Epic Epic two

Hello hobby friends. I want to ask if the owners of this rifle have problems with the magazine for projectiles, when reloading while shooting, does their magazine detect? There are already 2 such rifles in Bulgaria with caliber 25, both of them detect the magazines when reloading!!! I cannot accept as normal that such stupidity happens with a rifle at such a price !!! The owners of these rifles are my friends and we go shooting together, I really want to help them with info if I can.
I have not used my magazine much ( 4.5 mm ) but it have not done anything it should not do so far.
My Vulcan 3 would have ammo fall backwards out of the magazine and jam up probe, but i have not tried to have the Two at a angle towards the sky when cocking it.
But as the magazines are much similar i would not be surprised if the Two have the same issue.

I will make a short video with the Two magazine, and share it shortly
I am not sure what you mean by magazine detect, do your friends magazines not ready the next shot, maybe due to a loose spring ?
My magazine index just fine but i am also using much lighter / smaller ammo.

But just like in my Vulcan 3 it do seem like if the rifle point up when you cycle a new shot a pellet / slug can fall out backwards and on the Vulcan 3 that would jam up the pellet probe.

I have only shot like 5 - 10 magazines of ammo in the Two, i prefer to use a single shot loader.
I'm not sure what is meant by "detect"? However, I have 3 mags and all work without issue with 40-44g slugs. This is 25 cal. Now the only issue that occurs is when you fail to cock the lever completely. You think you do, and go to fire, and nothing happens. If you recock the mag, you will double load it. You have to pull the lever back until you hear that low click to sucessfully charge the next shot. If you do find yourself cocking the lever and pulling the trigger and nothing happens, pull the lever back again, remove the mag, close lever. you are now charged. fire the round, then cock lever open and reinsert the mag and resume shooting.
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Hehe yeah it is funny how you pretty much only cock the rifle with the very last movement of the lever.

I myself have also done what you say rangu1, and i also overcame it as you suggest.

I do like the chambering / cocking cycle of the Two.

Tue / Wed look like nice days to shoot, i am for sure bringing my gear tomorrow even though i will also have to work a little on the new shed, and also spend more money at the lumber yard.
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Не съм сигурен какво имате предвид под откриване на списанието, ако списанията на вашите приятели не са готови за следващия изстрел, може би поради разхлабена пружина?
Моят индекс на списанието е добре, но също така използвам много по-леки/малки амуниции.

Но точно както в моя Vulcan 3 изглежда, че ако пушката е нагоре, когато въртите нов изстрел, сачмата/охлювът може да падне назад и на Vulcan 3 това би заклещило сондата за сачми.

Изстрелял съм само около 5 - 10 пълнителя с амуниции в Двете, предпочитам да използвам зареждащ механизъм с едини
Проблемът е категоричен, при презареждане сондата опира в плътна част от пълнителя. Когато той леко се дръпне назад с пръста на лявата си ръка (1-2 десети от милиметъра), сондата потъва и вкарва стрелата в цевта. И се повтаря всеки път, когато се опитате да презаредите. Ужасно е !!!