Evanix ar6 scope mount issue

I just got a eBay hunting master pistol. It looks like good condition. But puzzles I wasn't expecting.

The action has a scope mount that seems too rounded for normal adapters. The utg universal picatinny adapter that worked for any other dovetail I had, can't work here. Seems it would have to bend/arch to catch both ears.

The riser mount that came with the gun fits. But as you can see it is not flat/level either.

What am I missing? Is there an adapter that fits this model so much better?

My inclination is either to flatten out the action (which should not be needed) or to round out the inside/under side of a mount which should give more clearance.

Btw a red dot is all I want, but every single one I have is picatinny


HAWKE (red dot and scope) has an 11mm mount.

BUT...yeah, that gun rail isn't going to work with any adapter, or 11mm mount that I've ever seen.

If the gun didn't cost too much, I'd just flatten the mount on the receiver of the gun. Mill or carefully...file flat. Continuously checking the squareness (90 degrees) with the receiver. I'd ONLY remove as much material as you need, to get the adapter to sit flat and properly tight on the gun. DON'T take too much material off.

Note, that you "may"... have to come up with some sort of shim to take up any air space after you file the round...flat. Go slowly, remove as little as required.

I appreciate the responses so far.

The gun is kinda heavy. So I was hoping a reflex style red dot sight. You know, 1 ounce.

But, airngasman knows his stuff..So tubes were presumably what was in when this gun was new.

So, tube red dot vs grinding a riser to hopefully fit level, the weight will still be my deciding factor.

Anyone else know alternate solutions?????????

I have said this several times, scopes do not work well on a pistol. The trajectories are too loopy because the velocity is low from all PCP pistols. Reflex sights without magnification are much better because they allow wide field of view and do not block the target when using holdover. Target acquisition is also much faster with a reflex sight than with a scope and they are much, much less expensive. Scopes are only useful when using a bench or some other support system. The only detriment to using sights other than open sights is short range varmint shooting because the sight line is so much higher than the barrel line, but it can be mitigated with practice.
As for the use of a red dot on this gun, I do not see any pictured, or any models mentioned.

For the mount, I would personally just find the approprite mount, and grind it to fit. I'm using a normal 30mm scope ring on mine

For the sight, I would recommend what I've been using lately. I have several red dots, but the riton 2moa dot sight (for the $100 asking price) blows everything on the market out of the water. I think any other 2moa sight worth anything costs about double. And the brightness levels available on this model alone make it worth the extra $ over the other dots I have. Very bright and very dim and several inbetween settings. As well as a very fine dot making it easy to take precise shots.


I agree a reflex sight seems so much easier to aim. That's why I am disappointed it is going to be a challenge for me to install one. My dining table is my machine shop so the filing/cutting/shaving to custom shape metal is not something I look forward to.

For now I guess I will experiment on the riser that came with the gun. No 💰💰 out of pocket to test my machining skill

STILL ALL EARS for new solutions!?!?!?!?
Thank you tinker. I have read many riser ads since the budget guns I have bought usually are dove not pik. However I don't recall curved being mentioned in the descriptions. So that does give me some hope for easiness.

Weight will still be a question. Btw you are right, that model is more than I need. 2"

Hey Long_Gun, I recall us discussing the pp800 in .25

I didn't mention any model of dot since picatinny is all I have. I have the cheapest utg, an Ade, a riton (704 tactical recommended for 99$'thru bereli)


Long-Gun, I am confused. From all the different stores I have searched..a red dot can be a tube, can be a rectangle, can be a prism. Open reflex, supposedly was one pane of glass, usually on a square base.

Since I have not found tubes in the 1 ounce range or 1-2 inch length the open rectangles are my preference, although the tubes are much much more common and affordable
'Twould be criminal to attack/butcher the gun, when there are $20 mounts and red-dot scopes out there to overcome the hurdle, in my opinion. You can often find 1" tube red-dot scopes on Ebay very reasonably priced, since they are out of fashion. Like this-


I've had good luck with Adco, Bushnell, Leupold, and Ultradot 1" tube RD scopes. The first two brands often go for $40-60 in good shape. Add $20 for mounts that will work on the AR6.

