Skout Epoch problems.

The Epoch was shooting fine on Saturday, but today I went to the range, and it has started to be very inconsistent with pellet speed I am talking random 60-80fps jumps from shot to shot, and I had several pellets get stuck which shifted by removing the mag and repeatedly firing, and they were not double loads, the only thing I have noticed is that the supplied barrel liner after rodding several pellets through where very tight I normally use 4.51- 4.52 and even measured head size (with vernier) where 4.48 the pellets are very tight and came out very marked, the breach is very tight and so is the choke, however I'm not sure this is the root cause of the problem.

Just done a test at home and setup with chrono and every shot I take the pellet gets stuck only to be shifted on the second fire with the mag removed, I will add the temps here are around 5-8c at the moment and the gun hasn't yet warmed up I will repeat once it has and post back, but if anyone has any ideas? I have left Skout a PM and awaiting a reply.
And phoning from the UK is not ideal, apart from the time difference.
Just been testing again now its back at normal temp 20c and no more non fire so it's got to be to do with the barrel, and I refilled to 200bar it was previously at 130bar and that had obviously made a difference despite the high pressure reg being turned pretty much down as its running sub 12 so won’t need the pressures that .30 would need at 900fps.
Barrel liner and carrier is installed properly and when it was playing up there was a slight release of pressure when the probe was withdrawn, but that would be to be expected on a stuck pellet, its a really strange one and got to be down to a combination of the barrel plus HP reg.
I use a fibreglass rod and I didn't need to use it as removing the magazine and firing a shot or too moved the pellet in the end, and I wind up the mag the same as I have since getting the gun and never had a problem and I don't think it's at all related like I said it seems the tight barrel issue is compounded by the cold temps and I suspect there may be a problem with the HP reg.

Waiting for Skout to get in touch, as I have sent them an email outlining the problem.