@bthurman - Will be interested to see your results. Not saying I am skeptical of your statement on the 21gr slugs, but would think 615 fps is your highest speed of the shot string. Would like to see string of all 21 shots prior to making any further judgement.
I've been messing with the hammer spring setting a bit this morning and getting this curve for the 18s @ 250bar fill. Still another mags worth in the tank, but speeds drop into the lower 500s at that point.
Shot count: 14
Low: 569
Hi: 622
Avg: 598
Spread: 53
STD Dev: 16.9
I will say tuned for the above curve the pistol is much quieter than it was ootb.
I'm honestly not too concerned about the power level as ~12fpe is plenty from a pistol, especially a semi which is not going to be match level accuracy anyways. It would seem the R&D money was put into making this a reliable semi-auto and overall fun to shoot pistol.
The stock open sights are just meh and not adjustable. I put a red dot on the Viper but it's mounted to the slide you have to pull back to cock it, so there is a little wiggle going on. I'm going to try to move the red dot forward to tiny rail in front of the magazine, but not much room there and it can't interfere with the magazine insertion removal.
I'll do some testing with Crosman 14.3gr, H&N 21gr and JSB 25gr and post the chronos of those later on today.
Overall with 200-250 pellets down the barrel I am super pleased so far. I haven't had a single jam or misfire yet