BTW, The AR6 can take pistol shooting way beyond usual air pistol power, range, and accuracy levels (two consecutive six-shot cylinders at 50 yards)-

AR6 12 at 50.1650223412.jpg

Hey Air,

Very impressed with your shooting. I am hoping to be impressed with this guns performance, compared with the 600 fps pistols of my acquaintance.

My inclination/instinct to flat the receiver was based on my limited knowledge. But really a last last resort. (Altho admittedly easier for a kitchen gun Smith, than trying to hollow out the under side of a riser adapter mount)

A formerly 600$ pistol should not be butchered.

Rings and a dot would be maybe 6-10 ounces or more. Riser and a reflex might still be under 4 ounces maybe. So till I give in to easier/ heavier/and more affordable tube, I will try to get a properly level dove to pik mount to work. With maybe a new sig or holosun
You're fretting over what is going to ammount to roughly 1 ounce. If that? A tube dot sight by it's-self is going to be very light. My large one is about 4oz. I just weighed it. (5oz on the dot with ring.) A scope ring to mount it is going to be around 1 or so, possibly less. A reflex sight like you pictured is going to be around 3 oz (larger one looks to be closer to 4) add a riser at 1.5oz.... I don't see where you're coming up with extra weight?

My RMR sight is VERY small. And is 2.25 oz, but the riser will be close to 1.5. The one you have looks like maybe more than 2 oz..... so, your'e not coming ahead in weight anywhere. Not in any amount that is worth thinking about. 

Reflex is simply a light being reflected off of a front refletive surface. It can be enclosed by additional lenses.


With my original utg adapter, the Ade is only 3.8 oz. , by itself 3.6

By itself the little utg red dot is 1.8oz

I agree 1.5 for a riser is reasonable

Romeo zero elite w/o any mount .5 oz

Holosun 407/507 w/o mount 1oz

So 3 oz should be possible if I can get a riser to fit ok. So with a lite tube a few more ounces, not that big a deal, which I would like to not lift. But then we get into aerodynamics ie footprint. Still I am a minimalist, less bulk, happier it makes me (excluding the power issue. Always neeeeeeeeed more)

I appreciate you gentlemens input this weekend.

Afraid I will need to pick airngasmans exhaustive knowledge on best pellet choices for this unique magazine gun

Those are some super light optics! .5 Oz!

Yep, I recon if you want a very light or compact platform it would require some work. In that respect, the odly shaped rail is a bit of a conundrum. But really only one way to deal with it. Modify an adaptor or riser. 

When it comes to pistols I lean towards heavier setups. The weight, if correctly distributed, lends to stability, and ultimately accuracy. 
I have two chinese pistols that have outstanding barrels. What is not outstanding is that they use rifle hammers. Not sure if positioning in the tube has a role, but the shot cycle ends up being quite disruptive to the gun. This becomes more of a hold issue. And muzzle weight (by means of a mod) greatly helps these guns to more easily obtain their potential accuracy. 
I agree the ar6 is not a light gun. It is new to me, so no knowing the shot cycle

I can say it is LOUD. It's also rather cool to pull back the hammer with your thumb versus all the other more involved pellet cycle methods.

Bug out bag thinking was what got me into this illness instead of archery, slinging, or knife throwing. So lightness has always been a mantra for me from the start.

Scopes.. The Leopold efr, and the discovery clone. The lightest Cyclops Joe and this forum recommended.

The 9mm cricket is the heaviest rifle I have had. Currently the p15 is the newest and heaviest rifle. If I can get the prophet performance compact I've been dreaming about...
Tinker, your guess was right.

Just got that utg dovetail to picatinny mount (gotta love Prime shipping)

It fits and sure looks more level ,to me, than the one the previous owner used.

I am happy now. Time to play with my new toy


Well, not yet... Need to chop the riser down to size/weight I desire.

Again, thank you all for your input. I would have tried to customise if not informed of this utg part