Other European regulation or enlightened air gunners?

I have seen a lot of members post concerning the joys of the sub 12 fpe guns and almost universally the posters point to the UK or other European countries.
I will limit this to just the UK as their regs seem to be the most commonly discussed.
What would the UK shooters do if the restriction was lifted?
It is my belief that without the restrictions on power that UK shooters would be shooting guns very similar to what we use here in the US. I may be wrong and am wanting the opinions of UK or European shooters who are or were restricted by regulation to a sub 12 fpe air gun.
I would like anyone who lives in the UK or any European country that has similar restrictions to chime in what they think would happen if the restrictions were lifted.

If you have moved from somewhere with restrictions to low power to an area without the restriction or higher power restriction, what are you shooting now?

I am not wanting to start an argument, but rather have a conversation with people with actual experience shooting in a restricted area or country.
Nothing political either. Things are what they are where restrictions exist. I am just curious what things would look like minus the restriction.
If that happened in the UK i doubt you would see a tidal wave of sub 12 rifles on the used gun market, but i do think they would be buying FAC rifles instead going forward.

We Danes are locked to the .177 caliber but full power alright.
Before 2013 if you was 18 YO you could buy any caliber PCP rifle, but then a newspaper ran a article on how powerful PCP's could be, and some kids shot at people in public ( with a .177 ) and so rush lawmaking and BAM only .177 is licence free.
Before that no problems i know off with high power PCP rifles anywhere in the country.

They did make it so you can still enjoy sports shooting, or that is not really, CUZ the law say if you are a member in a shooting club you can buy a larger caliber too, but in the real Denmark shooting clubs in regard to air rifles only shoot .177 and the traditional Olympic disciplines, so where they do cater for shooting while seated, this is in a rolling chair and for handicapped, there is no bench shooting in any club i am aware off.
So with my club experience i am reluctant to think a club here will take you in and then sign off on you going and buying a rifle you will not be / can not due to club facilities use in the club.

Also even more stupid ( club ) in 2012 before the law, me and my friend went to the local club and asked if we could shoot our .22 rifles there, we could NOT, BUT ! we could buy the exactly same rifle thru the club and those rifles we would then be able to shoot there.
but in 2012 .22 rifles was still legal, so it was apparently not a law issue the club said that, also not a common intelligence matter as far as i can tell.

So me and my friend, stand up guys as we are, well we went our merry own ways.
Needless to say both of us, if you want a speech in lengths of the " dark " side of Danish society, well we can deliver in spades.

When i was a kid / teen, if you was 18 you could go and buy a 12 gauge,,,,,, and we did of course a used one in a thrift shop, that also soon changed, even if i am quite sure anyone shot with a shot gun back then, well most shootings was probably accidental hunter shootings.
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I lived and shot in the UK, sub 12 and fac.

Most UK shooters are sub 12. That's the limit at most clubs and venues.

Getting a fac ticket isn't that difficult, provided you have a permission to shoot somewhere, a valid reason for the power and have also been a good person. Record.

Normally a police interview and visit to the home etc. depends region to region.

Each rifle needs a classification on your ticket, calibre etc. no deviation. Without prior permission. Pretty strict but straightforward.

Mostly i shot sub 12, calmer, took more skill, reading wind etc, therapeutic. Still done the job.
Living on a farm, sometimes I needed more. Hence FAC.

Left the UK 15 years ago, no power or calibre limits where I currently live, just everything over 18 ft lb must be registered. No big issue.

Got a good few registered but still mostly shoot sub 12.

The older I get, the less I need, especially power.😉

Occasionally it's nice to practice at longer distances, especially when the big pb boys are paying 5 euros a round and I'm spending cents.🙂
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That is why my PB rifles are collecting dust but not my .22LR. (Not really, they are oiled and in rifle bags.) But I can shoot air rifle every day at home.
My air rifles can be carried in my vehicle anytime.
Others can only be carried to a organised hunting trip or with a monthly permit for practice at designated area. Paperwork.

Air is easier.
when the big pb boys are paying 5 euros a round and I'm spending cents
I like that too, i mean shooting my .177 and matching what .22 shooters do, hell i have even seen some online shoot HUGE calibers and have horrible groupings.
I like to shoot as far as i can, and have my shots on a 2" splatter target,,,, well generally on it, so far that work just fine out to 86 M and i am upping that MAX distance to 130 M this year.
And i am sure 100 M will be no problem looking at other .177 shooters, and i am quite optimistic for 130 M, well at least on those rare not much wind in Denmark days.
I like that too, i mean shooting my .177 and matching what .22 shooters do, hell i have even seen some online shoot HUGE calibers and have horrible groupings.
I like to shoot as far as i can, and have my shots on a 2" splatter target,,,, well generally on it, so far that work just fine out to 86 M and i am upping that MAX distance to 130 M this year.
And i am sure 100 M will be no problem looking at other .177 shooters, and i am quite optimistic for 130 M, well at least on those rare not much wind in Denmark days.
Wind is my biggest issue, calmer days I can get good results with .177 slugs. 130m and beyond.
That's part of the hobby, choice and affordable.