few speeds i tried those they sadly did not play ball.

So i went for the trusty old 13gr Zan, and they too shot damn well, with the slowest sweet spot around 910 fps where they looked to perform damn well, but no doubt speeds up to the 960 - 970 fps i use to shoot them in the Maverick have to be examined closer when i get that ideal day.

So the Two continue to lay it down and my confidence level are rising even more, i am now 100 % sure this rifle shoot at least as good as my Maverick, and unlike the Maverick the Two will also sling 16 grain slugs, the maverick do not at all see the same accuracy with those.
Confident on a good day i can hold most of my lead inside the 1" circle on my targets, and probably also smaller than that.

I am so ready to try 130 M later in the year when the new range / shed is open for business.

The 10 boxes of 16gr Zans that arrived in the mail yesterday,,,,, will come to good use in the weeks / months to come.
No doubt i will also have to order more of those, today i almost shot 2 boxes ( 350 each ) of those.

BTW the Danish summer ( June - July - August ) well the first 2 weeks of June have been the coldest in the past 7 years, and the wettest first 2 weeks of June in 9 years, and had it not been for 2 days early in the month, where a few places here actually saw over 25 deg C temperatures, the first 2 weeks of June would have been the coldest EVER measured here, so that's in over 200 years.
Well since i have gotten old and fat, high temperatures do not sit so well with me as they use to, but this 10 - 15 deg C / 50 ish deg F thats just a drag.
But if its only shooting i can make do, not least if my M8 keep the cold soft drinks coming, and maybe a scotch on the rocks later in the day if i am not driving home.
1000 shots is not a problem for me on a good day.

But eager to see what the Two really can do, but i need weather to play ball to be able to see that.
Okay i am getting under way with the Two nicely.
One problem though, wanting to shoot late Thursday after my rifle sat idle for a week or so, well lead would barely exit the barrel.

As it turn out i was valve locked CUZ the regulated ( not so much over time ) pressure was 200 BAR like the fill pressure was.
So had to reach for bleed screw before i got the rifle down to the 90 BAR the regulator was supposed to give,,,,, and also do during the session, but over time not so much.

SO ! i have repair parts from Epic and i will rebuild the regulator.

BUT ! i have just ordered a HUMA regulator, and then a Sekmet gauge for the regulated pressure.

Anyway grabbed a short video of me shooting the Two in the old shed,,,, and i am wearing my pregnancy ( with twins ) simulator CUZ i am very woke and the girls will not have that to complain about.
Just banging some gongs at 50 M here.

I did shoot 1 fly at 86 M on Friday, and shaved the butt of another one, and on 50 M i turned several flies and spiders into holes, and then i cut some grass too 1 blade at the time, and most often the 1 blade i was aiming for.

A video you can easy skip if you have other things to do, CUZ as you know watching other PPL shoot, well like watching paint dry.

Home from a good day at the range, building a little too but not as much as i liked to, but my M8 are down with stomach issues so did my thing and then drove home again.

One thing though, my Two have developed a strange click sound on some shots ( after the initial shot sound )
so i put up my action camera right beside the rifle 3-4 inches from it, and level with the block, and then proceeded to fire 6 shots.

You can hear this in this little video, where i also edited pictures of the audio waveform on top of the video.

The strange sounding shots are # 1 - 2 and 6

Other than that, i murdered some 2" targets with both 13 and 16 gr Zan slugs, no doubt the 16 grain ones are favored, so now i just need to speed investigate on those, but that will not happen before i get my new REG tomorrow.
Going to my friends place again Friday and Saturday, but weather then dont look too good ATM, but then i can build on the shed, and just pause a little now and then with the rifle.

Waveform pics of the 6 shots.







Clearly something is fishy here, mind you was shooting 90- 100 BAR and 950 fps and had no problem holding a 2" target at 86 M / 92 yards distance, so while shot string was a bit up and down, then clearly accuracy was not shot to hell.
Okay the Two have now been "Humafied" with a new regulator :cool:

Put aside after a quick and dirty chrono run in the living room, awaiting long term pressure holding numbers ( 300 / 100 )

Coming Sunday have my name all over it, it is pew - pew time again.
Hi buddy, how the Reg is doing? Does it have the same plenum refilling time or slower? any first impression? cheers
No update, i decided yesterday to not bring my rifle, 1 in the afternoon now on Sunday and i am back home ( how else would i be able to post here )
Worked all Saturday on the shed, finishing floor frame and then putting in floor and button up the last open end and put a sliding window in there for good measure.
O also whipped up 2 benches, though they are just temporary put in place, they are meant for removing though.

Major rain try to wipe away the Danish capitol today, my part of the country mostly dry but also windy, also after working on the shed for +10 hours yesterday, well this old guy do not need much talking into doing nothing today.

Weather for the coming week look miserable, so not sure i will go shooting, temperatures for the coming week barely get above 15 deg C, which are pretty lackluster even for a Danish summer, but it seem like the people in the south steal all the good weather. :)
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In a momentary lapse of waiting for summer to start in Denmark, i got a bit bored, so figured i would have a look at the performance of the new Huma regulator.

And it do seem to regulate just fine.

The updated FX chrono APP,,,,,, well it do not seem to like my screen recorder, so it will open X2 though it only appear to be one instance of it open.

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In a momentary lapse of waiting for summer to start in Denmark, i got a bit bored, so figured i would have a look at the performance of the new Huma regulator.

And it do seem to regulate just fine.

The updated FX chrono APP,,,,,, well it do not seem to like my screen recorder, so it will open X2 though it only appear to be one instance of it open.

Double the fun!
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59 FPE in .177 ??? That is pushing a 20 gr slug at 1153 FPS, which seems way to high and also not accurate at all 🤷🙃🙂🎯

I ask because that's what the website says for the 700mm with a sixteen grain projectile.


I ask because that's what the website says for the 700mm with a sixteen grain projectile.

View attachment 483125

58.3 FPE that is A LOT in a .177 🙃🙂

That would be 1046 FPS with a 24 gr slug or 1281 FPS with a 16 gr slug !!!!!

CZ barrels does not like high velocities and LW barrels would probably top out around 1000 FPS, if the accuracy still needs to be there 👍🙃🙂