even cheaper (less costly ?) Chinese compressors

This model is shown some places ( alli express type pages) as low as $200.00 US + shipping:

I also noted many of the ones that at least look like the one mrod a sells NOW almost all seem to state "for .5L bottles only" "if filling larger tanks or running 120v contact us..."

Now so far the low cost Chinese units sold here don't seem TOO good. "I" would need a true plug and play unit but with some of the units listed at $200.00 IF there was any quality materials/manufacturing on the lowest cost unit - and I should say "I" would be happy with 1/2 to 1 liter , as in filling the rifle - it would seem someone with mad skills could bring them to market for say 2x the cost of a Hill pump, if they could they would sell!

Hopefully one day soon some company will decide the market is there for a low cost plug & play compressor. We certainly are getting closer than when the FX "pump"/compressor came out years ago.
