Evanix rex .25 slugs?

I recently acquired and Evanix rex in 25 caliber in great condition previous owner has shot nothing but slugs through the gun with great success he shoots a much heavier slug than I'd rather shoot does anyone have any experience with this gun throwing slugs down range I'd really like to stay around 40 to 45 grain he has been shooting 70 to 77 grain Arsenal slugs any tips or pointers or preference from an owner of this gun would be much appreciated thank you
70 to77 grains?

That's pretty heavy for .25 caliber slugs. Lots of air use, droopy slug trajectory over longer distances, and a low shot count. 

To each his own...however, were I you, I'd stick with what you normally shoot and back the hammer spring off a few turns to get the fps down into the 850-950, or whatever subsonic fps you are comfortable with. Might improve your accuracy...never can tell.

The Rex is a beast of a gun!

Yes I totally agree with you I was actually pretty stunned when the man told me what kind of weight he was pushing down the barrel I was thinking the same thing that you had just mentioned running a lighter load playing with the hammer spring a little bit I'd like to stick around the 40 to 50 grain Mark preferably was just curious if anyone had owned this gun and had a good experience with any type of slug I know the man was average in mid 700 on the fps with a 77 grain slug......lol......

Yes finally someone wants to shoot some heavy metal.

I just started testing NSA 43.5gr & 55.5gr HP.

As long has you have the power to get them up to speed, they have to pack a punch.

55.5gr I'm shooting it in the 920 fpsrange and the 43.5 right at 990-1000fps

I don't have a Rex though, I'm using a TalonP and picked these slugs up for a project but shot a couple for base line, and initial tests were favorable enough to continue.

From left to right

JSB 33.95, NSA 43.5gr, NSA 55.5gr