Evanix MAX-ML .44 cal BullPup review

Took the gun out the box mounted a 4x scope and went to zero the gun at 30 yards. 




the comparison of the Mag with the .357 Mag 


Now the Gun feels good, not light but short and balanced, the sidelever is smooth and light, the trigger surprised me, I was expecting it to be heavier, I wouldn't want it any lighter than it is. 

The gun isn't Backyard friendly Of course 
 but it has a mice deep report and the ping was surprisingly low. 

Pyramyd sent me a box of ammo 


But what I'm really interested in testing are the EPP/UG and the Roundball. 

This gun is a relatively low powered .45 so I want to shoot the lightes ammo possible, on top of that those 2 rounds are cheap to buy 


Back to sighting in, I was using the Pyramyd ammo. 

the lower string is 6 rounds to walk the scope to POA, the last 2 shots are the ones just under the + almost in the same hole, I didn't adjust for the last shot. 

I than refilled and shot the 6 rounds Mag. 

Now, I'm already extremely happy, 12 shots out of this gun, no barrel cleaning just fill and shoot, if those other rounds are more accurate and the gun breaks in nice we have something here. 

Ho yeah, 6 shots from 200 BAR end up at 130 BAR 



I'll clean the barrel next and start testing for serious accuracy, and than Chrono testing. 

I'm already stoked on this gun, solid, short, functions perfect,...looking good. 





Back to work 

"travels4fun"Thanks for the great post Manny. That thing is all barrel with the thinnest shroud I have ever seen on an Evanix. Have you checked to see if there is any sound deadening material in the plenum? Those are some awesome groups you are getting. I would have expected the pellets to drop a bit after each shot. Impressive.

This is basically a naked barrel, the shroud is only there because so it fits the barrel band, ( all evanixvregardlass of caliber have the same size shroud and barrel band ) and it's threaded for an LDC

NeilClagueManny how long do you have the gun for, if you have it for some time let me know and I will put together an LDC for it and ship it to you, I am sure they are going to be wanted for these when they hit the market, all the best, Neil.

Neil, Have you made one for a 50 cal Career Dragon Slayer before? I guess I would have to get Will to thread the end of the barrel but not sure it would clear the air reservoir?

Here's a picture of the end of the barrel and reservoir. I would want Will to change out the fill fitting to a foster fitting also.

"NeilClague"I have but they have all been threaded barrels. If there is some clearance between the tube and the barrel I might be able to make a slip on style for it, shoot me some measurements at [email protected] and I will let you know if it is doable, Neil.
Thanks for the quick feedback Neil. Let me get my hands on some decent calipers and I'll shoot ya an email.
"NeilClague"Manny how long do you have the gun for, if you have it for some time let me know and I will put together an LDC for it and ship it to you, I am sure they are going to be wanted for these when they hit the market, all the best, Neil.
Neil, I Emailed Pyramyd today to see How long I can keep the gun for, hopefully I'll get an answer by Monday, I'll let you know after that, I'm kinda curious to see how quiet it can get.
Got a nice LDC yesterday from Neil, so now I can do some more extensive shooting. 

I decided to go for a 6" + 3" to keep length down a bit, I shot a few yesterday and it works pretty darn good,......Now for those that expect a 190 FPE .45 to be backyard friendly, a gun like that shouldn't be shot in a standard backyard anyway,.....there's laws of physics and all that power can only be tamed to a certain extent, and 8" + 3" would do a better job, but I don't need that much. 

Later today I'll try to make a video shooting first without and than with the LDC 


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